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  1. #1
    Tesla's Avatar
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    25 Hints You're Not Voting for Obama

    Today's Rasmussen daily tracking poll has 80% of Democrats supporting Obama and 87% of Republicans supporting McCain. There are still a healthy number of undecideds. This conflicts with the stream of media reports that Obamacons, evangelicals, black conservatives and independents are flocking to Obama.

    If you're an independent, moderate or conservative on the fence about whether to vote for McCain or Obama, here's a helpful guide:

    It's unlikely you'll vote for Obama if you....
    1. aren't a news anchor.
    2. read the New York Times for pretty much the same reason the NSA monitors radio transmissions.
    3. automatically conclude that the person laughing in the car next to you must be listening to Rush. Or maybe Obama off teleprompter.
    4. dislocated your shoulder trying to explain Obama's position on Iraq to co-workers.
    5. find autobiographies generally more interesting when the author has, you know, done something.
    6. remember the Carter Administration.
    7. would give a month's pay to play Jack Bauer's partner on 24.
    8. increasingly agree with Mark Steyn that "almost everything [Obama] says is, well, nuts."
    9. think it's relevant — despite what the sophisticates say — that several of Obama's mentors and associates have displayed a dislike for America or a disdain for Americans.
    10. think it's relevant that several of McCain's mentors and associates are American heroes of historic magnitude.
    11. think about 9/11 more than once a year.
    12. have concluded that Larry the Cable Guy makes way more sense than Howard Dean.
    13. feel a little safer during turbulence when your pilot is a calm "white haired dude."
    14. thought about Hillary's 3:00 a.m. phone call ad when you first heard about Russian tanks in Georgia.
    15. wonder why Obama felt it necessary to give a speech on patriotism.
    16. get sorta creeped out by 200,000 Germans chanting "Obama! Obama!"
    17. think the jury may still be out on Harvard Law School.
    18. suspect "merci beaucoup" is French for "empty suit."
    19. doubt that teleprompters are really magical dispensers of good ideas.
    20. know in your gut that defiantly withstanding 4 1/2 years of torture trumps all of Obama's qualifications and accomplishments combined — regardless of what the elite pundits say.
    21. repeatedly find yourself asking "Change to what?"
    22. have ever used the term "pompous twit' in the same sentence with "Ma**," "Marcuse," or "Sartre."
    23. don't like being told what to do — especially by someone who hasn't done it.
    24. really like ticking off the media, Hollywood, academics, and PC busybodies everywhere.
    25. weren't born yesterday.

    Score (# of descriptions that apply to you):
    0— Go ahead, write in Dennis Kucinich
    1—3 Obama may be your choice after all
    4—5 You think Hillary got a raw deal and won't vote Obama
    6—24 McCain's your man
    25 It's OK to write in Reagan

  2. #2
    gst528i's Avatar
    gst528i is offline Senior Member
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    weren't born yesterday

  3. #3
    MuscleScience's Avatar
    MuscleScience is offline ~AR-Elite-Hall of Famer~
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    #1 is so true, especially if your name is Keith Oberman

  4. #4
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    lol at #4

  5. #5
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    thats a really good post bro. personally im not very happy with either candidate since they both have many flaws but im leaning towards mccain just because i trust him to run our military and obama wants to scratch the missle defense program
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  6. #6
    crazycrab is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT View Post
    thats a really good post bro. personally im not very happy with either candidate since they both have many flaws but im leaning towards mccain just because i trust him to run our military and obama wants to scratch the missle defense program

    Same here,

    We cant find a better canditate. We need more parties so we have more to choose from

  7. #7
    green22's Avatar
    green22 is offline Senior Member
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    If ya want more of the same vote john McCain!!!!!!!!

  8. #8
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    It's funny that there's a difference in the way the voters perceive the candidates, but there's no real difference between the candidates themselves.

  9. #9
    dumbdumb's Avatar
    dumbdumb is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazycrab View Post
    Same here,

    We cant find a better canditate. We need more parties so we have more to choose from

    Same here, we need more major parties, and term limits on the House and Senate.

  10. #10
    Tesla's Avatar
    Tesla is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dumbdumb View Post
    we need term limits on the House and Senate.
    I can't argue with that.

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