10 pound dumbell in each hand postiond as if you were going to do a back squat. then do 60 squats, 30 squat jumps, 60 lunges, 30 jump lunges. try it. no breaks just keep going at a good pace such as this http://youtube.com/watch?v=VXO60EElKag
lunges go with a little faster pace then this http://youtube.com/watch?v=5jr4ssN-l0M keep the whole thing at a pretty fast pace.
give this a try after a leg day and tell me how it went..
1 set
60 squats
30 jump squats
60 lunges
30 jump lunges
go from 1 excersize right to the other. 2 min break. do it again. its some ruff stuff. if you like pain this is for you.