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    Post This is me and who I am and what I believe in.

    The terrifying and wonderful reality of life is often taken for granted.Those who feel life is all about fun only look forward to the end of the work week where the main theme of there weekend is how far can we push the party envelope?Or how much can we sing,dance,laugh or simply enjoy ourselves.Doesn't sound too bad.There those who submit to there own self pity and let themselves down by sinking into the self realization that life just isn't what they thought it would be,sitting around with the contagious negative attitudes or being unhappy and ultamitly resorting to drugs and alcohol as imaginary or fictional comfort in their self inflicted misery.It's not there fault lack of a good role model could be an excuse or a crutch to lean on cause there's no strength or self respect instilled within growing up.Then there's The dedic8ed1 compelled by advancement.Believing there's more to life then working 50 hours a week spending more time at work then with your family only to suffer the indignation of a lousy retirement with a gift and a handshake when it's "OVER",inscribed"thanks for being an average Joe this company needed you and now we don't"He believes this to a moral certainty.He convinced of this so much so that all social engagements outside of his immediate family no longer exist only to remove any doubt whether or not there was any more he could do to make this a reality.So while still maintaining a full time job to support myself and my boy I've given myself to the fundamentals of a specific goal I feel is essential to achieve as a result of distilled passion I'm convinced is worthy of my time,talent and best effort.Natural "BODYBUILDING"Often subject to quintessential negativity by others who just don't understand the work ethic,or why all I see is the long road to travel to prove to myself there has to be more to life then this miniscule task I'm paid to perform in a place I really don't wanna be.Eleminating emotional involvement which at first glance seemed a stroke of fortuity but at the smallest sign of adversity seemed pale in comparison to what could be life's reason for living,there's no room for selflessness while trying to find yourself.This kind of drive consumes your every waking moment forcing you to be selfish and self involved "DEDICATED"to what is the most important part of your life.Relationships fog the mind the mind drives the body.Isolation is often the key to unlock the mystery of what may be your life's calling.Like seasonings that change your true friends and prospects of other relationships are all gonna be there when your done life's most important and often overlooked quest.You can spend a lifetime with thoughts you can't turn off at night when your alone searching for answers that only walking life's hard road can provide.Or you can put yourself and your ability's to the test and see what your made of.Either way you'll never look back and wonder because you were true to yourself and gave your beliefs and ability's your best shot.The most important lessons in life cannot be learned they must be lived to truly understand.

    Death is certain life is not.How far are you willing to go to be at your best and find out why your here?And how much will you sacrifice?

    "Dedication yeah I think I know you"
    Last edited by dedic8ed1; 06-13-2009 at 06:13 PM.

  2. #2
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    dedic8ed1 is offline Banned
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    I want everyone's opinion on this.I'm not out to be some superstar,that would require a endless supply of drugs and faculty's not to mention genetics that just aren't at my disposal but If I could spend 10 years in this game and knock down a couple doors maybe become a pro as a natural I'd say that's a pretty realistic goal and if nothing else I did what I love in life and my son will always remember that I did everything I could to work at what I loved.

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