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Thread: Barry Bonds tested postive for steroids in 2000

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx

    Barry Bonds tested postive for steroids in 2000

    well tell us something we didnt know..looks like jail time for Barry,2933,330742,00.html

  2. #2
    Why is Congress so insanely focused on steroids in sports? Don't have some important things to do social security, address illegal immigration, simplify the 60,000+ pages of tax code, etc, etc, etc?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Training Hardcore Style
    Quote Originally Posted by Tesla View Post
    Why is Congress so insanely focused on steroids in sports? Don't have some important things to do social security, address illegal immigration, simplify the 60,000+ pages of tax code, etc, etc, etc?

    or worry about the economy, etc.etc..I don't even want to get started on this...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    REALLY! Jail for using aas n sports. Thats fvckn rediculous.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    never mind the soldiers dying overseas......what a joke.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States
    Its all about politics and what looks good in the media to the uninformed public.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    o barry barry barry.....what have you gotten yourself into....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Out there somewhere
    I agree that there are many other problems they should be dealing with, but the bottom line is all he had to do was tell the truth that he took it and that he was sorry. It woulda passes by now. The guy is a complete waste of a human being! The things he has done to women, and others is crazy. Look at Giambi or the others that have been honest! Fans and the media have forgotten about them. He was the best baseball player of this generation and maybe all time who had no business even taking drugs. He let his ego get in the way and couldnt take it that a white man(big mac) was getting all the attention and he wasnt. He then decided that he needed to take the stuff to be the talk of the town. The guy is a moron and anyone who sticks up for him should read up on how much of a low life the guy really is. He would have never gotten punished for it, but he let his ego and thinking he was above everyone else get in the way. You cant lie to a grand jury and get away with it when everyone with a brain knows he took stuff.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Training Hardcore Style
    Quote Originally Posted by TatMan View Post
    I agree that there are many other problems they should be dealing with, but the bottom line is all he had to do was tell the truth that he took it and that he was sorry. It woulda passes by now. The guy is a complete waste of a human being! The things he has done to women, and others is crazy. Look at Giambi or the others that have been honest! Fans and the media have forgotten about them. He was the best baseball player of this generation and maybe all time who had no business even taking drugs. He let his ego get in the way and couldnt take it that a white man(big mac) was getting all the attention and he wasnt. He then decided that he needed to take the stuff to be the talk of the town. The guy is a moron and anyone who sticks up for him should read up on how much of a low life the guy really is. He would have never gotten punished for it, but he let his ego and thinking he was above everyone else get in the way. You cant lie to a grand jury and get away with it when everyone with a brain knows he took stuff.
    Yea but check this out... first and foremost the main point is how the government is worried to no end about steroid in freakin sports?? come on now that is just flat our ridiculous... I see all kinds of real issues going on.... and that is my main point about this. no one in the athletic arena is my hero so as far as barry's personal life I don't care... we all have issues in one way or another i guess. I am not going to say I agree with his actions, but I am also not going to say someone deserves jail time either...heck, I don't have one clue about his personal life and it really doesn't concern me I guess... what does concern me is how my freedom of choice is being infringed upon to an extent. I don't see how the government allows doctors to implant boobies and plastic surgery and then turn around send adults to jail for steroids.

    actually when it comes to sports they shouldn't take anything away from anyone regardless if they used steroids... did they test all the pitchers that the batters hit against for it too? I can go on and on with that and fairness. They need to get off this already... they need to understand that adults aren't that narrow minded to believe that just because the government says something we are going to agree.. anyhow, peace.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Tesla View Post
    Why is Congress so insanely focused on steroids in sports? Don't have some important things to do social security, address illegal immigration, simplify the 60,000+ pages of tax code, etc, etc, etc?
    A Senator made the comment during session yesterday that if Al Quaeda was suspected of using steroids, both houses of Congress would be pursuing them more aggressively than they are now. As for what Bonds did 7 years ago, why does anyone care?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    i find in interesting that we continually hear about the patriots and "spygate". but what about the numerous yankees who have pleaded guilty or who were suspected of using steroids? why aren't we talking about championships and their successes being faulty?

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