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  1. #1
    alex18's Avatar
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    What is a forum troll?

    I've noticed a few people being branded trolls......can someone please explain?

  2. #2
    Ernst's Avatar
    Ernst is offline Borderline Personality
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    Someone who makes inflammatory remarks just to stir shit.

  3. #3
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErnstHatAngst;43***49
    Someone who makes inflammatory remarks just to stir shit.
    .....and we have a winner.

    It'd be alot better if no-one would respond to them

  4. #4
    alex18's Avatar
    alex18 is offline Member
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    got ya ...just curious, thanks...thread over!

  5. #5
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    An example would be starting a thread entitled; "Why are steroid users such a$$holes", in a steroid forum.

  6. #6
    alex18's Avatar
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    and then wonder why they get slammed right?

  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Trolls have been around as long as there have been forums. I suspect that most of them are people who lack the ability to successfully interact socially in real-world environments, and therefore attempt to impose their influence via the web. Their mission is never the topic at hand, only to disrupt the community. Some are so ignorant that they make it obvious even in the title of the thread that they are a troll, others are a bit craftier and walk the line at first, making it hard to tell if it's a troll or just some person with an iq just high enough to peck away at a keyboard. The longstanding unspoken rule on forums has always been "please don't feed the trolls". When they post inflamatory comments with the intention of starting trouble, if everyone overlooks it the troll gets bored and hops to the next board. However if peeps take offense and start arguing with the troll, it can go on uselessly for hours, and all this time the troll is successful in their mission.

  8. #8
    Flagg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big;43***96
    Trolls have been around as long as there have been forums. I suspect that most of them are people who lack the ability to successfully interact socially in real-world environments, and therefore attempt to impose their influence via the web. Their mission is never the topic at hand, only to disrupt the community. Some are so ignorant that they make it obvious even in the title of the thread that they are a troll, others are a bit craftier and walk the line at first, making it hard to tell if it's a troll or just some person with an iq just high enough to peck away at a keyboard. The longstanding unspoken rule on forums has always been "please don't feed the trolls". When they post inflamatory comments with the intention of starting trouble, if everyone overlooks it the troll gets bored and hops to the next board. However if peeps take offense and start arguing with the troll, it can go on uselessly for hours, and all this time the troll is successful in their mission.

    This is a spot of definition. Troll is a bit of a internet buzzword being used more and more by teenagers now, those that think "lol and pwn" is cool. It also ties into an expression known as "Don't feed the troll", in otherwords the more you react to a trolls comments, the more you are feeding him/her.

  9. #9
    QuieTSToRM33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big;43***96
    Trolls have been around as long as there have been forums. I suspect that most of them are people who lack the ability to successfully interact socially in real-world environments, and therefore attempt to impose their influence via the web. Their mission is never the topic at hand, only to disrupt the community. Some are so ignorant that they make it obvious even in the title of the thread that they are a troll, others are a bit craftier and walk the line at first, making it hard to tell if it's a troll or just some person with an iq just high enough to peck away at a keyboard. The longstanding unspoken rule on forums has always been "please don't feed the trolls". When they post inflamatory comments with the intention of starting trouble, if everyone overlooks it the troll gets bored and hops to the next board. However if peeps take offense and start arguing with the troll, it can go on uselessly for hours, and all this time the troll is successful in their mission.
    Winner !!!

  10. #10
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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  11. #11
    alex18's Avatar
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    very good!

  12. #12
    firmechicano831's Avatar
    firmechicano831 is offline Anabolic Member
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    any one a troll here?

  13. #13
    T_Own's Avatar
    T_Own is offline Formula1 Aficionado
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    between cgb and big i think you get the idea.

    flagg, stafoo n00b, i'M s0 1337 c@n'T st0p m3 0n teh f0rumz l0lz

  14. #14
    nickbcd is offline New Member
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    someone that deliberately starts an obnoxious/ annoying thread to deliberately try and derail the forum into some derogatory bitch fest where everyone ends slagging off comments to one another.

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