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  1. #1
    boxer08's Avatar
    boxer08 is offline Senior Member
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    Cissus quadrangularis

    My Cissus quadrangularis arived today and i am planning on starting it in the morning. I bought it in bulk and was wondering what is the best way to weigh 1.5 grams, its a little sticky to. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    N.Ireland, UK
    with scales???

    really, you are best making your own capsules, any moisture and this will clump

    i take a small spoon of it, with warm water, mix, swirl, down in one, tastes like fack but just drink strong juice after it, just dont get it in your teeth!

  3. #3
    CSAR's Avatar
    CSAR is offline AR's Cunning Linguist
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    In a bowl of rice
    First, I'd place some extra food-safe dessicant packets inside to help eliminate moisture & clumping.

    Then, I'd use a digital scale with a teaspoon or half-tablespoon. Zero the scale with the spoon on it, and measure out your 1.5g.

    Lastly, I'd follow nirish mark's advice and man it down. The taste sucks, but it's really easy to do.

  4. #4
    boxer08's Avatar
    boxer08 is offline Senior Member
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    united kingdom
    Just had my first serving. When i tried to weigh it, i put in the scale what looked like around 3 grams and it didint weigh anything so i just estimated 1.5 grams. NOt a very nice taste but i can cope with it lol.

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