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  1. #1
    mr newbreed's Avatar
    mr newbreed is offline Banned
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    Firearms (ilegal Or Legal ?)

    I live in the united kingdom where FIREARMS like everything else seems to be ILEGAL,id like as many people as possible on this board to give me there views on whether or not FIREARMS should be made LEGAL in the countrys where they are ILEGAL ?.
    Then on the flip side the countrys where they are already LEGAL,should they be made ILEGAL ?.
    AND WHY ?

  2. #2
    JAYROD's Avatar
    JAYROD is offline Senior Member
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    Jun 2005
    gettin lucky in kentucky
    i certainly agree to our right to bear arms in the united states. i don't hunt and i don't need to carry a handgun because i don't feel a threat of being mugged or robbed where i live but i do have one firearm that is used for nothing more than to protect my home if needed and an occosional trip to the firing range.

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