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  1. #1
    MrTAME's Avatar
    MrTAME is offline Associate Member
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    PAIN! its endless!

    Well my workouts are getting damn painful. I stepped up the cardio a bit to 5-6 days a week and now I have got shinsplints....damn.

    As for my right arm its still scewed. I can curl no more than a 40 lb. dumbell in my right arm without wincing in pain. I went to a doc, he couldnt figure out what was wrong with it. Went to physio therapy for 3 months twice a week, they cold not figure out what was wrong with it. They gave me elictric stimulus messages and ultrasound therapy to break up scar tissues healing in an abnormal way. They didnt do anything to help out..I stopped working my Bi's for a few months and the pain began to subside. The only Bi workout I would get would be from working out my back.
    At the time of the injury I could not even curl a 5 lb hurt so damn bad sometimes .... almost a 9 out of 10 on the pain scale, for brief moments in time when I would react to smething thrown at me..or something along those lines...sudden jerky involuntary reactions.

    So now here I am 5 months after the injury and a month and a half since I gave up on the physio that was accomplishing jack shiat. I curl the 25's and there is a lil bit of pain...not too bad, its bearable. So I think to myself...alright, I'll do this lightweight until it heals...bad freakin idea...I go to do that the second dy and it hurts like hell...WTF! I can't get rid of this pain...the docs don;t know what it doesnt do jack...took a few months off doin Bi Curls...what is it going to take to FIX THIS! I want to be able tu bust out fat curls again...pull hard...bust veins in my head while doin the preacher curl..but I cant...Its very saddening.

    I am determined not to let this injury ge the better of me...I am giving myself deep messages and doing very light sulpinator motions as well as bi curls..hoping for the best.

    If anyone reads this whole article and has anyinput I am all ears. I have been researching this for a while no and I can't draw any solid conclusions.

  2. #2
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    have you ever considered taking some time off alltogether to let things heal? i too get a lot of pain in my left arm especially when curling heavy. it sounds like you've tried a few things, all i can say is that you might just need to listen to your body and take some time off to recover

  3. #3
    MrTAME's Avatar
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    In that time frame I did actually take a full three weeks off and didnt lift a thing...Still there...I think the next step is to gt x-rays and an MRI done.

  4. #4
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrTAME
    In that time frame I did actually take a full three weeks off and didnt lift a thing...Still there...I think the next step is to gt x-rays and an MRI done.
    good luck with that bro

  5. #5
    MrTAME's Avatar
    MrTAME is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks man...I am curious to see the x-rays. I think that the head of the radius might be cracked in the socket of the ulna for the radius. Or somehow I have torn the supinator muscle or its tendons....not sure...this is my best guess though.

  6. #6
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    when I get that pain in my ulna....usually means I am overtraining.

    I've gotten it prolly a dozen times in my life....each time I was training heavy...same bodypart 3-4x a week.

  7. #7
    paulzane's Avatar
    paulzane is offline Productive Member
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    Is it the inside or the outside of the elbow? Golfer's or Tennis elbow. The inside (Golfer's) is the more difficult to get rid of. I have suffered from both over the years ..... not nice!

  8. #8
    MrTAME's Avatar
    MrTAME is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulzane
    Is it the inside or the outside of the elbow? Golfer's or Tennis elbow. The inside (Golfer's) is the more difficult to get rid of. I have suffered from both over the years ..... not nice!
    put your arm out infront of you and have youre palm face upwards. take youre other arm and find the bicep tendon on the inside of youre arm. Now just to the outside of the tendon but deep in teh elbow is where the pain lies. It can be excruciating sometimes. I was talking to a guy at the gym and he said he works through all his pains no matter what...yeah so do I mostof the time. However this pain feels like something is seriously f'd up in there...he says, well just work through it....felt like slapping the guy upside the head.

  9. #9
    paulzane's Avatar
    paulzane is offline Productive Member
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    Try and find a sympathetic sports doctor as you may need surgery for muscle release. Read this link:

    I used to give myself cortisone injections but ended up having surgery a few years ago. I hope you don't have to go down this route!!

  10. #10
    paulzane's Avatar
    paulzane is offline Productive Member
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    google "golfers elbow" or something like that and you may get the info you want!

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