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Thread: Psychology question for someone. Need help!

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    New Joisey

    Question Psychology question for someone. Need help!

    Boring thread I know. This is for a study I've been working on the entire semester based on a crapload of other mass studies on gender.

    Rather than kill this thread with specifics I just need advice on WTF this means.

    Results from one large sample of leading gender activists showed that they had a "regressive perception of the mother figure".

    WHAT THE FVCK does that mean?

    I understood all the other results but I've been arguing with my brother (who disagrees with me) that its bad.

    Would you derive (a) - good (b) - inconclusive or (c) bad.

    I want to say (c) because "regression" is a defense mechanism people use to cope with an anxiety producing stimulus. The stimulus here being the mother figure.

    My brother says no, theres "logistic regression" which is something we consciously do (like consciouslly regress in to your medical history to prevent a future heart attack).

    I say it wasn't defined as "logistic" so its bad. He says define it as (b), but I genuinely think its bad because they ALSO showed (f) authoritative and anxiety-provoking perception of the father figure.

    This shit is driving me fvcking crazy & its so stupid!!!

  2. #2
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    Boj can I make an appointment ?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Boring thread I know. This is for a study I've been working on the entire semester based on a crapload of other mass studies on gender.

    Rather than kill this thread with specifics I just need advice on WTF this means.

    Results from one large sample of leading gender activists showed that they had a "regressive perception of the mother figure".

    WHAT THE FVCK does that mean?

    I understood all the other results but I've been arguing with my brother (who disagrees with me) that its bad.

    Would you derive (a) - good (b) - inconclusive or (c) bad.

    I want to say (c) because "regression" is a defense mechanism people use to cope with an anxiety producing stimulus. The stimulus here being the mother figure.

    My brother says no, theres "logistic regression" which is something we consciously do (like consciouslly regress in to your medical history to prevent a future heart attack).

    I say it wasn't defined as "logistic" so its bad. He says define it as (b), but I genuinely think its bad because they ALSO showed (f) authoritative and anxiety-provoking perception of the father figure.

    This shit is driving me fvcking crazy & its so stupid!!!
    Regression: Defense mechanism in which a person retreats to a behavior of an earlier developmental period in order to prevent anxiety and satisfy current needs. Anxiety is avoided by retreating to the behavior patterns of an earlier psychosexual stage.

    Perception:A bipolar process that involves the meaningful organization of stimuli.

    If you apply these symptoms to the sample group, I would assume you would find these characteristics to be "bad." Although Good,bad,&Inconclusive is a very vague generalization and doesn't really offer any answers.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale View Post
    Boj can I make an appointment ?
    No need.

    Diagnosis: BBOCD (DSM IV classified big booby disorder).

    Prescription: None, you are fvcked.. and so am I. =]

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Regression: Defense mechanism in which a person retreats to a behavior of an earlier developmental period in order to prevent anxiety and satisfy current needs. Anxiety is avoided by retreating to the behavior patterns of an earlier psychosexual stage.

    Perception:A bipolar process that involves the meaningful organization of stimuli.

    If you apply these symptoms to the sample group, I would assume you would find these characteristics to be "bad." Although Good,bad,&Inconclusive is a very vague generalization and doesn't really offer any answers.
    Yeh fvck this, I'm going with C.
    If you need to regress from anything thats not good imo opinion.
    I'm not going to say "its bad" I'll say "result appears to demonstrate a tendency to regress from (or emotionally evade) the independent variable (mother figure). Further research would be recommended to define the nature of the regression.

    w/e, I'm 10scs aways from grabbing a machine gun and going GTA at the local mall with all these fvcking finals/papers.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    No need.

    Diagnosis: BBOCD (DSM IV classified big booby disorder).

    Prescription: None, you are fvcked.. and so am I. =]

  7. #7
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    Did i hear my name ?

  8. #8
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    Read my blog
    I agree, go with C... i took it as males tend to have thoughts about moms to where they go back to being a 'kid'... basically..... they never grow up, always act kiddish, (you know the types) never grow up... and have a sort of a momma's boy spoiled lil shit personality.......

    so its up to you, to see if its bad or not... depends on how you view the 'action'..... id say that bad due to the urge to be independent.....

  9. #9
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    what level of psy class is this??

  10. #10
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    I thought I will find the answer of "Voices tell me to kill people "...ah well going to see a real shrink then

  11. #11
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    Makes me think of regression to the mean, used frequently in mathematics and finance. Hence, could be suggesting prior perceptions that are now being utilized. Only a guess.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    regressive perception of the mother figure
    Def negative... like saying they still address mother in an immature/undeveloped manner

  13. #13
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    the three oh!
    It means percieving your mother as you did when you were a child, like how she took care of you then.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by J431S View Post
    what level of psy class is this??
    3 hundred

  15. #15
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    Thanks everyone else, pretty much what I wound up saying.

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