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  1. #1
    jsinur7's Avatar
    jsinur7 is offline Member
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    cholesterol vascular system....

    has anyone heard of EDTA or used it... I just started and i feel great... it is suppose to suck all the build up in your veins and arteries out... i even started given it to my dog who is 13 years old and it like she's alive again... her legs are working better, maybe from better circulation etc... it's one of those some swear by it some say its bogus OTC remedies, but it works on my end, so justthought id share... give it a shot...

  2. #2
    g0dsend's Avatar
    g0dsend is offline Member
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    Isnt it a preservative? I saw on the news one time it was linked to cancer or something, and its in alot of our foods. Could be wrong though.

  3. #3
    jsinur7's Avatar
    jsinur7 is offline Member
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    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by g0dsend View Post
    Isnt it a preservative? I saw on the news one time it was linked to cancer or something, and its in alot of our foods. Could be wrong though.
    yup itsa a preservative... been used for decades and is considred safe... its even in babyfood... supposedly in large amounts it sucks the goop right out of your arteries and veins... its so safe they even inject it directly to clean people out of lead poisoning etc... but they have oral caps of it too... way cheaper... dont know anything about cancer and it though

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