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Thread: always tired

  1. #1
    importeater91 is offline Member
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    always tired

    for the past couple weeks ive been feeling tire all the time. from being in the military im used to not getting alot of sleep. usually 5 hrs pof sleep and im good..just for some reason lately ive been feeling tired all the time. ive tryed taking little naps when i get off of work, sleeping longer and still tired. like last night i got 9-8hrs in(and thats alot for me) and i feel like ive only slept for like there anything i can do or take to help me feel more refreshed when i get up?

  2. #2
    calgarian's Avatar
    calgarian is offline ANALbolically inclined "Protein user"
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    Quote Originally Posted by importeater91 View Post
    for the past couple weeks ive been feeling tire all the time. from being in the military im used to not getting alot of sleep. usually 5 hrs pof sleep and im good..just for some reason lately ive been feeling tired all the time. ive tryed taking little naps when i get off of work, sleeping longer and still tired. like last night i got 9-8hrs in(and thats alot for me) and i feel like ive only slept for like there anything i can do or take to help me feel more refreshed when i get up?
    I would check thyroid levels. Just to make sure that they are not low.

    On a lighter note having alot of sex helps too

  3. #3
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    booze/benzo's will affect the amount of proper sleep you get, if thats the case. If i dont try my hardest im in bed at least 12hrs a day and i hate it.

  4. #4
    Skully44420's Avatar
    Skully44420 is offline "A Work in Progress"
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    i agree with cal about getting your thyroid levels checked.

  5. #5
    "Maximus"'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    I would check thyroid levels. Just to make sure that they are not low.
    In case your TLs come back alright, I would seriously think about doing a gH cycle for 6 - 8 months or bump it to a year doing 2.5 to 3IUs 5 days on /2 off... that would definitely help, assuming you have no life-threatening health illnesses that the gH could seriously aggravate.

  6. #6
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    im in the same boat as you, it doesnt matter if i sleep 3 hours or 24, im tired every second of the day and im sick of it

  7. #7
    TranscriptionFactor's Avatar
    TranscriptionFactor is offline Associate Member
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    This can be so many things...what is the quality of your sleep? Do you have obstructive sleep apnea? What is age,ht, wt.? Gaining/losing weight? Diet? Caffeine intake? Meds?
    How often do you exercise? Do you go to bed/get up at same time every day or have shift changes? Wake up often in the middle of night? Libido? When are you most tired during day? Could have sleep cycle disturbance.
    Do you urinate a lot/feel thirsty a lot = symptoms of Diabetes.
    Yes definitely check Thyroid TFT's, and Test/Estro if your doc will do it.

    There are so many possible causes, and I have hinted at a few....need more info.
    Last edited by TranscriptionFactor; 09-09-2008 at 01:45 PM. Reason: add line

  8. #8
    moregunsthanroses's Avatar
    moregunsthanroses is offline Associate Member
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    I'm the same lately but I've also had a ton of other symptoms. Fatigue that isn't relieved by sleep sucks.

    Before I would get 8-10 hours a night and I would have no fatigue issues whatsoever.

    I've also lost 13lbs over the past month and a half or so.

  9. #9
    Kratos's Avatar
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    I'm gonna have a sleep study done...already have the referal, just need to schedule. I want to wait until I'm off tren cause I don't think they'll be amused at my bp and it could throw other varabiles in. I think I have sleep apnea though, I'm tired all the time. One guy I know has a cpap and says he feels awake for the first time in his life. I've been told by people sleeping in the same room as me I stop breathing for long periods of time and wake myself up constantly.

  10. #10
    B.E.N.'s Avatar
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    Others have indicated serious medical problems and they very well be right.

    However, and I've said this in other posts, it could simply be dehydration. Around 80% of Americans are chronicly dehydrated. Fatigue is one of the main symptoms of dehydration.

    From personal experience I know that when I am not drinking at least 3/4 a gallon of water (on top of whatever water I'm gettig from foods) a day I feel run down.

    Can't hurt to try before exploring other options with your doctor. Try sucks pissing all the time at first but your body adjust properly and for the better.

  11. #11
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    Could be depression.

  12. #12
    mex83's Avatar
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    Depression thats my 2 cents

  13. #13
    importeater91 is offline Member
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    the past couple days ive noticed ill get up and look at my clock (im just worried im gonna wake up late for work). i also dont drink as much water as much as i used to when i was a civilian. im not sure if i could get tested for that, i had a hard time to just have them look at my toe.

  14. #14
    beefjr22 is offline Banned
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    Caffine keeps me awake... I drink somethin called endorush thats the best thing ive drank as far as energy drinks are concerned...but if its some like thyroid or depression then i doubt thats a solution

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