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  1. #1
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    US Governments, politicians, cops, traffic court...

    Here is a series of video links from someone who is critical of the government. Unless you are in love with the government the way it exists today I think you will find value in one or more of these links.

    Mark Stevens Interview (he's into bb btw, or at least used to be)- trapping judges and cops making them choke on their own words in traffic court. Interesting info on the video everyone should hear IMO. It becomes politically very contraversial about 1/3 way through, many might not be interested in that but the first 1/3 is very interesteing:

    And 'Beating Civil Traffic Tickets Part 2, Impeaching a Witness (which in this case is the cop lol) Good video:

    Beating Civil Traffic Tickets Part 3- Fair trial impossible:

    Here is a video "Ever wonder how politicians think" pretty funny, and pretty accurate IMO:


  2. #2
    sooners04's Avatar
    sooners04 is offline Senior Member
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    I can't watch the first video for some reason, but video #2 pertains to me as I have had to testify many times. I'm sure that those questions he asks are good enough to fool the cop but if the cop is thinking about the first question he knows the answer is NO. Question 1. says "Did you file a valid case of action against me" the cop nor does ANY cop file ANYTHING against anyone. ONLY the county attorneys can file charges on ANYONE and they have the right to amend it as they see fit. So that answer is NO and therefore his whole impeachment is out the window. It's not like cops don't get fooled up by trick questions from defense attorney's everyday and cases are dismissed everyday because some cops get scared and fooled on the stand, nothing new there.

  3. #3
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    Quote Originally Posted by sooners04 View Post
    I can't watch the first video for some reason, but video #2 pertains to me as I have had to testify many times. I'm sure that those questions he asks are good enough to fool the cop but if the cop is thinking about the first question he knows the answer is NO. Question 1. says "Did you file a valid case of action against me" the cop nor does ANY cop file ANYTHING against anyone. ONLY the county attorneys can file charges on ANYONE and they have the right to amend it as they see fit. So that answer is NO and therefore his whole impeachment is out the window. It's not like cops don't get fooled up by trick questions from defense attorney's everyday and cases are dismissed everyday because some cops get scared and fooled on the stand, nothing new there.
    Open the first one and let the window sit there for about 10 minutes, it needs to load...

  4. #4
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    This isn't a thread busting on cops btw, it's a thread busting on government, where the focus just happens to be the courts.

    And my favorite vid is the last one. That is how politicians think IMO.

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