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  1. #1
    j4ever41's Avatar
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    put pet to sleep today

    anyone had to ever put a pet to sleep? i knew it be hard but fck it was really hard, its amazing how attached you can get especially if you have had for years,anyway i am not so sure i will get another one its just to much.

  2. #2
    No One Knows's Avatar
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    sucks man...sorry to hear. luckily i've never had to put an animal down. That would suck...

    But now you can get another one to replace the one that died. and in 10 years you can do it again...

  3. #3
    amcon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by j4ever41 View Post
    anyone had to ever put a pet to sleep? i knew it be hard but fck it was really hard, its amazing how attached you can get especially if you have had for years,anyway i am not so sure i will get another one its just to much.
    yep, that sucks - sorry to hear...

  4. #4
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    I never had to put one down but my first dog had epilepsy and one time went into bad seizures and I took him in and he died over night. Its been a good 4 years and I still miss him

  5. #5
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    It could be worse.
    And I'll give you a recent example.

    My brothers beagle was starting to have kidney failure and he knew the dog had a short expiration date (vet said 3 weeks max) He was planning to put it down after the weekend (about 2 weeks ago) on monday.

    He came downstairs sunday morning and Hunter (his dog) was passed away frozen solid with dried vomit all over her.
    So he had to carry his dead dog to his back seat and drive it back to the hospital. I would be fvcking crying my brains out with all the times I've had my dog on my lap driving with her head out the window, just to have it lying dead in the back I couldnt do it.
    The *amazing* thing is how hes taking it. He truely has accepted that the dog lived a happy full life, and the only reason he should be sad in a situation like this if it was an accident and had happened years earlier.
    His kids are taking it hard but hes a great romodel just at how he not taking it hard like he could.
    And when I asked him "how are you taking it so easy" he said "I've learned in life when things like this happen its ALWAYS best to look back in the future rather than now because everything is always clearer than" . (which is true because its more objective)
    Think of times in your life you weren't sure how to be or act than you looked back in the future and just new what the right thing was.

    I guarantee a year or 2 from now you will think "shit, its no fun losing a dog but I had absolutely no right being that hard on myself".
    Most of all don't think you being sad now will prove to the world NOW how much you loved your dog THEN. If you love/d your dog do IT a favor by not being hard on yourself. Its not what the dog would want.

    g/damn Im getting sad just writing this.
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 02-09-2009 at 11:34 PM.

  6. #6
    j4ever41's Avatar
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    fellows thanks for your post i was not sure how people would respond, yeah bojangles thats bad situation for your brother,as bad as i wanted to bring her home tonight just to have a few more hours she was just so weak and lethargic and i could not stand to see her suffer like that any longer,guess i got so attached for 1 i dont have any children and then myself and wife have been having problems so over the last year or so it was just me and tha pup

  7. #7
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by j4ever41 View Post
    fellows thanks for your post i was not sure how people would respond, yeah bojangles thats bad situation for your brother,as bad as i wanted to bring her home tonight just to have a few more hours she was just so weak and lethargic and i could not stand to see her suffer like that any longer,guess i got so attached for 1 i dont have any children and then myself and wife have been having problems so over the last year or so it was just me and tha pup
    You know theres maybe 1 or 2 people in this world who cant understand why people can love a pet more than themselves, but a lot of people do understand.
    No one here is gonna bash you for loving the fvck out of your dog or even being closer to it than your own wife (that not a joke my own father and mother give their dogs more attention than each other). So you have every right to be sad, just think if you died first how sad your pup would be and whether or not you would want it to go by the front door everyday cry and waiting for you to come home.
    IT SUCKS. But you need to muster that little bit of truth and knowledge that NOONE, ESPECIALLY your pup wants you to suffer, in fact they want the complete opposite.
    Dont try to hard to forget because its not easy, but ALSO dont try too hard to not forget, because your dog definitely wouldnt want it that way.
    And when I say 'forget' I dont really mean forget, people never forget things they loved. When I say forget I mean FORGET BEING HARD ON YOURSELF.

    Gluck!! And remember things always get better.

  8. #8
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    quite a few times...

    when i was growing up we had 2 dogs pretty much the entire time, a few i remember the most was a little dog, annoying as shit, would bark at EVERYTHING, etc, you know the type. but it was old and had gotten something, and its eyes were all red, so we took it to the vet, and my mom told us it was from the medicine (i was like 7 at this point) but it was actually bleeding internally from its brain, so it had to be put down. and i'm actually getting kinda sad remembering this lol..

    most recent (to keep it short) was a boxer my sister had gotten (even longer story) but it was like 4 months old, my moms second favorite dog ever, seriously, i think she would trade me and my 2 sisters for it lol.. but anyway, it had gotten sick, and the vet had no idea what it was, but the dog would try to pee all the time, but could never get any out, and would always be sitting around but it was usually so hyper and all over the place. so a few weeks later we took her back to the vet and she stayed there overnight, and the next morning the vet called and said he tried to operate on her, but when he looked inside she had huge tumors all over her insides and he had to put her down while she was still sedated because if she woke up she would be in too much pain. our house was very quiet for a few days after that.

    but then we just got 2 boxer - labs and they are a lot of fun. they were bro-sis kinda thing, and its amazing how much they do together, even sleep on each other lol.

  9. #9
    NevrSayNevr's Avatar
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    I lost a pet of 11 years, very street or road smart, and that is where I found her, in front of my house against the side of the road. She was scared of cars and would never go to the street, something must of spooked her or chased her. Very, Very Hard, June 2008 and still not ready, so take your time.

  10. #10
    Nooomoto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by j4ever41 View Post
    anyone had to ever put a pet to sleep? i knew it be hard but fck it was really hard, its amazing how attached you can get especially if you have had for years,anyway i am not so sure i will get another one its just to much.
    That ****ing sucks dude. Sergeant Major is my first dog, and he's my boy. He's always down for whatever. It's gonna suck massive cock if he has to be put down/when he dies.

    You should get another one though. There's another dog out there that wants to party with you. A man should always have someone ready to get his back at all times, and a good dog out there some where is wishing you'd give it a chance to do so.

  11. #11
    Big's Avatar
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    very sorry to hear that, it's never easy losing a pet.

  12. #12
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
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    Sorry about your loss! I went through it 2 years ago, and I still think about it all the time! It was the worst day of my life...but was thankful for the time I got to spend with my dog. Had to go with my bro last week to put his Huskey down, and it brought back all of those shi**y feelings. It'll make even the toughest mo-fo break down.

    (my girl gave me a poem called "Rainbow Bridge" it's about dealing with the loss of a's worth checking out)

    Sorry again man...hang in there!

  13. #13
    Gears's Avatar
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    Thats gotta be hard man, I love my dog to death... It's going to be a sad sad day when he passes.

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    My pet frog died when i was 10, i was gutted...

  15. #15
    IM708's Avatar
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    Had a great dane for 8 years, found dead in the back yard.

    Had a cat that got some sort of brain disease and had seizures for a couple weeks until one day her body temp was up at around 107 so had to put him down.

    Got 2 cats now but it was really tough losing those animals. Sad thinking about it, makes me sad just seeing people with pet dogs.

  16. #16
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    I put my exwife to sleep once...I know that it has to be a lot harder to put down a good pet..Sorry for you lost...I mean that...

  17. #17
    KatsMeow is offline Stupid
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    Yeah I had to put a boxer to sleep before, she had cancer that we tried to get rid of with surgery but it had spread too far. I can feel for your loss, losing a pet that you are attached to is never easy. I had her cremated, and my mom is a retard and tries to use the urn as a door prop.

  18. #18
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Yeh and just to impose another view.

    When I use to work at petsmart we had to deal with this all the time except we didn't actually have to watch the animals die. (the dogs & cats) We just knew they were gonna get euthanized.

    After I got promoted a lead I was actually responsbile for euthanizing (its really killing) the animals myself (not bigger animals, dogs and cats always went to the vet). But the first time I had to basically kill a sick guinea pig I felt like something else, like it just wasnt normal for me to have the right to decide something like that.

    Than after a while, you get use to it, and you start turning the animals into objects, like they're just little dolls with batteries in them.

    The worse part, anytime we couldnt get rid (adopt out) a dog my manager would have to call the vet so later that night after we closed wed drop it off so it could be killed, this happened all the time.

    My job was to get these dogs adopted, to walk them around the store and talk to people, show them the dog and basically try to get it a home. I was also getting paid for playing with the dog too, so naturally Id get attached to the little suckers.
    First time I realized a dog was getting put down **BECAUSE I COULDNT FIND IT A HOME** I was fvcked up.
    The guinea pigs and hamsters were one thing, but now dogs?

    After about a year or 2 I just sort of grew detached to their faith if they didnt find a home.
    Its like you literally wanna adopt every dog yourself just so it wont get put down but you cant, its just not possible. So thank yourself that you only have to deal with this 2 or 3 times your life and not do it for a living.
    It gets easier when its your job but its still an extremely fvcked up thing to get used to, which you never really do anyway. I can't imagine how the vets themselves feel when their the ones holding the needle.
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 02-10-2009 at 07:17 PM.

  19. #19
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    It's definitely one of the harder things I've ever had to deal with. Would rather see some people die or put to sleep before I'd want to see a pet or animal pass away, there so innocent. Unfortunately can't say the same about most people

  20. #20
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by motoxer23 View Post
    It's definitely one of the harder things I've ever had to deal with. Would rather see some people die or put to sleep before I'd want to see a pet or animal pass away, there so innocent. Unfortunately can't say the same about most people
    Absolutely, I can watch one homie shoot another homies face off but if I watch a video of someone even slightly smacking a dog around I want to find out where they live and rip their heads off.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Absolutely, I can watch one homie shoot another homies face off but if I watch a video of someone even slightly smacking a dog around I want to find out where they live and rip their heads off.

    Lol I'm the same way bro.

  22. #22
    Brown Ninja's Avatar
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    So sorry to hear. I have a dog and would be devastated. If it were me I would get a new pup just take the pain away. Sorry again

  23. #23
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    I had a dog i had to put down.... She got bite by a snake and she was dying. i won't lie even though i know it was better then the pain she was in.. my god i duno how my dad did it.. our family couldn't even talk that night we were soo upset.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by KatsMeow View Post
    Yeah I had to put a boxer to sleep before, she had cancer that we tried to get rid of with surgery but it had spread too far. I can feel for your loss, losing a pet that you are attached to is never easy. I had her cremated, and my mom is a retard and tries to use the urn as a door prop.
    my mom had ours cremated too, but she keeps the ashes on her dresser (i think? haven't been home in a while)

    iron, aren't cats body temps above 100 normally? i know its a decent amount more than peoples

  25. #25
    Tigershark's Avatar
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    Sorry for your loss. I had to put my pet beagle to sleep years ago and I still think about him. Best friend I ever had in this world.

  26. #26
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    Protein start to denature in a human body at above 104, what would make a cat any different? Normal cat body temp between 100-102.5
    Last edited by IM708; 02-11-2009 at 05:51 AM.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    My pet frog died when i was 10, i was gutted...

  28. #28
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    I'm scared of animals. Even ducks. Ducks are really scary, when they come towards you with those beaks!

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuffedGuy View Post
    I'm scared of animals. Even ducks. Ducks are really scary, when they come towards you with those beaks!
    that just because you are from the middle east...all animals there are kind of bomb.or gun....

  30. #30
    nbkandrew13's Avatar
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    that sucks bro , i had a similar scar my pit started getting this huge swell over his eye took him to the vet , they did culture kept overnight after 700 bucks they told me they either needed to remove his eye , or they thought it could be a tumor, and might need to cut that out too or the other option was put him to sleep, well when they said put to sleep my wife went crazy thats her baby, so we went to a eye dr for dogs, who told us that it was an infection total cost $125.. eye drops, steroid pain pills, ten days later its gone , i came that close to puttin him to sleep

  31. #31
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    I worked at an animal clinic for a few years and put down many animals. If it makes you feel any better I can tell you , they feel nothing. I had to restrain them or hold them up while getting the injection. It is almost instant and there is no struggle or signs of pain.

  32. #32
    Kratos's Avatar
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    I was in that boat back in December. I miss her and I'm not thinking about getting another one yet.

  33. #33
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    When i was about 15 had a german shephard called ranger and was one wee twat that i used to have on off fights with, one day carrying on with ranger outside with few of my mates this twat was around and decided to start throwing stones and other shit at us and the dog, me stupidly ran at him and started fighting but think rangers senses seen me fighting her attacked the little twat.

    So police was called we got told ranger had to be put to sleep but ended up ranger had a lucky escape as one of the police officers actually liked ranger and he knew a guy that was training younger shephards for the army, so another guy came out done a couple of tests, reactions etc and as soon as finished first words were i want that dog, so ranger escaped with a happier ending.

  34. #34
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    I used to put cats in the microwave....

  35. #35
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    thanks for your responses, there are very cool people on this board.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
    I worked at an animal clinic for a few years and put down many animals. If it makes you feel any better I can tell you , they feel nothing. I had to restrain them or hold them up while getting the injection. It is almost instant and there is no struggle or signs of pain.
    you are correct. I stayed with her when they did it and also probably because she was so weak and small ( 3 # ) it was it was very quick.

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