Yep i gots one..
From here on out.. when ever you are typing you need to randomly hit the shift key
sO thAT thINgs wiLl CoMEouT aLl NEaT LikE? k?
Yep i gots one..
From here on out.. when ever you are typing you need to randomly hit the shift key
sO thAT thINgs wiLl CoMEouT aLl NEaT LikE? k?
yOu goT IT bIg GuY
and just for today.. im sure if you all did that shit for an extended period of time i would have an anuerism.
tHis ThREad is GOinG tO bE A sigHT foR sORe EyeS
oH no NoT JuST ThiS ThreadD but in ALl ThrEaDS! in EvERy PoST!
NoW TakE this MighTy SKiLL To ThE Qn'a SeCTIon!
I wiLl TRy It'S hardEr then YoU ThINk
man fvck it, thats alotta effin work to type like that..
hapPY BIRtHdaY
aNoTher WorThLess ThrEaD
hAppY BIRthDay tAi I hOPe u EAt lOTs of CaKE
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