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  1. #41
    BuffedGuy's Avatar
    BuffedGuy is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by prone2rage View Post
    Pizza cycle

  2. #42
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    Dude this kids are tiny....... sorry but if brad pit or ryan reynolds used steroids thats sad......

    ^^^^ Yeah wonder how much test and tren it would take to get THAT big.. pfffffffttttttt..... if you can't achieve that level of size or definition (hollywood cameras help a bit ) then you shouldn't even workout.... go home and find you something else to do sport cause working out and bodybuilding isn't for you

  3. #43
    Polska's Avatar
    Polska is offline Anabolic Member
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    ^^^ +1. Ryan Reynolds juiced up in Blade 3? Brad Pitt?

    Are you sure you're watching the same movies I am?

    These guys have a personal trainer and a good diet. Hugh Jackman eats 7 times a day and gets up in the middle of the night to eat egg whites.

    A lot of people seem to have the misconception that a muscular body is impossible without steroids . lol.

  4. #44
    jbm's Avatar
    jbm is offline "3 stars and a sun"
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    Pitt and Reynolds told me they are not using steroids , they use hemorrhoids.... lolol!

  5. #45
    warchild's Avatar
    warchild is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    it was funny in blade trinity when ryan reynolds went up against triple h...i thought reynolds looked way better and he was like 190 or so

  6. #46
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    No source checks
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    5 to go

  7. #47
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    HRT or TRT at best.

  8. #48
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    Dude this kids are tiny....... sorry but if brad pit or ryan reynolds used steroids thats sad......

    ^^^^ Yeah wonder how much test and tren it would take to get THAT big.. pfffffffttttttt..... if you can't achieve that level of size or definition (hollywood cameras help a bit ) then you shouldn't even workout.... go home and find you something else to do sport cause working out and bodybuilding isn't for you
    Reed, sorry bro, but the pic you posted of brad is pretty lame... I easily can get that skinny and ripped through diet and excercise, that is just a bad pic example of what this thread is..

    Now the Ryan Reynolds pic is a different story.. first again thats not the greatest pic of how cut, ripped and muscular he was.... he was ripped and his muscles were a poppin and full constantly....

    Not everyone goes for size..(ie.. me, i like the lean shredded look) and its very easy to see that Ryan Reynolds was using something.. especially after I read his blog on his training regimine and supplements and it was a complete joke...

    My avatar pic is from 2006 before I even touched AAS of any kind and Ive tried hard for many years trying to attain that natural perfect body, but its always a trade off... ie.. if I want ripped stomach- I give up nice size arms.... If I go for big solid chest and arms- I give up shredded wash boards.. its a no win trade off... AAS allows us to have our cake and eat it too... thank god...
    Last edited by Billytk03z; 02-25-2009 at 07:43 AM.

  9. #49
    Reed's Avatar
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    My comment to not working out and finding something else wasn't directed toward anyone just a general statement tried to be funny

    I have seen the movies and just don't feel that they had to of used steroids to get in shape like that.... When you have money out the yin yang and don't do ANYTHING all day but train, eat, sleep then your gonna be able to make progress that may seem unnatural to some. Plus Ryan Reynolds and Brad Pitt seem to have some good genes as well to make it that much easier... Even in Troy brad pitt was impressive but I myself was able to development a physique far past those listed without the use of juice.... Focus and dedication make a big difference so do some good genes..... My avatar is after 4 years on training, 1 cycle and 2 weeks into my second. Ron Harris stated on MD that that was extremely impressive.....

    Regardless if they did or did not my personal thought is that IDK, I don't care, and if they did then whatever they could have done it naturally
    Last edited by Reed; 02-25-2009 at 10:35 AM.

  10. #50
    Reed's Avatar
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    Oh and I hear you on the having your cake and eating it too. Cause thats what I'm doing right now Roids= does the physique goooooood

  11. #51
    MASTER's Avatar
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    I doubt any of those pretty boys use. Some of the lower key guys that generally play hardmen like the Rock, Ving Rhames and Michael Clarke Duncan probably do.

  12. #52
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Reed, my bro, I agree with you 100% about brad pitt but you guys dont think in this pic ryan reynolds is on something thats hardening him up? the guy is ripped and full and hasnt lost any size from his normal skinny self!...

    in this pic he is ripped, his shoulders, abs, chest muscles are all full and hard.. clearly on something... decent size to boot..

    now in the next pic you can clearly see that Ryan Reynolds is still hitting the gym and cut, but his muscles are no where near as full and solid as above... clearly is off the sauce in this pic....

    again with this pic, still in shape but off the juice... slowly shrinking away again..
    Last edited by Billytk03z; 02-25-2009 at 11:31 AM.

  13. #53
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    .... or maybe it's the fact that they have access to nutritionists, chiefs, and the world's best personal trainers, 24-hours a day.

    It takes actors 4-5 months to get ready for a role. What do you think they're doing during that period? They're working their asses off. They get paid tens of millions of dollars because they're good at what they do. And for the most part, being in prime physical shape is apart of their job description.

  14. #54
    Reed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    .... or maybe it's the fact that they have access to nutritionists, chiefs, and the world's best personal trainers, 24-hours a day.

    It takes actors 4-5 months to get ready for a role. What do you think they're doing during that period? They're working their asses off. They get paid tens of millions of dollars because they're good at what they do. And for the most part, being in prime physical shape is apart of their job description.
    I think thats the key right there Billy..... they have unlimited funds, nothing to do all day, but to get perfect with what their chefs cook them and all the fancy shit you and I will never be able to afford

    Reynolds looks really good in that pic but juicing naaaa. Plus the camera and editing can add to the illusion... Thats some good genes your seeing right there and just b/c some of us may not be able to achieve something DOES NOT mean someone else cannot.....

  15. #55
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    I think thats the key right there Billy..... they have unlimited funds, nothing to do all day, but to get perfect with what their chefs cook them and all the fancy shit you and I will never be able to afford

    Reynolds looks really good in that pic but juicing naaaa. Plus the camera and editing can add to the illusion... Thats some good genes your seeing right there and just b/c some of us may not be able to achieve something DOES NOT mean someone else cannot.....

    Celebrities, generally, are the most attractive people on Earth. Being considered attractive, usually corresponds to a naturally ripped body.

    oh.. and photo-shop is a beautiful thing. It's called digital-enhancement.

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