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Thread: Bigger, Stronger, Faster Thoughts...

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    I grew up with all three of them..... Mad dog is three years older than me, Chris is one year and smelly is two years younger than me. His parents are the nicest people you will ever meet. Picture like 20 boys reaking havoc in their house and his mom would feed us all. Good People and did not deserve that shot

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    In a bowl of rice
    Just my thoughts:

    1. He makes a decent argument that steroids are unfairly demonized, while things like prescription drugs, alcohol, tobacco, etc., are by far more abused and potentially hazardous to one's health.
    2. He basically "outs" his brothers. I wonder if Smelly will lose his high school football coaching position? How will the kids he told "I don't use roids," be affected?
    3. I love his parents. Never met them, but I believe they are genuinely good people who love their kids and did their best in raising them. They may be uneducated regarding nutrition (Mom says something like, "Lots of carbs for energy in these cookie bars.") and steroids, but they're still cool.
    4. I'm not surprised the head of the committee didn't have his facts straight. Goes to show the best minds aren't usually found in politics.
    5. Carl Lewis = hypocrite. I've always believed the majority of Olympic / professional athletes use some type of performance enhancing substances.
    6. I'm sorry that Mr. Hooten lost his son, but he's become part of the problem and actually turned the debate on steroids into an emotional issue without any regard for the scientific or medical information available. That his son was already depressed and taking anti-depressants has no significance for him.
    7. The movie mirrors Bell's unresolved and conflicting issues with steroids. While he does provide some educational information, he still has his doubts and seems to be wrestling with steroids as a moral issue. Bell shows different aspects of the issue and allows people to express their ideas/opinions, but I didn't really get any sense of closure. Thus, the movie does not have any real conclusion as to whether or not steroids are "bad".

    You can watch the deleted scene with Jay Cutler and Charles Glass here:

    Other supposedly deleted scenes:

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New Joisey
    My thoughts:

    The father of the kid who was on lexapro and committed suicide is an ignorant fvck and I personally think I would have off'd myself too if my father was as closeminded and stupid as him.
    I'm on Lexapro, and I've juiced, and I went through a period on Lex where I wanted nothing but to die.
    But BECAUSE doctors told me this was a possibility, AND I had a family and shrink who played VERY close attention, I got through it and am happier than anyone I know now.
    Lex is DESIGNED to fvck with your brain, juice is not.

    What else can I say though, very inspiring for what I already believe, politics, bullshit, lies, all what I expected.
    I did not however expect them to not bash on Valentino.

    Oh and that Romano guy is the shit. Sharp as a whistle, many props to him.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR View Post
    Just my thoughts:

    1. He makes a decent argument that steroids are unfairly demonized, while things like prescription drugs, alcohol, tobacco, etc., are by far more abused and potentially hazardous to one's health.
    2. He basically "outs" his brothers. I wonder if Smelly will lose his high school football coaching position? How will the kids he told "I don't use roids," be affected?
    3. I love his parents. Never met them, but I believe they are genuinely good people who love their kids and did their best in raising them. They may be uneducated regarding nutrition (Mom says something like, "Lots of carbs for energy in these cookie bars.") and steroids, but they're still cool.
    4. I'm not surprised the head of the committee didn't have his facts straight. Goes to show the best minds aren't usually found in politics.
    5. Carl Lewis = hypocrite. I've always believed the majority of Olympic / professional athletes use some type of performance enhancing substances.
    6. I'm sorry that Mr. Hooten lost his son, but he's become part of the problem and actually turned the debate on steroids into an emotional issue without any regard for the scientific or medical information available. That his son was already depressed and taking anti-depressants has no significance for him.
    7. The movie mirrors Bell's unresolved and conflicting issues with steroids. While he does provide some educational information, he still has his doubts and seems to be wrestling with steroids as a moral issue. Bell shows different aspects of the issue and allows people to express their ideas/opinions, but I didn't really get any sense of closure. Thus, the movie does not have any real conclusion as to whether or not steroids are "bad".

    You can watch the deleted scene with Jay Cutler and Charles Glass here:

    Other supposedly deleted scenes:
    His brother no longer is the football coach, he got a new job before the movie came out he said on an interview

  5. #45
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Tim 'er and Rim 'er
    I think its a great movie personally. He needed to be more clear on the message that "steroids" are life style. Just like burger king or Macdonald is a life style of fat people. He made it sound like we use steroids because we have been pressured into it.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    May 2008
    ve jay jay land
    Quote Originally Posted by Voice of Reason View Post
    I think Bell's mom is an extremely obese fat Jesus praying retard that gave her boys a very poor self body image feeding them cookie dough cheeseburgers when they were young, in turn making her boys take steroids to make them selves feel better about their bodies yet feel guilty about it cause she's a fat tard that's a nut job stress eater...

    The movie was good at pointing all the real BS attached to steroids tho...
    thats a good mom dude, most moms don't know anything about health and nutrition. but thats not what makes a woman a bad mother. some moms smoke all day and tell their kids to make their own food if theirs any in the fridge that is.

    Is it just me or did Greg Valentino come of as a grounded and very sound indevidual. I thought he was on the money with all his coments.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    in the sky
    it was informative but kinda slow at the beginning i guess it just wasnt what i expected.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    I really enjoyed it.

    I can understand how some of the more experienced juice users on this site would of been bored because they probably knew all the facts Bell presented but imagine a normal person watching it - i'm sure they would be surprised.

    Also props to John Romano & Valentino - i've got respect for Gregg after seeing this.

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