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  1. #1
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Cool People take St. Pattys day wayy too seriously.

    I know its not St. Pattys yet but gzz
    What a crazy day.

    I knew people would be celebrating St. Pattys day but I've never seen so much vomit in my life.

    Day started off with a wedding. I'm nursing my first drink.
    People had just started drinking (or so I thought) and already I see 2 people in the span of 5 mins touch and ruin the wedding cake.

    Than another (actually my brother) hits the table and knocks a bunch of flowers off onto to the floor.

    Someone else comes by and picks the flowers off the dirty floor and puts them on the table that has the cake. 2 mins later staff comes to fix what the drunks did, and put the flowers (that were on the floor mind you) back on to the cake to cover up the finger indentations.

    I'm lmfao at this point and just making fun of all the drunks.
    This is also 11:00 IN THE MORNING and people showed up to the wedding already drunk. A classy wedding but who does that? Seriously.

    And at this point I'm telling staff to put a sign behind that says "THIS CAKE IS REAL". Because the idiots touching it claimed they thought it was fake. And I'm thinking "do that many weddings put out fake cakes? or are they just retarded?"

    I can rant about some other things that happened, but I know people will be offended so I'll leave certain things out.

    Anyways its 3:00 now, weddings over in an hour. I'm there with family & friends.
    One of my brothers is SLOPPY drunk, doesn't drink a lot but unfortunately did at this event.
    The grooms father is wasted and making racist remarks about the vietnamese bride he is marrying. (which is the offensive dialouge I want to leave out). But it was harsh, something similar you prob heard in "Full Metal Jacket", all the vietnamese brides maids heard it, they were all smoking hot, and the grooms father is being his typical arrogant narcissitic self.

    I feel bad for the bride at this point.


    My brother is blacking out at the table. I'm telling people "We NEED to get him out of here NOW".
    They concur, "good idea". He stumbles away, gets lost, his gf finds him hitting on some girl outside from the other wedding. His gf is INFURIATED.

    I'm trying to calm her down. We all go back to get our jackets to leave.

    HE VOMITS ALL OVER THE TABLE literally the second we get back, in front of EVERYONE, this nasty, ziti, tequila, and intenstine smelling red mess EVERYWHERE. Almost projectile in nature like from the exorcist.

    Things are getting real BAD.
    The day hasn't even really started yet.

    I wound up putting my second drink down much earlier and decided I need to be "designated babysitter" today for basically a bunch of drunk adults, a lot who I am sadly related/friends with.

    We get home, we're dragging my brother out the SUV, he looks dead at this point.
    A nieghbors walking by with her dog, sees a bunch of stocky Italian men dressed like their in the mafia (still in our wedding atire) open the door as my brother loses support of the door and falls onto the pavement in her plain view.
    I'm thinking "she prob thinks we just killed him".

    We drag him through the front door. He crawls to his knees for a minute. Get passed the door, collaspes, lies there for 20 seconds, rolls to his back, and another round of vomiting follows.
    Than another, and another, and one more up in his room (that we let him sleep in **** him).
    Vomit is EVERYWHERE. Never seen so much come out of a 160lb body in my life.
    The funniest part I guess was the 15 times he tried to stand up and wound up just slipping back down into his vomit covering more of his body. His GF's crying at this point.

    It wasn't fun cleaning that mess up for the next 2 hours.

    Than more drunk people start calling. Its like 5-5:30pm now. They are ALL WASTED.
    I'm thinking "is the entire state drunk today? wtf is going on?"

    I can't make out anything. I think people want to go out. But my motivation is completely out the window at this point. I don't live around nor am friends with a bunch of drunks.
    I don't even remember a lot of people getting like this around last St. Pattys day. But I can't recall a day in its entirety that I spoke to and saw so many sloppy drunks in my life.
    I'd be here all day talking about every little detail that happened. But WOW, I really am glad noone died today (that I know of) drunk people really are dangerous to be around.
    Just the extent people were taking it today was absurd. I'm really glad I stopped at #2 because it was nothing short of insanity.
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 03-15-2008 at 11:17 PM.

  2. #2
    BIGDOGIRISH's Avatar
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    Ha ha good old St Patricks day!!!
    We'll teach ye how to drink someday

  3. #3
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    drunk people are annoying as hell. If that had been my wedding i would have personally knocked those clowns out for being so disrespectful. Turning up wasted at someone's wedding is just selfish. In fact turning up wasted anywhere shows that the person lacks discipline and confidence. They would be on my shit list right away.

  4. #4
    Odpierdol_sie!'s Avatar
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    Who the fvck is St. Patty?

  5. #5
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odpierdol_sie! View Post
    Who the fvck is St. Patty?
    St. Patty meet Odpierdol_sie

  6. #6
    Odpierdol_sie!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    St. Patty meet Odpierdol_sie
    You guys worship a dog?

    Awwww bless

  7. #7
    soulstealer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odpierdol_sie! View Post
    Who the fvck is St. Patty?
    You see there was this guy Patrick and he did something really cool that the church liked in Ireland... so to celebrate St patty's day...we all get rip roarin drunk by order of the church.....? the end...
    Last edited by soulstealer; 03-16-2008 at 10:18 AM.

  8. #8
    dupa95's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001 View Post
    drunk people are annoying as hell. If that had been my wedding i would have personally knocked those clowns out for being so disrespectful. Turning up wasted at someone's wedding is just selfish. In fact turning up wasted anywhere shows that the person lacks discipline and confidence. They would be on my shit list right away.

  9. #9
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    Real Men Do It Sober!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. #10
    soulstealer's Avatar
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    I havent had a drink in months... diet ya know.... other wise I would've had a few.... but damn my neighbors were about a beer away from falling off their balcony...

  11. #11
    Odpierdol_sie!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer View Post
    You see there was this guy Patrick and he did something really cool that the church liked in Ireland... so to celebrate St patty's day...we all get rip roarin drunk by order of the church.....? the end...
    The Church liked in Ireland? as in "the church", because the whole world knows there is only one chuch in Ireland.

  12. #12
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    I'm not Irish and could give a shit about St. Patricks Day.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  13. #13
    soulstealer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odpierdol_sie! View Post
    The Church liked in Ireland? as in "the church", because the whole world knows there is only one chuch in Ireland.
    "The Church" as in those catholic looneys.... but they dont condone the drinkin just poking fun...

  14. #14
    Odpierdol_sie!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer View Post
    You see there was this guy Patrick and he did something really cool that the church liked in Ireland... so to celebrate St patty's day...we all get rip roarin drunk by order of the church.....? the end...
    Ahh i get ya now, you mean Lá ’le Pádraig or Lá Fhéile Pádraig (Saint Patrick's day)

    Dont know where you get ur info from but his name was actually Pádraig. He is the patron saint of Ireland amongst other places.

    I got confused by the name "Patty" since ive never heard him called that, and thought it is mighty ironic that this fella called St. Patty has an anual feast day the aroun the same time as the Irish patron saint.

    I think you are confusing the fact that Irish men like myself refer to him as Saint Pat (short for Patrick) and we refer to March 17th as "Saint Pats day" or "Paddys day" (Paddy being a nick name for an Irish man and also a shortened alternative to a man who is known as Patrick).

  15. #15
    Odpierdol_sie!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer View Post
    "The Church" as in those catholic looneys.... but they dont condone the drinkin just poking fun...
    its a part of the religion... that and kiddy fiddling

  16. #16
    paulzane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odpierdol_sie! View Post
    its a part of the religion... that and kiddy fiddling

    Dear, oh dear, oh dear!!

    You will never get to heaven now!

  17. #17
    Odpierdol_sie!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulzane View Post
    Dear, oh dear, oh dear!!

    You will never get to heaven now!
    Me going to hell?
    Fvck eternal damnation, i'll have a good time with the Devil.

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