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    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Dude Accuses Cops Of Illegally Parking

  2. #2
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    haha. Facking cops.

    That guy was great. Im going to start calling everyone "Americans" lol.

  3. #3
    Lexed's Avatar
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    wow that guys voice is so annoying

  4. #4
    Atomini's Avatar
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    lmao who the hell was the guy? Sounds like Nick Nolte, lol.

    Then I saw him at the end and I was like "OMFG CHRIS FARLEY!"

    That's awesome.

  5. #5
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    lol that guy has some balls. or nothing to lose. probably the latter.

  6. #6
    RANA's Avatar
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    I don't think they did anything wrong!

  7. #7
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    Quote Originally Posted by rana173 View Post
    I don't think they did anything wrong!
    They parked facing the wrong way. That's illegal for a reason, it's dangerous.

  8. #8
    RANA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536 View Post
    They parked facing the wrong way. That's illegal for a reason, it's dangerous.
    Not in LA when you're "5 0"

  9. #9
    RANA's Avatar
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    Plus as you can tell it was a 911 emergency call so they can park how they want...LOL

  10. #10
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    Quote Originally Posted by rana173 View Post
    Not in LA when you're "5 0"
    What does being in LA have to do with it. It's still illegal.

  11. #11
    RANA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536 View Post
    What does being in LA have to do with it. It's still illegal.
    Dude, I am kidding. From now on will place a "LOL" after my joking.

  12. #12
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    Quote Originally Posted by rana173 View Post
    Dude, I am kidding. From now on will place a "LOL" after my joking.
    Thats better.

  13. #13
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    Cops do illegal manuevers all the time

    I see them rolling through stop signs ALL the time I get a ticket i swear im mentioning somethin bout it

  14. #14
    legobricks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by football2007 View Post
    Cops do illegal manuevers all the time

    I see them rolling through stop signs ALL the time I get a ticket i swear im mentioning somethin bout it

    Not gonna get you anywhere. It might get you something if you video tape it, and get the time and date recorded on the tape along with the squad car number in the video. But i also doubt that too. If you are the law then you make your own rules as long as there within reason.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by legobricks View Post
    Not gonna get you anywhere. It might get you something if you video tape it, and get the time and date recorded on the tape along with the squad car number in the video. But i also doubt that too. If you are the law then you make your own rules as long as there within reason.
    x2. ive gotta say tho, if i was a cop i would probably do the same shit. i would be like one of the guys from supertroopers. just do whatever i want.

  16. #16
    wascaptain5214 is offline Senior Member
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    i got a parking ticket from a bit@h meter reader cop, while in a fire engine. it was in th heat of the summer and we were returning from a grass fire. i did park in a no parking area, but hey we are the "man". cost me 5 bucks.

  17. #17
    qualityclrk1's Avatar
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    ^ what a bitch ass cop..........all cops around where i'm from have been douche bags all their life. They were douche bags as kids, they were douche bags as teenagers in highschool, and they're still douche bags to this day. They never were really the smartest, they were the furthest thing from athletic or in shape or w/e, they were the furthest thing away from being popular....and i'm not the most stuck up snob person you'll meet, but these guys were unpopular because they were ****ing DOUCHE bags and didn't try to make friends outside of their douche bag crowd...right now i have an image of them sitting in the gym together in their Wrangler Jeans and cow boy boots lau***ng at some corny ass couldn't even be nice to them because most of the time they were cocky little bastards who deserved to be laughed at when they f*cked up, because if I were to f*ck up, there they'd be to give me shit about it lol....sounds like i have personal beef w/police, but f*ck them man......they now have a badge, and they think they're the shit, but i wish somehow some way i could give them a reminder that they're still DOUCHE BAGS.........maybe its different where you guys are from

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    another point- being a cop is a f*cking joke......anyone can be a small town cop...and its usually these small town cops that walk around with the chip on their shoulder thinkin they're the shit and want people to bow down and suck their dick cuz they've got that badge...i could be a cop in 3 towns around here in under 10 months....and they don't make shit for money...BUT THEY STILL THINK THEY'RE THE SHIT because they can pull me over and harass me ..............when cops start showin up @ places i'm at and they start acting like a hard ass, i'm the first person to start running my mouth, if i get pulled over, i don't make excuses, i do whatever i can to piss them off for that entire 30 minutes i'm pulled over- give me a ticket, i don't give a f*ck- and while ur at it, i want you to describe everything you just wrote on my ticket, while you stand in the snow u fat bitch...i'll pull right over on the busiest highway- f*ck finding a side road
    Last edited by qualityclrk1; 12-20-2007 at 05:39 AM.

  19. #19
    roodogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rana173 View Post
    I don't think they did anything wrong!
    I pulled up in front of my friends house on a side street. I pulled up to the sidewalk in front of the house facing the wrong way. I never took my foot off the brake never put the car in park. A cop happened to be around the corner and when he came around he pulled up behind me put his lights on so I put the car in park and he gave me a ticket for being parked on the wrong side of the street. Remember this was a residential side street. There was a superior officer who lived next door and flipped out on these two douce bags, but they had already written the ticket. My buddy and his mother were flippin out on them also. What f'in cocks

  20. #20
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    i live in sufflok county on long island.. the cops have the highest paid salary where i live in the country i believe, and as i drive around at night time all i see them do is gather up at 7 eleven and get paid big bucks lau***ng it up having coffee, pullin people over for no reason

  21. #21
    sooners04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rana173 View Post
    Plus as you can tell it was a 911 emergency call so they can park how they want...LOL
    End of discussion right here. The officer does not care how he or she parks when going to an EMERGENCY CALL. Someones life could be at risk so parking is NOT important. Its funny how cops get bashed ALL the time, until that person doing the bashing actually needs help, then who do they call, the COPS. I love getting called names and then a month later that same person gets their ass kicked and now they want me to go arrest the other person. I wish I could just say, remember when you called me all those names and treated me like a piece of shit for doing my job, well now go **** yourself. But I can't I have to continue to do the job I chose.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by sooners04 View Post
    End of discussion right here. The officer does not care how he or she parks when going to an EMERGENCY CALL. Someones life could be at risk so parking is NOT important. Its funny how cops get bashed ALL the time, until that person doing the bashing actually needs help, then who do they call, the COPS. I love getting called names and then a month later that same person gets their ass kicked and now they want me to go arrest the other person. I wish I could just say, remember when you called me all those names and treated me like a piece of shit for doing my job, well now go **** yourself. But I can't I have to continue to do the job I chose.

    you obviously didnt watch the video cause whoever said it was an emergency call was kidding, they come out with 7 11 drinks

  23. #23
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
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    Cops are idiots and they serve the weak.

    Ive never asked one of them for help. If I need help, I'll buy it from a professional.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ajc330 View Post
    i live in sufflok county on long island.. the cops have the highest paid salary where i live in the country i believe, and as i drive around at night time all i see them do is gather up at 7 eleven and get paid big bucks lau***ng it up having coffee, pullin people over for no reason
    the hard ass small town cops around here make 25k a year full time.............. state police in illinois make a more respectable ~= 55k ....they make that to cruise the interstate and pull people over for seat belt violations....another thing that bugs me is state police not being on the interstate, but pulling over seatbelt violators in small get ur ass back to the interstate

  25. #25
    I_Want_Abs is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sooners04 View Post
    End of discussion right here. The officer does not care how he or she parks when going to an EMERGENCY CALL. Someones life could be at risk so parking is NOT important. Its funny how cops get bashed ALL the time, until that person doing the bashing actually needs help, then who do they call, the COPS. I love getting called names and then a month later that same person gets their ass kicked and now they want me to go arrest the other person. I wish I could just say, remember when you called me all those names and treated me like a piece of shit for doing my job, well now go **** yourself. But I can't I have to continue to do the job I chose.
    If you call stopping to get a feed an EMERGENCY then i guess what they did was ok....... Watch the video man!!!!

    I hate double standard bullshit from people with authority. I have seen a cop car pull up to a set of traffic lights then put their lights/sirens on to do an illegal u-turn then lights go off and they pull into 7/11... hahahaha what a joke, ****in pigs........

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