This was probably the 20th time I have seen it but it is a great movie.
Everytime I watch the movie I am so impressed with Arnold's
physique. Its seems to me that he looked perfect in his 80's action
movies ( Predator, Commando ). I am also reminded by the fact that
todays top bodies don't even look human. Arnold looks about as good
as you can look in those movies, while still resembling a normal human
being. Do you all think today's pros really look that good? I think they
look like shit because their bodies are so chemically altered. Something
is weird when you have veins coming out of your ass. That doesn't
look good in my opinion. And most of us can't even relate to these
guys because we are so off from them. I think Dorian Yates fucked
the whole scene up when he came out in the early 90's, or whenever,
all geared up. Then all the dudes began darten themselves with GH and
insulin . Would you all rather look like the bodybuilders of the 70's and 80's
or the guys of the 2000's?