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    gst528i's Avatar
    gst528i is offline Senior Member
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    That's why i wanna be rich, rich and rich. Law doesnt touch the rich.

  3. #3
    KatsMeow is offline Stupid
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    What a F*cked up world we live in.

  4. #4
    g0dsend's Avatar
    g0dsend is offline Member
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    Wow what a douch bag judge, If I was a family member of Mr. Brown, I would prob **** him up and his family.

  5. #5
    Ernst's Avatar
    Ernst is offline Borderline Personality
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    Jeez, I'm a nutcase and that sounds crazy to ME.

  6. #6
    jsinur7's Avatar
    jsinur7 is offline Member
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    that judge should be put on trial... this is why i think all cases should be blind cases... you never see the defendant or know his background... wtf does a character witness have to do with wether someon did something before or not... i am sure jeffery dahmers parents and friends said he was a great guy too... all cases should be blind cases and nothing but facts... too much gets decided by influence and skin color... and court is suppose to be fair for all, so why is it money buys better defense? there has to bew a way around that too...

  7. #7
    wascaptain5214 is offline Senior Member
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    boils down to money, rich peoples sons don't go to jail or war

  8. #8
    Tock's Avatar
    Tock is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yep, Texas justice pretty well sucks.

    A while back, a Texas judge gave a short jail sentence to a guy who went looking for gays to shoot in cold blood. There wasn't a conservative in the entire state who demanded the death penalty -- nothing at all like the conservatives who scream for the death penalty for other lesser crimes . . .

    Texas Judge Eases Sentence For Killer of 2 Homosexuals

    LEAD: A judge here has said he gave an 18-year-old murderer a more lenient sentence than prosecutors had sought because the two victims were homosexual and, the judge said, they would not have been killed ''if they hadn't been cruising the streets picking up teen-age boys.''
    A judge here has said he gave an 18-year-old murderer a more lenient sentence than prosecutors had sought because the two victims were homosexual and, the judge said, they would not have been killed ''if they hadn't been cruising the streets picking up teen-age boys.''
    ''I put prostitutes and gays at about the same level,'' he said, ''and I'd be hard put to give somebody life for killing a prostitute.'' He said he stood by his decision to impose a 30-year sentence rather than life in prison on the defendant, Richard Lee Bednarski. ''I did what I thought was right,'' he said.
    The comments by Judge Jack Hampton of State District Court were reported on the front page of The Dallas Times Herald this morning. They quickly provoked outrage here and among gay rights groups around the country.
    ''These are just the kind of comments that send messages to the community that it's still open season on gay and lesbian citizens,'' said Kevin Berrill, director of the anti-violence project for the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force in Washington.
    This afternoon Judge Hampton said in an interview that he had received death threats and the police had advised him to leave Dallas for his safety. 'Cruising the Streets'
    In explaining the Nov. 19 sentence to The Times Herald, Judge Hampton said: ''I don't care much for queers cruising the streets. I've got a teen-age boy.''
    There was no conclusive evidence at the trial that the victims solicited sexual relations, although witnesses did testify that Mr. Bednarski and a group of high school friends had set out to harass homosexuals and entered the victims' car with the intent of beating them.
    ''It appears that we do have one law for heterosexuals and one law for homosexuals,'' said Paul Varnell, research director for the Illinois Gay and Lesbian Task Force. ''This judge should be strung up.''
    Critics said the judge's comments reflected the same hatred and intolerance that led to the shooting. William W. Waybourn, president of the Dallas Gay Alliance, characterized the city as ''hostile'' to homosexuals, saying that many American cities had anti-discrimination ordinances that include homosexuals, but Dallas did not. Attitudes Are Deplored
    Mr. Waybourn said it was common for Dallas high school students to spend evenings ''gay-bashing'' - driving in neighborhoods thought to be favored by homosexual men and harassing pedestrians. ''This is truly a sad state of affairs in Dallas,'' he said. ''One, that it could have happened because of the attitude of our youth, and two, that it was compounded by the behavior of the local judge.''
    According to testimony at the trial, nine friends from North Mesquite High School drove to the Oak Lawn section of Dallas on a night in May to ''pester the homosexuals.''
    Witnesses who were in that group said the boys were standing on a street corner and shouting at passers-by, and then Tommy Lee Trimble, 34, and John Lloyd Griffin, 27, drove up and invited the boys into their car. Mr. Bednarski was said to have persuaded one more friend in his group to get in the car.
    After the car reached a secluded area of Reverchon Park, Mr. Bednarski is said to have ordered Mr. Trimble and Mr. Griffin to remove their clothes. On their refusal, a witness said, Mr. Bednarski drew a pistol and began firing. Mr. Trimble died immediately. Mr. Griffin died five days later. A Choice to Win Sympathy
    The prosecutor had asked a life sentence. Kevin Clancy, the defense lawyer, had asked five years. A jury found Mr. Bednarski guilty, but Texas law allows the defendant to decide whether the judge or the jury will set the penalty. Mr. Clancy has said he chose the judge because he thought the judge would be more sympathetic.
    Judge Hampton has said that before he decided on the sentence, he considered, among other things, that Mr. Bednarski has no criminal record, is attending college and was reared in a good home by a father who is a police officer.
    Legal experts said the decision probably did not violate the limits of judicial discretion. ''I can't right off think of any part of the code that might violate,'' said Robert Flowers, executive director of the Texas Commission on Judicial Conduct.
    Kathleen Cuerdon-Kahn, project manager for the Chicacgo-based American Judicature Society, which seeks to improve the judicial system, said that in states like Texas where judges are elected rather than appointed, it is rare for a state commission to remove judges. Usually, she said, a judge steps down only if voted out.
    Judge Hampton, a conservative Republican elected in 1980, was re-elected in 1982 after he was among those responsible for posting warnings in minority and Democratic polling places against violating election laws.
    The signs, which read ''You Can Be Imprisoned'' in large red print, were said to be aimed at intimidating black voters. At the time he said: ''We have more black defendants in this courthouse than white defendants. If they steal more, I guess they could be intimidated more.''
    And now, he told The Times-Herald: ''Just spell my name right. If it makes anybody mad, they'll forget it by 1990,'' when he faces re-election.
    He said he regretted upsetting some groups, but he added: ''In a murder case, someone is always upset. When a white is killed, the whites are upset. When a black is killed, the blacks are upset. When a homosexual is killed of course the homosexuals are upset.''


    This judge ran for re-election the next year, and won by a huge margin. So much for public outrage . . .

  9. #9
    Ajc330's Avatar
    Ajc330 is offline Senior Member
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    wow Tock, that's nuts.. Texas is insane, just their whole thought process is different. everyone will carry a gun there it's scary

  10. #10
    AnimalGear's Avatar
    AnimalGear is offline Little Monster in the making
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    Hulk's son will be in jail for a good while and he's rich

  11. #11
    g0dsend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnimalGear View Post
    Hulk's son will be in jail for a good while and he's rich
    8 months is not long for almost killing someone and now leaving him like a vegetable with a giant hole in his head.

    I know a couple people that I would spend 8 months in prison for to leave them a vegetable.

  12. #12
    200byjune's Avatar
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    haha my cousins best friend that comes over to my house all the time is like 16 i think. he stole 300 dollars from a ladys pocketbook. didnt harm her or anything and he got 9 months in jail for it. he had no history in his backround or anything.

  13. #13
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnimalGear View Post
    Hulk's son will be in jail for a good while and he's rich
    10 months isnt exactly a long while given the situation

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