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  1. #1
    aolsux00 is offline Associate Member
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    Cheapass Friends

    Do any of you guys have cheapass friends? Have do you deal with them??

    I used to be friends with people that I could actually go out with and have a good time with and spend money and all that. Like we would go drink or go pick up girls or just anything. But now I'm friends with some guys that don't want to spend a penny. Like I'm always down for a bar, but its like the only reason they want to go is because they don't have to spend a penny (they will never buy a drink). But they never want to do anything else. Like around christmas every single year we used to always goto Vegas. Now these guys don't want to go cuz they are too cheap to take 2 days off work. And I'm not in school anymore so its not like its that easy to find a new group of friends. I have other friends, but these are the ones I am closest too.

  2. #2
    bigswole32's Avatar
    bigswole32 is offline Junior Member
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    find new friends? how are u close to them if yall dont ever go out and hang out and stuff?

  3. #3
    aolsux00 is offline Associate Member
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    We do hang out. Its just starting to get very annoying doing the same stuff over and over again. I guess this whole vegas thing just really pissed me off since I go every single year and haven't missed a year.

    Quote Originally Posted by bigswole32 View Post
    find new friends? how are u close to them if yall dont ever go out and hang out and stuff?

  4. #4
    scibble's Avatar
    scibble is offline "A Dukkit In The Making"
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    well, this is a pretty tough year for many people.

  5. #5
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    have a buddy..known him forever.. we call him 2 bucks.. when we were younger we would all chip in for beer.. he was always good for 2 bucks.. but we would have to drink fast to keep up with him pounding them down..always got his moneys worth.. name sticks to this day..

  6. #6
    Flex-Appeal's Avatar
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    Maybe not everyone is so rich and fortunate like you dude. Take into consideration other people have different (harder) life styles.
    If you are not happy with them spending their money at the bars then move on and find a new wing man

  7. #7
    aolsux00 is offline Associate Member
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    I would totally understand if he did not have money, he does. I don't have a lot of money myself. This guy is just plain cheap. This is the same guy that never took his girlfriend to anyplace better than taco bell except if it was his anniversary. He makes decent money and he doesn't spend any, he still lives at home. He doesn't spend on weekdays, on weekends, car was given to him, no bills except a $45 cell phone, buys cheap clothes, etc... He was having a heart attack because we were playing pool and it was a few minutes over an hour and they charge in 15 minute increments, he was having a panic attack and telling me "it been an hour, its been an hour." He doesn't know how to have fun because he thinks about money too much. If anything, his life is much easier than mine.
    But yeah, like you guys said, I think I need to find a new wingman, he makes me look bad in front of other people, especially girls. Thanks for the suggestions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flex-Appeal View Post
    Maybe not everyone is so rich and fortunate like you dude. Take into consideration other people have different (harder) life styles.
    If you are not happy with them spending their money at the bars then move on and find a new wing man
    Last edited by aolsux00; 12-07-2008 at 11:21 PM.

  8. #8
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
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    they probably just grew out of spending money like idiots. its not like they are contemplating whether or not to pay for a life saving surgery here.

  9. #9
    CSAR's Avatar
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    I never had cheap-ass friends. 'Cause I'm too much of a dick for cheap-ass people to be patient with.

  10. #10
    melbgymnst's Avatar
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    trust me i totally understand, i have this friend who dissapears to the toilet when its his shout for a round, he wont spend a dime but is always up for comming out on your expense.
    this guy wouldnt shout if a shark bit him.
    its so annoying !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. #11
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    ding ding ding ding ding ding

    What's that?

    That's the Jewdar going off.

    lol jk!

  12. #12
    StoneGRMI's Avatar
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    I haven't had any cheap friends when it comes to splitting bills, vacations..etc. but I have a feeling that I will have some soon as the economy and lay offs are hitting many people. I have a friend who was an engineer for Chrysler who was just forced to take a buyout or take the big risk of being fired very soon. He took the buyout cause he knew he was on the bottom of the pecking order.

    Another friend got his 20 year bonus from GM and later that day got an email asking him to come to the main office and to bring his laptop. FIRED on the same day! These aren't the line workers these are engineers and designers!

    /end of economy rant

  13. #13
    j4ever41's Avatar
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    yeah i got a friend that i used to pay for all drinks and food when we went out because he was on hard times at the time today he makes good money and still expects it but after out last time out that was the last time period,if you are in debt and cant afford to go out keep your a$$ at home.
    Last edited by j4ever41; 12-08-2008 at 01:44 PM. Reason: sp

  14. #14
    zimmy's Avatar
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    I don't know you or him but you get older, people change priorities and throwing money at a bar for the same booz you can buy for 1/8 of the price at home with friends seems a lil silly

  15. #15
    BigBrad330's Avatar
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    yea i hate that, its the worst. I had a roommate in college a couple years ago who would flip out if we used his ranch dressing. he was the cheapest motherf*cker i've ever met and it pissed all of us(his friends) off. the funny thing though, he had no money for anything except he always seemed to afford a cheap bottle of liquor

  16. #16
    j4ever41's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
    I don't know you or him but you get older, people change priorities and throwing money at a bar for the same booz you can buy for 1/8 of the price at home with friends seems a lil silly
    thats right it is much cheaper to buy and drink at home and if thats the case for him he should stay at home like i said the last time we went out that was enough i am a good friend but im not going to be taking advantage of, the case or priorities changing is true but that is not his deal,like i said i helped him in the past and did not expect anything in return but he has had a good job for a couple of years so no more and he was told so again if you cant afford to go out or dont want to spend any money stay at home personally i got to much pride to feed off of others.

  17. #17
    Towel is offline Associate Member
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    you got to hang out with friends who fit with you and represent yourself. Just find new friends. It's not easy I know. But keep them still as your friends. But don't do stuff with them that you can't do. Just call them in for activities where they fit in. I was best friends with someone i know him for about 12 years now. We pretty much grow up to gether and went to college and hanged out and played video games etc back then. He is a really good guy. But he is still the same person as when we where kids. Still same intrest, thinking, behavier etc. It's obvious he just doesn't fit in with the rest of us anymore and all my other friends complain about his behavier. So you know I just don't hang out with him much more, we are still friends but I just call him in for things he fits in. For example it's pointless to go to bar with 4 friends who drink and pick up girls and take him along with us who drinks nothing and just stand against a wall whatching the time.

  18. #18
    zimmy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by j4ever41 View Post
    thats right it is much cheaper to buy and drink at home and if thats the case for him he should stay at home like i said the last time we went out that was enough i am a good friend but im not going to be taking advantage of, the case or priorities changing is true but that is not his deal,like i said i helped him in the past and did not expect anything in return but he has had a good job for a couple of years so no more and he was told so again if you cant afford to go out or dont want to spend any money stay at home personally i got to much pride to feed off of others.
    ahhh sh*t... he xpects you to pay? F*CK that bastard...

  19. #19
    bigt10 is offline Member
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    ya man dont take it personal or anything especially now if alot of people are trying to save money because they are losing jobs.

    Its a recession and people are re aligning their proiorties and where they want to spend their money making smart ration decisions.

    to bad the government is destorying your savings with inflation and doing everything they can to keep up this borrow and spend economy.

  20. #20
    Tock's Avatar
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    Oftentimes, a person's willingness to share $$$ (financial responsibility) mirrors their willingness to share emotional intimacy.
    Translated into French, that means that people that are chronically cheap with their money make unsatisfying friends and lovers.

    Generally, they won't change without resolving whatever it is that makes them stingy.

    So, either resolve to find new friends, or put up with the ones you have.

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