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  1. #1
    gst528i's Avatar
    gst528i is offline Senior Member
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    Opinion on this aricle.

    It is an older article. But just wanting to check what you give think of it and opinion. More towards the bottom of the page is what i am more intrested in.
    Just doing research. Any opnions will be appreciated/

  2. #2
    Older lifter is offline Anabolic Member
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    I am aware of most of what is stated in the article,, I am not sure what you are doing research on but the material seems correct and along the lines of general nutritional requirements for BBing...

  3. #3
    gst528i's Avatar
    gst528i is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Older lifter View Post
    I am aware of most of what is stated in the article,, I am not sure what you are doing research on but the material seems correct and along the lines of general nutritional requirements for BBing...
    Well i was going reseatch on amount of carbs to eat specific to body and type of goal.
    My diet currently involves honey, slices of bread as well other items mentioned in this article. There are other article that say eating no slices of bread along with other corrections to diet limiting carbs to the extent of only getting carbs from foods you try to eat as a protein source.

    So my question is, in regards to the points the article states as in the foods that it recommends to eat in order to not compromise mucsle building.


  4. #4
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
    xlxBigSexyxlx is offline CHEMICALLY ENGINEERED
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    I don't eat white bread or corn starch, but most I can agree with.

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