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  1. #1
    longhorn814's Avatar
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    Ron Paul on The Tonight Show 1-7-08

  2. #2
    soulstealer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814 View Post
    Ron Paul is the MAN!!!

  3. #3
    dece870717's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer View Post
    Ron Paul is the MAN!!!
    Freakin RIGHT!

  4. #4
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    That was awesome that Leno invited him on after Fox refused to allow him to debate. Let's hope he places high in NH.

  5. #5
    longhorn814's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blome View Post
    That was awesome that Leno invited him on after Fox refused to allow him to debate. Let's hope he places high in NH.
    supposedly he's tied with Rudy for 4th in NH at the moment

  6. #6
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814 View Post
    supposedly he's tied with Rudy for 4th in NH at the moment
    Well, let's hope he pulls ahead of him cause if Giulliani beats out Paul in NH, than it's pretty much all over.

  7. #7
    BOOST's Avatar
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    Love him....Howard Stern this am stated that he really likes this guy and he needs more air time...

    I agree 100% and maybe Howard Stern taking a liking to him will help..

  8. #8
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Ron Paul is the man

  9. #9
    BOOST's Avatar
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    Here is part 2 the link posted is dead..

    People need to help this guy get in, the Internet is a powerful tool for us

  10. #10
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BOOST View Post
    Here is part 2 the link posted is dead..

    People need to help this guy get in, the Internet is a powerful tool for us
    i agree, word needs to keep being spread about the truth.

    it will be the greatest shame in recent history if pauls brilliant ideas are overlooked by the american people

  11. #11
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    Ron Paul is the man!

    C'mon people, lets rally for Ron.

    He is such a simplistic man, speaks so confidently and I believe he can speak so confidently because he trusts in the U.S. Constitution and knows that is what truly matters.
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  12. #12
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Listen to John McCain, the man is a complete moron.

    Ron Paul on Wolf Blitzer's show.
    Last edited by Panzerfaust; 01-08-2008 at 07:13 PM.
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  13. #13
    SidewayZ's Avatar
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    Ron Paul! Ron Paul! Ron Paul! Ron Paul! Ron Paul!....

  14. #14
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    I am getting fired up about Ron Paul, the man cannot be intimidated. Check out this video, he easily stays on course when Guliani is heard lau***ng out loud while he talks.

    The other candidates sling mud at each other and promise more of the same, its funny lsitening to them. None of them mention the Constitution. They must agree with Bush "The Constitution is nothing but a goddamn piece of paper".
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  15. #15
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    Last edited by Panzerfaust; 01-08-2008 at 08:10 PM.
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  16. #16
    alphaman is offline Member
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    Turns out... 91% of the voters in NH are retarded. Paul only got 9%.... which kinda stinks cause I thought he'd do better with all the independants.

    murilo... mccain is a good man. he's had a tough life and i think he's just a little foggy.

  17. #17
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alphaman View Post
    Turns out... 91% of the voters in NH are retarded. Paul only got 9%.... which kinda stinks cause I thought he'd do better with all the independants.

    murilo... mccain is a good man. he's had a tough life and i think he's just a little foggy.

    McCain's record speaks for itself. He thinks he is above everyone because he was a POW. I might be reaching there but I get that from him.
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    I am getting fired up about Ron Paul, the man cannot be intimidated. Check out this video, he easily stays on course when Guliani is heard lau***ng out loud while he talks.

    The other candidates sling mud at each other and promise more of the same, its funny lsitening to them. None of them mention the Constitution. They must agree with Bush "The Constitution is nothing but a goddamn piece of paper".
    totally unshakable he is. hes the first politician ive ever seen that i truly have a large amount of respect for.

    his will cannot be shaken

  19. #19
    Kingweb50's Avatar
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    I will be voting for McCain.

  20. #20
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kingweb50 View Post
    I will be voting for McCain.
    Good...Looks like we will be crusading in the middle east for "a million years" if we have to... Thats straight from the mouth of John McCain, he doesn't care if we're there a hundred, a thousand, or a million years. Glad that you support such Imperialism, of which there is absolutely no place for in the Constitution of the United States of America, the blueprint for our country and the ONLY place we can look to see what we are and are NOT allowed to do.

    We are not allowed to print money backed by nothing. Only Gold and Silver can be legal tender.

    We are not allowed to start a war without a declaration of War.

    We are not allowed to goto war unless the countries national security is at risk.

    We are not allowed to have a central bank (the Federal Reserve), unless you are reading the Communist Manifesto and not the Constitution.

    We are not allowed to have Federal laws which encompass the nation and degrade the power of the States.

    We are not allowed to have an income tax. Only excise and apportioned taxes are legal under the constitution.

    should I go on? Or do you get the picture? When you want to know if a candidate is running on an issue in which he is obeying by the rule of law, you must look at the Constitution EVERY SINGLE TIME. You CANNOT ignore it, you CANNOT act like it is not there, and you CANNOT disregard it. You MUST obey it, you CANNOT circumvent it. The government is granted no more power than is stated in the Constitution.

  21. #21
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    1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.

    2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

    3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.

    4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.

    5. Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.

    6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.

    7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

    8. Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

    9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country.

    10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc.


    please see in bold...some of it sounds very familiar ehhh?

  22. #22
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    Ron Paul

  23. #23
    wantmoremass's Avatar
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    Can you really use strict word-for-word adherence to the Constitution as the governing principle though Godfather? Do you think the US should switch to gold and silver as legal tender? I realize what the founders had in mind by requiring this (e.g. no grossly inflated economy, lowering value of the $), but is it realistic to adhere to that principle and revert to precious metal trading? Are there amendments that modernize this? (sorry, don't know your Constitution that well).

    Was the notion of no federal laws degrading power of the states also not included at a time when the union was newly created? When economies and security threats were regional? In this day and age of global economic realities as well as national security issues (meaning things global influences that affect the entire nation) is there not a need for some federal statutes that ensure the greater good? I am not trying to justify something like the patriot act, which as I understand it is a violation of constitutional rights, but justifiable national acts of protection/security.

    Just curious.

    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Good...Looks like we will be crusading in the middle east for "a million years" if we have to... Thats straight from the mouth of John McCain, he doesn't care if we're there a hundred, a thousand, or a million years. Glad that you support such Imperialism, of which there is absolutely no place for in the Constitution of the United States of America, the blueprint for our country and the ONLY place we can look to see what we are and are NOT allowed to do.

    We are not allowed to print money backed by nothing. Only Gold and Silver can be legal tender.

    We are not allowed to start a war without a declaration of War.

    We are not allowed to goto war unless the countries national security is at risk.

    We are not allowed to have a central bank (the Federal Reserve), unless you are reading the Communist Manifesto and not the Constitution.

    We are not allowed to have Federal laws which encompass the nation and degrade the power of the States.

    We are not allowed to have an income tax. Only excise and apportioned taxes are legal under the constitution.

    should I go on? Or do you get the picture? When you want to know if a candidate is running on an issue in which he is obeying by the rule of law, you must look at the Constitution EVERY SINGLE TIME. You CANNOT ignore it, you CANNOT act like it is not there, and you CANNOT disregard it. You MUST obey it, you CANNOT circumvent it. The government is granted no more power than is stated in the Constitution.

  24. #24
    Spartan0503 is offline Junior Member
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    ron paul has zero chance of winning...add that to the fact that he is kind of insane, saying things like lincoln never should have gone to war, i will most likely not vote for him

  25. #25
    Spartan0503 is offline Junior Member
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    i assume though if he were president he would make gear legal...

  26. #26
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    I dont understand his policy of no tax. How does the goverment make any money to pay the military and all other fed jobs how do they come up with money to fix the fed freeways?

  27. #27
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan0503 View Post
    ron paul has zero chance of winning...add that to the fact that he is kind of insane
    I agree. Following the constitution is insane.
    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan0503 View Post
    saying things like lincoln never should have gone to war, i will most likely not vote for him
    He believes that slavery could of been ended without war just like other countries have done. However, what he doesn't say, and where I feel he is wrong, is that the Civil War was not about slavery. Lincoln declared war on the south because the southern states seceded from the union thus becoming it's own country with it's own president, which is unconstitutional. The Civil War was fought to bring the south back into the union. The Emancipation Proclamation was not released until the middle of the war.

  28. #28
    britbb's Avatar
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    The clip says that ron paul wants to abolish the fbi and cia, is that true?

    Im from the uk, even i can see that if you abolished the fbi and cia that your country will have zero intelligence on foriegn matters or internal think that this is a good idea?

    Also...if ron paul thinks that the federal reserve can be abolished and simply liquidated into gold and silver to back up currency...ermmm lol...YOUR CONSTITUTION WAS WRITTEN HUNDREDS OF YEARS AGO...THE WORLD HAS MOVED ON SINCE THEN. Back then, ALL CURRENCIES IN TRADING NATIONS were backed up by gold and silver, there was no other way...but then they changed.

    So you are saying that you want the usa to go back to using gold and silver whilst the rest of the world does not?

    Maybe i got his policies wrong, im only going by what the clip suggests, he wants to abolish the fbi and cia and also to get rid of the fed reserve and stock market in favour of gold and silver reserves (a method no longer used in the world today). You think this will be beneficial for your nation?

    Just intrigued.

    One last point: This was mentioned as a negative thing 'a point of communism' by another member:

    10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc.
    Ermmmm...what is wrong with that? Free education for children is a good thing i thought right? Errrm, abolition of childrens factories is a good thing right?

    Since when was this something negative? All children from all backgrounds should be entitled to free education, whether black, white, rich or poor...but you are saying that this is not a good thing? ITS CALLED EQUALITY AND GIVING ALL CHILDREN REGARDLESS OF BACKGROUND A FAIR CHANCE IN LIFE!
    Last edited by britbb; 01-09-2008 at 07:06 PM.

  29. #29
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wantmoremass View Post
    Can you really use strict word-for-word adherence to the Constitution as the governing principle though Godfather? Do you think the US should switch to gold and silver as legal tender? I realize what the founders had in mind by requiring this (e.g. no grossly inflated economy, lowering value of the $), but is it realistic to adhere to that principle and revert to precious metal trading? Are there amendments that modernize this? (sorry, don't know your Constitution that well).

    Was the notion of no federal laws degrading power of the states also not included at a time when the union was newly created? When economies and security threats were regional? In this day and age of global economic realities as well as national security issues (meaning things global influences that affect the entire nation) is there not a need for some federal statutes that ensure the greater good? I am not trying to justify something like the patriot act, which as I understand it is a violation of constitutional rights, but justifiable national acts of protection/security.

    Just curious.

    Absolutely we can follow the constitution to this date! The fact that the gov't and the Elite have chosen to ignore it for so many years has everyone (you included) wondering if it would truly work since all you have ever known was the communist manifesto policies that have been set in place over an extended period of time.

    All our lives we have had the "Income Tax"...all our lives we have had the Federal reserve...the Constitution has been around long before us as well and it is the FOUNDATION of our country, the simple fact that it has been ignored is why we are in this siutation in the first place.

    Should the US switch to Gold or Silver legal tender? Are you seriously asking that? What do you think gives that piece of paper value? The paper money means absolutely nothing if it is not backed by gold.

    When that "money" is backed by gold, it limits the amount that can be printed which in turn keeps inflation from happening.

    As it is today, the Federal Reserve prints and loans all money borrowed to the US Gov't. They simply print paper...not backed by gold and this is why the US Dollar is worth around 4 cents today.

    Congress sold us out in 1913 when they passed the Federal Reserve Act over Christmas break when most gov't officials were at home with their families.

    The Federal Reserve should be the #1 target of any president, Congress has the power to get rid of the Federal Reserve, will they? That is the question now isn't it?

    I know you are not American and can never feel as passionate as we do just as we cannot truly feel the passion you do for your homeland. We are in dire straits and i'm afraid people will not wakeup until its to late.

    I don't force anyone to vote for Ron Paul or whoever. I simply ask you to educate yourself, dig into the Constitution and only then will you realise how far we have strayed from the foundation our founder laid down for us.
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  30. #30
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    To add to Murilos post.... We can all look to the price of gas as an example of how a precious metal backed currency is more beneficial. The same amount of gold 50 years ago, buys the same amount of gas today. It is not gas that is going up, it is the value of the dollar. Our dollar today buys less gas. The same amount of Gold 50 years ago still buys the same amount of gold today. If the gold standard was still in place, we would not have this problem.

  31. #31
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    the rising price of oil isn't just because of the de-valueing of the dollar. it's about supply/demand too - there isn't as much oil available today, which means it's harder to extract, which means it costs more to buy, whether domestically or abroad. how would 1 gallon of gas cost the same amount of gold pieces today? you'd have to give the saudi's twice as much per gallon as 5 years ago in gold. it's a function of the value of the oil, not the value of the dollar (although recent american rising prices have been based on both).

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