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  1. #1
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Anyone Listen to Tom Leykis?

    Ok, for those of you in Southern California. Im sure youve heard of him.

    The show's most well-known feature is "Leykis 101," in which he purports to teach men "how to get laid" while expending less time, money, and effort.

    The cornerstone of the program is the Thursday broadcast of "Leykis 101", in which the program is set-up as an ad hoc lecture and question & answer session, over which Leykis presides as a self-styled "professor". The subject of the "101" segments is how men can spend less money on women, while achieving greater sexual success.

    Along with general information on life for young men, advice mostly consists of his principles of looking out for yourself and that the institution of marriage is flawed and biased against men. He constantly recommends that young men attend some form of higher education and not to be distracted by relationships or to marry at a young age as he did. The intent of his advice is to replace the father figure which many men lack, earning him the moniker of "Dad".

    He also denounces what in his words is a corrupt and broken child support system that does not require DNA tests and has forced men to pay money to women who lied before a judge for children these men did not father.

    A popular and long-running feature of the show is "Flash Friday" in which men are encouraged to drive with their headlights on and women are encouraged to expose their breasts to such vehicles. The feature began as a one-time bit; while on the air, Leykis recalled a radio host he listened to as a child, who asked his listeners in New York apartments to flash their lights on and off and then to look outside to see how many neighbors were doing the same, as a way to gauge the audience size. Leykis asked his listeners to do the same with their car headlights, and a few minutes later, jokingly suggested that women flash their breasts.

    A listener called in to report that he saw a woman flashing fellow drivers, and it became a regular feature of the show. Both women and men commonly call during the Friday broadcast to alert other listeners as to their location, and to recount stories of flashing or being flashed, respectively.

    Now ive been a Leykis 101 grad for about 6 years. I can honestly say, hes a genius. His methods, although sometime cruel, do work.

    Any comments?

  2. #2
    Older lifter is offline Anabolic Member
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    Living easy in Asia
    Well i don't know him neither have i heard him, but if what you say is what he advises,


    Living in Asia i have met so many men that have been so f***ed over in a marrage that they change there attitude to marrage, they retire here, enjoy life and its not that hard to find a lady when you want one, otherwise they just spend the day with there mates.

    PS, always drive with my lights on LOL

  3. #3
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Take a listen to him...

    You can stream or podcast anywhere in the world...

  4. #4
    mex83's Avatar
    mex83 is offline " I Can Make Your Days And Nights Look Like Fantasy "
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    Never heard of him.

    I have heard of HITCH though lol.

  5. #5
    Older lifter is offline Anabolic Member
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    Living easy in Asia
    Might look into that.

    have a good one

  6. #6
    soulstealer's Avatar
    soulstealer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Greatest show ever! they rebroadcast him in NY for a few months then canceled it was awesome while it lasted.

  7. #7
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    Listened to him many years ago.... He's pretty funny but not really my style.

  8. #8
    kaptainkeezy04's Avatar
    kaptainkeezy04 is offline Anabolic Member
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    He is a mostly a douche bag, but does have many great points, but for the most bag is one giant douche. My favorite moment of that show is when he said that nobody could give him a logical reason to get married, and some guy called in and said "If you're religious, want to have sex with the person you love, and not go to hell." He was pretty much dumbfounded, and had no response.

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