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  1. #1
    BodyByAAS is offline Banned
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    Too much cardio??

    Is it possible to do too much cardio? I your target heart rate for fat burning.. I want to drop like 2-3% b/f really quickly before starting my next cycle and was planning on doing that rotating stair thing...yeah the one ronnie coleman sweats his ass of on. but yeah, doing that for an hour in the AM and 2 hours at night...

    Would this be catabolic even if adequate protein was being taken in and I was doing at approx 65% of my Max THR

  2. #2
    Psychotron's Avatar
    Psychotron is offline Anabolic Member
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    As long as you're not making your heart work its max and are actually eating I don't think that is too much.

  3. #3
    stacked566's Avatar
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    Overstressing the CNS via too much cardio (does not matter the HR, just that it is active), or too intense of training with cardio, starvation, and what not decrease insulin sensitivity, resulting in catabolism and muscle wasting

  4. #4
    Getinbgr's Avatar
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    Also important that you are bring in more calories than you are burning.

  5. #5
    BodyByAAS is offline Banned
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    more clean calories from protien right? i.e. lowfat shakes, chicken, steak etc.??

  6. #6
    DesiBoy is offline Associate Member
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    Just eat right and do cardio, I don't think 2 hours is OK for me it's too much max is an hour. I wouldn't do more than an hour. Do you work do you go out, anything else you do??? Why so much of a cardio at night??

  7. #7
    BodyByAAS is offline Banned
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    well I want to do like 3 hard ass hours for about 2-3 weeks just to lean up and shit away all this holiday weight. I get out of work at 5 so i figure 5:30-7:30 I can just watch a movie while climbing those stairs u know?

  8. #8
    stacked566's Avatar
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    See that leaves you no room to add cardio in you know? Say you drop 4-5 lbs in the first week (probably some muscle easily), then maybe the next week you won't lose any weight, or only 1 lb, and the week after that no weight, because you went from 0-60, instead of doing the bare minimum to lose a few lbs of fat. Not to mention you are tired, your legs go to shit, and you lost muscle.

  9. #9
    BodyByAAS is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by stacked566 View Post
    See that leaves you no room to add cardio in you know? Say you drop 4-5 lbs in the first week (probably some muscle easily), then maybe the next week you won't lose any weight, or only 1 lb, and the week after that no weight, because you went from 0-60, instead of doing the bare minimum to lose a few lbs of fat. Not to mention you are tired, your legs go to shit, and you lost muscle.

    hmm true...

    any suggestions for an effective way to trim down quick?? Im about 208 at 14%...wanna get abck down to like 10-11%

  10. #10
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    You could try a low carb diet for awhile, just make sure your protein is high and you have good timing on our carb intake.
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 01-22-2008 at 04:07 PM.

  11. #11
    BodyByAAS is offline Banned
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    Sweet deal. Thanks man!

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