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Thread: Kansas Church

  1. #1
    WEBB's Avatar
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    Kansas Church

    Does everyone remeber that church that was going to funerals and saying thank god for dead soldiers and gays and everything...they were outta Kansas, westborough baptist i believe...well they finally got what they deserved... one of the guys who died in iraq and had his funeral picketed by these losers, his dad sued them and he won...

    this is the chick that kinda runs it...

  2. #2
    Fordfan01's Avatar
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    yea i saw this on the news the other day i was so happy ...those ppl deserve whatever they get

  3. #3
    WEBB's Avatar
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    EXACTLY...i was so pumped...i hope everyone does this to them and they have to shut down and realize what F*CKING losers they are....

  4. #4
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    honestly im kinda surprised somebody hasn't assassinated her yet, literally. i remember watching this bitch several months ago on fox saying the exact same sh^t.

  5. #5
    WEBB's Avatar
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    i hope someone does...i will go to her funeral and shout shit at all these inbreed retards

  6. #6
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Julie Banderas did a good job tearing into her. I started clapping when she said if America is doomed why don't you get out...That's perfect

    Did you hear Ms. Crazy call her a Bimbo? LoL

    I say keep her alive, so people can continue to sue the hell out of her

  7. #7
    wantmoremass's Avatar
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    i just wish news outlets (e.g. Fox) would stop giving them airtime - that is precisely what they want.

  8. #8
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wantmoremass View Post
    i just wish news outlets (e.g. Fox) would stop giving them airtime - that is precisely what they want.
    agreed, I don't want them to get free airtime to spread thier hate...but, she wasn't giving her anything free with that. That's one of the few news anchors I've seen get that strung-up with someone.

    Fox does tend to be all about shock news

  9. #9
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    i am not going to hold my breath until they are shut down, and payiing some money, and not getting out with any loop holes

  10. #10
    facile's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wantmoremass View Post
    i just wish news outlets (e.g. Fox) would stop giving them airtime - that is precisely what they want.
    I saw an interview, which they stated all the airtime has got them millions in donations from all the other zealots out there.

    Picketing soldiers funerals, these folks are seriously misguided.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28 View Post
    agreed, I don't want them to get free airtime to spread thier hate...but, she wasn't giving her anything free with that. That's one of the few news anchors I've seen get that strung-up with someone.

    Fox does tend to be all about shock news
    ya, when she was on fox before she was on with one of the guy anchors, i dont think it was o reilly but one of the other ones. he got pretty strung out too.

  12. #12
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    I cant listen to that crazy sheman..I did even listening of her a few months ago when she was sayin the same shit....

  13. #13
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    If I were in control, I would have them all shot by firing squad. I bet they wouldn't pickett anymore funerals.

    America is chalked full of pussies, how we can allow such bullshit is downright pathetic.

    I cannot stand the war and it is one big farce, but I would never do such a thing to one of our boys. They do not make policy, they do what they are ordered to do.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  14. #14
    Diamonite's Avatar
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    That made me feel so good. To see that inbred torn apart. Haha. They all need to be put away.

  15. #15
    goodcents's Avatar
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    If she picketedd one of our family funerals she would be shot and thru over in a hole never to be seen again (wayyyyyy back in the country is where my family lives, I'm the only "semi-city" boy)

  16. #16
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    My uncle digs the graves anyway so one more would not trouble him much

  17. #17
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    They make me absolutely sick to my stomach, the hatred and misguided religious b/s is just amazing......

    HOWEVER, I realize that it is their 1st amendment right to SAY and THINK whatever they want. You have every right to disagree with them, however I dont believe punitive damages are warranted because their message is not favorable. I do however, not feel they have any right to spread their message directly outside of the funeral grounds where the dead soldiers family will be. I'm sure some people will disagree with me, but I hope Im not personally attacked for pointing out the obvious. Civil liberties start to get erroded when cases like this pass through, because their message is largely unpopular to the masses, however it STARTS with something thats unpopular to us, and then every special interest group in America gets it in their heads that they can start censoring anyone whos opposed to them, and the PRESCEDENT is there from the previous cases. So, we have to realize that infringing on these peoples rights to voice their shitty, misguided, twisted, and sick opinions is very dangerous to our own civil liberties.

    I would most certainly agree with them being financially penalized for WHERE they decided to conduct their protest. I however would not agree with them being financially penalized for THEIR MESSAGE/IDEAS.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    They make me absolutely sick to my stomach, the hatred and misguided religious b/s is just amazing......

    HOWEVER, I realize that it is their 1st amendment right to SAY and THINK whatever they want. You have every right to disagree with them, however I dont believe punitive damages are warranted because their message is not favorable. I do however, not feel they have any right to spread their message directly outside of the funeral grounds where the dead soldiers family will be. I'm sure some people will disagree with me, but I hope Im not personally attacked for pointing out the obvious. Civil liberties start to get erroded when cases like this pass through, because their message is largely unpopular to the masses, however it STARTS with something thats unpopular to us, and then every special interest group in America gets it in their heads that they can start censoring anyone whos opposed to them, and the PRESCEDENT is there from the previous cases. So, we have to realize that infringing on these peoples rights to voice their shitty, misguided, twisted, and sick opinions is very dangerous to our own civil liberties.

    I would most certainly agree with them being financially penalized for WHERE they decided to conduct their protest. I however would not agree with them being financially penalized for THEIR MESSAGE/IDEAS.
    yea i thought about this too. just sux that hysteric fvcks like this have to ruin it for the rest of us....

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5ifthCitizen View Post
    yea i thought about this too. just sux that hysteric fvcks like this have to ruin it for the rest of us....
    But on the upside, every time we confirm that idiots like these have the Constitutional right to picket & protest, we confirm our own right to picket and protest genuine stupidity, even the stupidity of powerful government officials.

    And if we tell those idiots that they can't publicly protest with their message, then the government has one more precedent cementing its own right to disallow our Constitutional right to protest its stupidity.

  20. #20
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Why not just go up and punch them in the nose quick fix

  21. #21
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    punch'em in the nose with 175gr at 2725ft per sec.
    Last edited by peteroy01; 11-19-2007 at 01:30 PM.

  22. #22
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    that is funny. im from kansas myself and i have never heard of these can you pickit a dead amarican soilders funeral? do you think he had any decision in going to war or anything. im sorry but i have had to pull several dead soilders out of blown up humvees in iraq, it horrifying. i wish i could hear or see someone do something disrespectfull to soilder who just lost everything and died for his country, i would beat the **** out of them....

  23. #23
    qualityclrk1's Avatar
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    hell yeh Julie Banderas is a bad ass

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