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  1. #1
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    atom/nuclear bomb

    anyone know the the max megaton of the worlds largest nuclear bomb????

    how many miles(kms) can it detroy ??????

  2. #2
    goodcents's Avatar
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  3. #3
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents View Post
    Working on a home project?
    lol............just wanting to know as i have a disagement with a freind who says there is a bomb that can wipe out the u.s...........i call b.s........

  4. #4
    Beefkake31's Avatar
    Beefkake31 is offline Member
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    No there is no bomb that can wipe out the U.S. but there are powerful hydrogen bombs now that can wipe out cities. But people get confused because it is possible to destroy most of the U.S. but they are talking about multiple hydrogen bombs spaced out , which the U.S. is capable of but not too sure on any other countries except Russia. I know North Korea and India have them as well.

  5. #5
    Odpierdol_sie!'s Avatar
    Odpierdol_sie! is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beefkake31 View Post
    No there is no bomb that can wipe out the U.S. but there are powerful hydrogen bombs now that can wipe out cities. But people get confused because it is possible to destroy most of the U.S. but they are talking about multiple hydrogen bombs spaced out , which the U.S. is capable of but not too sure on any other countries except Russia. I know North Korea and India have them as well.
    Russia, hmmm probably why the US wanted to put a missile curtain in the czech republic or somewhere over that way. yeah for the midel easter or korean threat yeah ok wot eva lol.

  6. #6
    rockinred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nowdenlid View Post
    anyone know the the max megaton of the worlds largest nuclear bomb????

    how many miles(kms) can it detroy ??????
    I am not certain on this as it has been many, many years since i read on this, but I think the Russians exploded the biggest megaton bomb.. it was like 58 or 59 somthin megaton bomb.... Most of those were tested in water.... I don't know or didn't know that you can actually say this is a 20 megaton bomb untill it is exploded and measured... I think they can equip it for certain destruction, but I don't think it can be for sure.

  7. #7
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    biggest bomb detonated was in the 60's by the russians..


    Fire ball size comparison to Nagasaki..

  8. #8
    CheddaNips is offline Senior Member
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    Ahh in highschool i took nuclear Science. It was one of the most interesting classes ever. Learned how to make atom bombs, all the dirty govt secrets behind the manhattan Proj. Badass. Ill try and find the clip of the first H bomb ever detonated. It was on a remote island in the carabiean and the entire island is almost leveled by it. Its all water when its done. And it was a big Fvcking island

  9. #9
    CheddaNips is offline Senior Member
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    only 10.5 and look at the destruction

  10. #10
    CheddaNips is offline Senior Member
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    The sheer power is shown here. Underground test lifting up earth like its a rug

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