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  1. #1
    Pooks's Avatar
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    Easiest, cheapest way to record a TV show.

    I havent been watching TV much over the years, or kept updated on the new technologies..

    it used to be u pop in a VHS tape and record..
    i asked a lot of my buddies hwo to do it now a days, they dont seem to know either..

    what do u need like DVD-r ?

    Wanna tape a couple of shows for a bro whose gonna be out of the country for a while, but not sure how to go about it..

    it would have to be portable.

  2. #2
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    What shows? A lot of shows are available online.

  3. #3
    shifty_git's Avatar
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    DVD recorder - or hard drive recorder (a little bit more but worth it)

  4. #4
    Pooks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blome View Post
    What shows? A lot of shows are available online.
    LOL u ask too many questions lol

    alright fine... Gossip girls... for my gf..

    she's be in europe for a month.

  5. #5
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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  6. #6
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Oh, and I use a hard drive recorder. It costs like a $100 and allows you to watch and record TV on your computer.

  7. #7
    Pooks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blome View Post
    fine.. i like the big tits on that jenny chick..

    anyone any ideas.. should i get tivo or someting, woudl that even work?
    or DVD-R? or some other way.

  8. #8
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Well honestly a HTPC seems out of your league but if you want to look into it its a Home Theater Personal Computer. Its a computer that plugs into your TV which allows you to record movies directly to the HD to play later. You can even downloaded software that will allow you to schedule certain programs.

    Easier solution is the DVR. This device easily allows you to schedule/manage all your desired shows. For someone who just wants to record stuff and not get too deep into the techie side of things this is for you. Most companys can provide them for you at a low rental fee (Ex comcast = $5.00 a month).

    Then you have Tivo which is the same as a DVR but uses proprietary software that makes the user interface a little easier and allows for more techie options for Ex. If you decide you want to record a program and you are at work you can go online and make the change from work to record at home.

  9. #9
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks View Post
    LOL u ask too many questions lol

    alright fine... Gossip girls... for my gf..

    she's be in europe for a month.

  10. #10
    Pooks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Well honestly a HTPC seems out of your league but if you want to look into it its a Home Theater Personal Computer. Its a computer that plugs into your TV which allows you to record movies directly to the HD to play later. You can even downloaded software that will allow you to schedule certain programs.

    Easier solution is the DVR. This device easily allows you to schedule/manage all your desired shows. For someone who just wants to record stuff and not get too deep into the techie side of things this is for you. Most companys can provide them for you at a low rental fee (Ex comcast = $5.00 a month).

    Then you have Tivo which is the same as a DVR but uses proprietary software that makes the user interface a little easier and allows for more techie options for Ex. If you decide you want to record a program and you are at work you can go online and make the change from work to record at home.
    yah that is a bit too much for me.
    since i hardly have free time to watch TV..

    I'll pick up a simple DVD-R i suppose, n hook it up.. should work ?

    how does it work with finalizing discs and stuff, like a CD-R on a computer?
    It'd be cool to put more than one show on a disc if possible, than finalizing it i guess..

  11. #11
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks View Post
    yah that is a bit too much for me.
    since i hardly have free time to watch TV..

    I'll pick up a simple DVD-R i suppose, n hook it up.. should work ?

    how does it work with finalizing discs and stuff, like a CD-R on a computer?
    It'd be cool to put more than one show on a disc if possible, than finalizing it i guess..
    You are getting the two confused with each other. A DVR is not a DVD-R. A DVR records directly to an internal harddrive. It won't allow you to then go ahead and burn that recoded show to a DVD-R. This can be done with a HTPC but again then you are getting very technical. I would first call up your cable provider and see if they even offer the service(DVR service). Most do but check with them first and also see if they have boxes that you can rent. If they do they should come out and install it and the cables for free.

  12. #12
    D-Unit 39's Avatar
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    He said he wants it to be portable though. (So you can send them to her??)

    In this case a DVD-R would be best, but if you're sending them out of the country I wonder if there will be a region code problem??

  13. #13
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Oh snappppppppppppp missed that. Yup the only possible way to make it portable would be for a HTPC . You could download the shows to the computers harddrive then burn them to DVD-R.

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