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    .45Caliber's Avatar
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    Lost money in stock market.... what now?

    For you financial guys,

    I lost alot of money in the stock market these last few months. What to do now? My financial guy told me to hold on and wait it out. I dont wanna lose anymore. Looking for opinions from others.

    How worse can things get!!!!!

  2. #2
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    hold on it will bounce back....if you pull out now you will lose it....wait till it bottoms out before you invest anymore....

  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar
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    I can let you use my rope and noose..

  4. #4
    warchild's Avatar
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    kill yourself

  5. #5
    Gears's Avatar
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    Bet against the american dollar in the foreign exchange market.

  6. #6
    warchild's Avatar
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    what i meant was I think all/ alot of us have lost in the stock market...we all knew the risk. ANother day will come bro

  7. #7
    Damien_III's Avatar
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    Am not sure if you have herd of a guy called reinhardt on the net but he has been predicting big moves in the market way before they happen and even giving a date.

    Yeah you might look at his site and say he's just after peoples money when they sign up but I have been following him since he showed up on google finance forums predicting things like the October drop and he said that in June.

    His last big prediction was for February the 9th he stated that the DOW would start to drop dramatically from this date and it did. He started saying this from the end of October last year.

    Every prediction he has done has been spot on to the date, and he is now predicting that the DOW is going to slide to about 3000 by next year so if you are waiting for it to bounce back to the 8000 - 10000 mark then you might be waiting for a long time.

    Register for free here and read some of the posts about this guy and you will be shocked at what this guy knows.

  8. #8
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Wall street message
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Lost money in stock market.... what now?-wallstreet.jpg  

  9. #9
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    Damien, you have been on this board for four years now and you have 84 posts, can you please give others a chance lol, your such a whore..

  10. #10
    Damien_III's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Damien, you have been on this board for four years now and you have 84 posts, can you please give others a chance lol, your such a whore..
    LOL I know I should watch I don't get baned for spamming.

  11. #11
    g0dsend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damien_III View Post
    Am not sure if you have herd of a guy called reinhardt on the net but he has been predicting big moves in the market way before they happen and even giving a date.

    Yeah you might look at his site and say he's just after peoples money when they sign up but I have been following him since he showed up on google finance forums predicting things like the October drop and he said that in June.

    His last big prediction was for February the 9th he stated that the DOW would start to drop dramatically from this date and it did. He started saying this from the end of October last year.

    Every prediction he has done has been spot on to the date, and he is now predicting that the DOW is going to slide to about 3000 by next year so if you are waiting for it to bounce back to the 8000 - 10000 mark then you might be waiting for a long time.

    Register for free here and read some of the posts about this guy and you will be shocked at what this guy knows.

    I read that guys site for giggles, $720 dollars for a subscription is a scam in my opinion. Sucks for all the people who paid that money.

    When asked a couple months before Feb 9, "reinhardt, how are you preparing for doomsday Feburary 9th?", he replied saying that he is stocking up on ammo for that day.

    When Feb 9th came around (The day he said the economy will crash), and the DJIA didn't drop he said in the chat that he didnt make the prediction and his members made that prediction basically trying to put it off that he didn't make that prediction.

    But once a few days passed and the DJIA started dropping again which it was doing since September he went right on to say that he knew it all along that Feb 9th was the day.

    I also thought he said that major bank collapses that day too. I guess the moral of this post is, if you want to trust a large amount of money with this reinhardt scam, go ahead.


  12. #12
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    Keep your money in, and proceed as usual. In the short term the market is irrational, in the long term it is rational. It will go back up. When it does, all these people standing on the sidelines waiting for the recovery to begin are gonna miss out.

    Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.

  13. #13
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    Right now its just a loss on paper doesn't mean nothing until you withdraw it and soon as you do that its a physical loss. I woudl leave it in until it bounces back

  14. #14
    jbm's Avatar
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    Don't loose hope bro...
    Hold on to it!

  15. #15
    suprman09's Avatar
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    double your positions

  16. #16
    firmechicano831's Avatar
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    This is what I do when I invest. If you don't need the money as liquid assests then leave it there for the long turn. It might take 5 to 10 years for the market to bounce back but when it does you'll be ok. If you think u might need the money for an emergency then pull out but you're lost will be greater.

  17. #17
    warchild's Avatar
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    i dump more in now then i ever low and wait it out. im 26 and have a while to watch it grow

  18. #18
    T_Own's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild28 View Post
    i dump more in now then i ever low and wait it out. im 26 and have a while to watch it grow
    yeah thats the best thing to do. although i would wait on investing because i can see everything major dropping a lot more before it rights itself. you don't invest to make money next month, you invest to make money 20+ years down the road.

    pulling out your money now means you've sustained all these losses for nothing. say you've lost 50% of your assets (not all that far fetched these days right?) if you leave it in, at the absolute worst, you lose it all (and if that happens, there are much bigger things to worry about than your 401k) but if you keep it in, you stand to make back your 50%, and then like the market is supposed to, have your profiles keep growing.

    if i had a disposable income i would save it for now, and when the market is at the worst you can imagine, invest it. because if it collapses, all the banks are dead and your money is gone anyway. if it bounces back (as it has every time in history) you make a killing

  19. #19
    warchild's Avatar
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    thats what im doing

  20. #20
    T_Own's Avatar
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    good plan. my mom would always complain about how much she has lost and how all her retirement funds are almost gone and all that... but since thats still 15 years down the road i don't see the big deal about it. i guess since she has about 100k a year in tuition expenses coming up its one thing, but for most people they just get scared.

    if the market has a good month people don't run to their investors and take everything out because they have made enough. so this is similar in my mind

  21. #21
    warchild's Avatar
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    shows how ppl really just don't understand investments/stock market

  22. #22
    gymnerd's Avatar
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    If you already lost its gone right? Wait it out and you should make it back, pullout and its gone. Now's the time to buy if you can.

  23. #23
    warchild's Avatar
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    invest in gear

  24. #24
    gymnerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild28 View Post
    invest in gear

  25. #25
    firmechicano831's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild28 View Post
    invest in gear
    yup, lets see who wants to start investing.

  26. #26
    j4ever41's Avatar
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    i am still putting in every 2 weeks with my automatic deposits i know some people that has pulled money out over the past couple of weeks but thats a bad plan.

  27. #27
    hunter7 is offline Junior Member
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    if you have money keep putting it in at set increments like j4ever41 does. Dollar cost averaging is the best strategy for investors who dont understand the details of markets and why they move. Also that guy who says the DOW is going to 3000 has no clue. He also said the DOW would go to 20000. Also, we should all pray that Obama's stimulus plan starts working by late this year and early next year or else things could get real bad. Do not take it your money out, its only unrealized losses and everyone is losing money!

  28. #28
    J431S is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by .45Caliber View Post
    For you financial guys,

    I lost alot of money in the stock market these last few months. What to do now? My financial guy told me to hold on and wait it out. I dont wanna lose anymore. Looking for opinions from others.

    How worse can things get!!!!!
    how much stocks are u taking about? have u ever heard of diversified porfolio? If not enroll in Better Trade software program (u can google it up). It will show how to make a lot of money when market is in recession or not. Currently I'm only banking on Supermarket chains and Food Distributions Centers from Prcessing Plants to Warehouses in my Portfolio. Don't buy stocks in oil, mining, and chemical industries. They are well known to fluctuate. The whole game is about knowing where to park your money. With better trade you learn to move your money swiftly. I strongly advocate you consider that if u don't want lose money. Better trade is the program to financial management. Good luck

  29. #29
    daem's Avatar
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    It's a ****ing casino bro.

    If you don't know how to short stocks, you are one of the sheep the MMs will continue to take money from.

    NOONE should be in anything other than cash unless you are a pro.

    Seriously, reading some of the posts on this thread make me want to vomit...Telling you to hold 5-10 years, or 20+ years because "it will come back" is false hope.

    Cash out of everything, take the tax loss now, and buy back your holdings in 35 days if you REALLY want to gamble.

  30. #30
    hugovsilva's Avatar
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    You have a good answer on what to do in your username. J/k

  31. #31
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    You will find in life that money and David Blaine both share the same destiny, to dissappear.

    that should be on a chinese fortune or something

  32. #32
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    Post your holdings for the seasoned investors on here to evaluate, otherwise it's impossible to give you sound advice.

  33. #33
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    or take the money out and mail it to me, I can get rid of it faster if you need help

  34. #34
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    Quote Originally Posted by daem View Post
    It's a ****ing casino bro.

    If you don't know how to short stocks, you are one of the sheep the MMs will continue to take money from.

    NOONE should be in anything other than cash unless you are a pro.

    Seriously, reading some of the posts on this thread make me want to vomit...Telling you to hold 5-10 years, or 20+ years because "it will come back" is false hope.

    Cash out of everything, take the tax loss now, and buy back your holdings in 35 days if you REALLY want to gamble.
    I don't quite get how you equate the stock market to a casino. And what "false hope" would you have by holding on to shares? Tax break is only 30 days, so reinvest on day 31. 35 works too though.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536 View Post
    I don't quite get how you equate the stock market to a casino.
    The market makers are the house. They don't lose, and most of the time it means selling overpriced shares to suckers in the retail space. They influence the direction and trading range every day, so you are always playing against the house instead of other retail investors. The house has far more leverage than you or I ever will, so they will win nearly every time.

    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536 View Post
    And what "false hope" would you have by holding on to shares?
    This is largely dependent upon what he's holding. If he is holding bank stocks, their valuations will never reach the peak in 2007 again. EVER. There are thousands of stocks that will NEVER see 2007 levels again. Just look at the companies that recovered after the dot com bust in 2001. You just WON'T make money on stocks that are now more likely to fall or trade sideways than appreciate in value.

    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536 View Post
    Tax break is only 30 days, so reinvest on day 31. 35 works too though.
    You're wrong. It's 31 days, and when you add 48 hours for the stock to "settle" in your account in most major brokerages, you arrive at 35 days. Try to harvest a tax loss and see what happens if you don't take the settlement period into account with your timing. It's an expensive mistake that you'll only make once.

    35 days is the de-facto time you are guaranteed not to be robbed of the tax loss sale. Once again, this is a rookie mistake.

  36. #36
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    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Daem, while I appreciate a lot of what you say, you have no idea what "EVER" holds in regards to the future. There is no way to guaratee that the market won't surpass our wildest dreams in the long term. Just like we don't know if it will ever even come back. We really just guess even if it is informed guessing, it is just guessing. Speculation is just that bro.

  38. #38
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    It's a marathon not a sprint. Unless you're a full-time day trader.

  39. #39
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    I've never been one to trust people with investing cash with out knowing them, or having some involvement with the organization. It's just hard to write a check to a company, and hope they do the right thing with it.

    That being said though, I've bought properties over the last 6 years and have lots a lot of equidy with the housing market. I guess I have not lost any, but I've not gained as much as expected.

    10 years ago, you could bank on a homes value to double in 7 to 10 years, now you might get an increase of 25% if any at all and the real market value is less than that.

    I was able to start a profitable company in the process and that balances things out for me. I'm glad I diversified because If I did not I'd really be hurting.

    Real estate I think is still a better bet than the stock market, companies can fold easier than properties can. Eventually property values will stable themselves out. But a company can fall when a new company is introduced and is just better.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by higherdesire View Post
    Daem, while I appreciate a lot of what you say, you have no idea what "EVER" holds in regards to the future. There is no way to guaratee that the market won't surpass our wildest dreams in the long term. Just like we don't know if it will ever even come back. We really just guess even if it is informed guessing, it is just guessing. Speculation is just that bro.
    Talking in absolutes makes people look foolish, but in this case, I was talking about BANK stocks and financial holding companies never reaching 2007 levels again.

    The entire reason this recession will drag on is because the banks can not mark the assets on their balance sheets to the market price. If that were the case, they would immediately be insolvent and taken over.

    Think about our economy like this...It's a train that's 5 miles long. The engine (in this case, home values) hit a brick wall. The cars attached to the back don't immediately derail, but they inevitably will. When the train is finally put back together and starts, it takes an awful lot of momentum to gain inches, and acceleration is very slow.

    You can bet this mess isn't solved by 2012, and my money is parked heavily in puts and short positions that are much better bets than any calls or long position.

    The stock market may or may not hit 15000 in our lifetime again, but there has never been SO much leverage from credit cards, HELOCs, and mortgage debt in the history of the world as exists now. Until all that debt is unwound and the american consumer isn't living off of credit cards to buy necessities, the layoffs will continue, spending power will decrease, and every private corporation will feel the drag. We're in a sideways trading range for the most part with the trend downward.

    Personally, I feel the next big "bubble" to deflate will be an insurance bubble. Boomers are going to pop that one next in the next 10 years as they start relying on entitlement programs. Don't even get me started on the bond market and what kind of unwinding will happen there when the US dollar is shunned.

    I'm not claiming to be some sort of financial pundit, but it bothers me that the OP was given advice to "hold for 5-10 years" when my "sell for tax loss" is most likely far more prudent advice in the grand scheme of things.

    I'm still interested in what sits inside his portfolio.

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