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  1. #1
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Insane clowm posse, twiztid, hatchetman, need help learning

    I keep getting requests to carry these products but I have never heard of hatchetman before, do you guys listen to them? Are they popular? Need help deciding whether to stock these items in my store. I'm not cool so I don't know what's in Mostly they seem to be teens that like them so I don't know what to do

  2. #2
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    they go platinum, they have millions of fans

    but its a love hate thing......people that like them like them, and are "****ING OBSESSED", if you carry products, fans will blow money like we do on roids and protein powder

    "cool people" typically make fun of people that like those groups.....jocks and such will call it stupid......people that like them are stereotypically outcasts and losers in highschool

  3. #3
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    i cant believe they are still around....

    alot of times, people that like icp are severely brainwashed, thus you will get business......and their are many.......but it will be at the expense of your reputation because they are generally hated by "popular" kids

    so it depends on what kind of store.......if its like spencers, i say go for it......if its like champs, i would say no

  4. #4
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    hatchetman is the record label symbol for both icp and twiztid

  5. #5
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04
    i cant believe they are still around....

    alot of times, people that like icp are severely brainwashed, thus you will get business......and their are many.......but it will be at the expense of your reputation because they are generally hated by "popular" kids

    so it depends on what kind of store.......if its like spencers, i say go for it......if its like champs, i would say no
    Thanks buddy!!!! I love the way you put these things. My store is kind of like spencers and we carry a huge selection of jewelry. I think I will carry some of these products (I always end up carrying all of a product line) Do you think advertising in something like the "pitch" would be good?(an alternative magazine, club goers, teens, gay, etc.) we already do and we get a good return so I think I will try it. Maybe school papers, I love it, my brain is racing thinking about this There website will even list your store for free and I didn't see anything even close to my store (my store is in a major city too)

  6. #6
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Btw it is a balancing act with our decor. We have rich popular girls getting cute navel rings and then at the same time we will have guys and girls tatted out wearing 1" plugswe get gothic too (some of these chics, omg I just want to fuk the shlt out of them)

  7. #7
    goodcents's Avatar
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    I'm an old metal lover from the 80's I had every iron maiden "eddie" poster made (as I get older I realize it's all just marketing)

  8. #8
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    the only reason i know so much about icp, is because I used to one of those guys in junior high.......and believe me man, me and my buddies were by nooo means rich or anything, they would be spending 150-200 bucks on an icp jersey or 100-150 bucks on a "rare" cd left and right......thats how alot of em are.........thank god i found deathrow's greatest hits in 8th grade and stopped being freaking obsessed with the icp

    that sounds like a really awesome store......i say thats the right kind of place for icp, thats awesome how you have such a diverce array of customers

    lol, i am a metal lover 21, just to give you an idea......but, in this order, metallica, iron maiden, dio, black sabbath was the first music i ever "loved"........ehhh, besides icp, ehh and besides gangsta rap in jr high......i got a maiden poster hanging up in my apt as well lol

    ps.... i was just ****ing around with some juggalos on youtube...just talking shit and starting a riot with a 12 yearold girl who claimed to be in college and other little brats, it was snowy and i had nothing better to do, i stopped when they threatened my life lol

  9. #9
    goodcents's Avatar
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    I'm 34 so anything new is hard for me to knowI went to the psycopathic record website and was like, you have to be kidding me I have seen icp around, but never heard of the other groups. The outfits made me go wtf? But I can sell anything, I don't tan or wear body jewelry yet I own one of each I do like gothic stuff, I guess from my metal days? England seems to have the market cornered on gothic stuff, I wander why?

  10. #10
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Oh yeah, I went to the forums and they are like whacked out and believe they are part of a family I have to get in on this before they wise up Everyone is dressed like a clown and they all look like they are in high school, whoo hoo I will so cash in on this

  11. #11
    goodcents's Avatar
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    *local business owner found dead with a clown toy stuck up his ass*

  12. #12
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    ya dude, you will cash in big time.......they are so ****ing brain washed......and icp is the biggest sell outs of ALL TIME.....the "juggalos" call virtually everyone sell outs..

    but, from 1989-1992- they were "tried to be" hip hop

    from 1993-1997- they were rap

    from 1997-1999- they were alternative

    now they are trying to be rock as far as i know

    the most ironic thing of all about icp fans........they have serious delusions.....they think the music is actually good, they think icp are more talented than people like metallica, sabbath, zeplin, whatever..

    and ya, they are very much like family......I dont know how the hell they pull it off, but the band icp just absolutely hook line and sinker people really is one big family that worships the music

    its been like this since about 95 and still going strong

    cash in my man, use this knowledge their obsessions against them lol

  13. #13
    PEWN's Avatar
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    lol, when i was 11 or 12, and in catholic school, me and my buds used to sing this in the classroom and at recess all the time

    its still classic though

    hahahaha memories

  15. #15
    IronReload04's Avatar
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  16. #16
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    "bugs on my nutz" rivals neden game

    this was another favorite to sing

  17. #17
    unclemoney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    I'm an old metal lover from the 80's I had every iron maiden "eddie" poster made (as I get older I realize it's all just marketing)
    I love old school 80's metal, they shred like true badass's! As far as ICP goes, they have some funny shit but I think they're pretty retarded.

  18. #18
    goodcents's Avatar
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    They have a $500 min order to get started! almost all places have a $100 min! I will fax my info and see what the markup is on this stuff (it will have to be at least 100% to justify) I would not mind $500 if I knew I could move it quick, I do like that they list your store for free.

  19. #19
    goodcents's Avatar
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    I will keep everyone posted, this time of year sucks though

  20. #20
    goodcents's Avatar
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    wascaptain's probably thinking wtf is this thread about

  21. #21
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    I see you

  22. #22
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    It might help drive the body jewelry, light up drinking glasses and "toxin" removing zydot sales too so it might be a win/win.

  23. #23
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    I love old school 80's metal, they shred like true badass's! As far as ICP goes, they have some funny shit but I think they're pretty retarded.

    thats the perfect description

    and 80's metal is most badass of all
    Last edited by IronReload04; 09-22-2007 at 03:43 PM.

  24. #24
    buffgator's Avatar
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    Im sorry ICP is the epitome of white trash. I talk crap on icp at the youth correctional facility and all the white trash kids come undone

  25. #25
    DIESELPWR's Avatar
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    yeah i hate icp and twiztid also.. they were also in wcw for a while being wrestlers.. they were with raven and the flock for a while if anyone even knows what im talking about but i hated it cuz i liked raven.. the song slim anus is definately funny tho but i think eminem is way better then icp..

  26. #26
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    Just get on icp website and read, they have the stupidest stuff on there its funny

  27. #27
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  28. #28
    will_work's Avatar
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    iv been a juggalo since 1993 and still am i was raised in Detroit then moved - icp is the most hated band in the still a juggalo and im 25. it seems like no one likes icp,twiztid,blaze,abk,easham on here wtf? lol

  29. #29
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    i was a juggalo since the release of the great melinko, then jeckyl brothers came out, and i just like what the ****? this sucks......then i rode my bike to the store and bought death row's greatest hits and it was all over for the insane clown posse

    than i started pumping weights in H.S. and distanced myself further and further from that stuff

  30. #30
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    lol yeah iv oways been a juggalo it just sucks wer i live at right now cuz theres no one that lissins to them that i can chill with... just my brother hes been down for ever too

  31. #31
    Idunno is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    I will keep everyone posted, this time of year sucks though

    sooooo, what happeend? did you DIAF with a clown up your ass or did your sales increase and you're too good to hang out here anymore?

  32. #32
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Idunno
    sooooo, what happeend? did you DIAF with a clown up your ass or did your sales increase and you're too good to hang out here anymore?
    I posted it on sat. They are closed till monday

  33. #33
    bulldawg_28's Avatar
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    I listen to Icp every now and then. I never was a huge fan, but it's nice to switch up what I'm listening to every now and then.

    I've got the Great Milenko, Amazing Jeckel Brothers, The Wraith, Hells Pit, and The Calm.

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