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  1. #1
    Chopperbox's Avatar
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    My girlfriend dumped me :(

    Last edited by Chopperbox; 07-02-2010 at 09:31 AM.

  2. #2
    Nicotine's Avatar
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    take time to yourself. focus on yourself.

    she sounds like a whore. if it wasnt now, it would be later.

    i dont mean to sound harsh....but, once a cheater, always a cheater.

  3. #3
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    I hate to tell you, she's been cheating on you for a while. All the tall tale signs are there...

    Is that you in your default pic?

  4. #4
    Chopperbox's Avatar
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    Last edited by Chopperbox; 07-02-2010 at 09:35 AM.

  5. #5
    jbm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chopperbox View Post
    Girlfriend Dumped me: (sux that once you hit edit post you cant edit the name of it... darn typos...)
    Last weekend was the last time i saw her. We have been fighting prior to that for a while things were not perfect. On my part i would get upset about certain things she would do, frankly because they were stupid things. After a year and two months same mistakes and things that we agreed not to do what ever they are still come up and i would get more and more upset. On top of that i would only see her friday through saturday mostly becaue of out schedules and because we did not live together. Yet when we managed to see one another she would always be moody, crabby yet admitting it. But it became such bush back for me. As fare as sex life for the past 5 or so months i would be happy if we would get it on twice every three weeks or so.

    After our last fight she said thats it she is done, i treat her so poorly because i tend to raise my voice and through few cuss words, which i never used to do with my girlfriends. I used to be calm its just all the sh!t that i was dealing with her.

    I feel a bid sad, after all we have been together for a long time and i got used to her and love her..... no i find out that she was in the bar and one of my friends saw her with some dude, and it looked like a date. That was like days before she said she is done..... Before this even she would tell me that she will wait for me, and for us to grow as people, she will not move on because she loves me so much..... yet she is already dating. And whats crazy the same day one of my friends saw her, she texted me in the middle of the night asking how i was and if i liked the rain that was going at the time. Asked me to call her next day! i mean WTF!

    Sorry guys for spilling my frustrated emotions out just feel like crap!
    Hopefully starting a new cycle on Saturday will cheer me up a bit.
    I understand you bro! same thing happened to me 7 years ago!

  6. #6
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    Last edited by Tigershark; 12-23-2010 at 12:22 AM.

  7. #7
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chopperbox View Post
    No it's not me. Why do you like the pic?

    No, I just keep forgetting its not you. I was going to say if thats you nice back build you got there and you probably wont have a hard time finding another chick

    Anyways I don't think she would cheat on me... Buy who knows.
    I had to go through so much for her. When we first meet her x was always around in the same places we were. Would always call bunch of his friends they would follow us around... Would talk smack to me, wanted to kick my ass. I did not have my US citizenship this had to stay away from trouble, could not do anything about it. Me and her had to go to court to get a restraining order on him.. Just felt humiliated that I could not deal with him other ways... Especially when that afgany bastard was making a v with his fingers around his mouth, and imitating licking a clit.

    LOL the dude was Afghani? Bro I am Persian, Afghanis can suck our dick, nobody takes those motha****ers seriously back in my homeland they are scum. They are losers and sick ****s who usually are maids or house workers that end up killing families for money. Greedy bastards they are haha (kind of a overgeneralizing an entire race here but you catch my drift) and here in the US most afghanis only care about money and arent really trust worthy people as in good friends from what i heard. (there are exceptions of course)

    Yo I am sure you are pretty muscular so you could beat his ass and I dont really know that many afghanis that are muscular at all personally.

    Anyway the reason I say she is cheating is all the tall tale signs are there first you werent getting any sex or barely any (two times every 3 weeks is pathetic) which means she is getting from someone or something else. Next you have a hetic schedule meaning she only sees you on weekends which is good if your a **** buddy or something but she would get bored by herself. Next she is caught at a bar or whatever with a dude WHILE SHE IS GOING OUT WITH YOU STILL, big red flag right there bro she didnt even have the decency to break up with you first.

    Also tell her to go **** her self the next time she says "Call me tomm", be like "uhh I am busy and meeting up with a girl of mine how about you call me cuz I might forget". Dont let her boss you around
    Just my thought

  8. #8
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    There's many chick in the sea! hehe...

  9. #9
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    Pattaya here we come

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    BRITISH ANABOLIC is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbm View Post
    There's many chick in the sea! hehe...

    Dude i swear you're obsessed!

    I just have finger crossed that one day i don't find you posting a picture of my girl LOL!

  11. #11
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chopperbox View Post
    Last weekend was the last time i saw her. We have been fighting prior to that for a while things were not perfect. On my part i would get upset about certain things she would do, frankly because they were stupid things. After a year and two months same mistakes and things that we agreed not to do what ever they are still come up and i would get more and more upset. On top of that i would only see her friday through saturday mostly becaue of out schedules and because we did not live together. Yet when we managed to see one another she would always be moody, crabby yet admitting it. But it became such bush back for me. As fare as sex life for the past 5 or so months i would be happy if we would get it on twice every three weeks or so.

    After our last fight she said thats it she is done, i treat her so poorly because i tend to raise my voice and through few cuss words, which i never used to do with my girlfriends. I used to be calm its just all the sh!t that i was dealing with her.

    I feel a bid sad, after all we have been together for a long time and i got used to her and love her..... no i find out that she was in the bar and one of my friends saw her with some dude, and it looked like a date. That was like days before she said she is done..... Before this even she would tell me that she will wait for me, and for us to grow as people, she will not move on because she loves me so much..... yet she is already dating. And whats crazy the same day one of my friends saw her, she texted me in the middle of the night asking how i was and if i liked the rain that was going at the time. Asked me to call her next day! i mean WTF!

    Sorry guys for spilling my frustrated emotions out just feel like crap!
    Hopefully starting a new cycle on Saturday will cheer me up a bit.
    Sounds like roid rage

  12. #12
    vpchill's Avatar
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    Move on Brother. Shvt happens. Do You and forget her. You will feel better and have a clear mind if you focus on yourself for a while.

  13. #13
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    Unlucky, im sure she's got a big fat cock in her mouth as we speak....

  14. #14
    countrybhoy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chopperbox View Post
    Last weekend was the last time i saw her. We have been fighting prior to that for a while things were not perfect. On my part i would get upset about certain things she would do, frankly because they were stupid things. After a year and two months same mistakes and things that we agreed not to do what ever they are still come up and i would get more and more upset. On top of that i would only see her friday through saturday mostly becaue of out schedules and because we did not live together. Yet when we managed to see one another she would always be moody, crabby yet admitting it. But it became such bush back for me. As fare as sex life for the past 5 or so months i would be happy if we would get it on twice every three weeks or so.

    After our last fight she said thats it she is done, i treat her so poorly because i tend to raise my voice and through few cuss words, which i never used to do with my girlfriends. I used to be calm its just all the sh!t that i was dealing with her.

    I feel a bid sad, after all we have been together for a long time and i got used to her and love her..... no i find out that she was in the bar and one of my friends saw her with some dude, and it looked like a date. That was like days before she said she is done..... Before this even she would tell me that she will wait for me, and for us to grow as people, she will not move on because she loves me so much..... yet she is already dating. And whats crazy the same day one of my friends saw her, she texted me in the middle of the night asking how i was and if i liked the rain that was going at the time. Asked me to call her next day! i mean WTF!

    Sorry guys for spilling my frustrated emotions out just feel like crap!
    Hopefully starting a new cycle on Saturday will cheer me up a bit.

    you dont know if it was a date m8 . nor does your friend . ask her . ffs . you saying you cant have a drink with a person without it being something more .

  15. #15
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    after 2 years with someone is when you REALLY get to know them and being that you are not living together you might as well make that 4 years.

    seems to me like YOU are putting the effort here and she is willing to let things cant make people do what they dont want to do and even if she did come around...sorry bro, IMO she is just gonna dump your ass later on down the line.

    cut ties and concentrate on your upcoming cycle. go get you some fresh tail and forget about this one.

    good luck

  16. #16
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    I just broke up with my girlfriend, similar situation with the arguments, crappy behavior, etc. to each other. We did live together though. If the problems had to do with the mechanics of the relationship, I'm 90% sure your to blame. Chicks are batshit crazy. You can't change that. You have to WANT to keep your cool, don't raise your voice, explain things/feelings clearly, and make her realize when she is being irrational in a situation. As soon as you raise your voice, talk down to her, or curse, it doesn't matter if she F*cked the neighborhood, now all she cares about is that you are yelling at her and hurting her feelings, and things go nowhere. You have to WANT to do this. I broke up with my girl because I wasn't ready to do these things. I know how, and I really care about the girl. but it was MY FAULT for letting these arguments/situations come up because I wasn't willing to work through it LIKE A MAN. It isn't like anything is wrong with you for not being ready to do this, it's human nature. It seems with age you begin to see the benefit to acting this way, and settle down. Sounds to me like you don't need to be anywhere near a relationship right now.

    I could be totally wrong too, and she could have been cheating on you before any of this happened, and that's why the situation is sticky. But like I said, if it is related to the work involved in a relationship, it's probably you. Chicks usually give their all in that part...

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Unlucky, im sure she's got a big fat cock in her mouth as we speak....
    Dont hold back

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Unlucky, im sure she's got a big fat cock in her mouth as we speak....

    She is suckin my big fat cock as we speak..........DAMN! that shit feels good


  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Just my thought
    I think what he is trying to say is that it was all ****ed up from the begining...

    **** her...

    She was ****en around actually...

    Bitches LIE LIE LIE

  20. #20
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    So true, no matter how wrong she was the second I loose it, I am the one who was wrong.
    Last edited by Chopperbox; 07-02-2010 at 09:31 AM.

  21. #21
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    And it's especially hard when the girl is great, one that 90% of men would want to marry, but you know in your heart you aren't ready to give her what she deserves. And even harder when she is self-concious in these situations due to a rocky childhood, and no matter how much you tell her it's you, she ultimately feels like she wasn't good enough.

    Just give her some space, you each do your own thing. If it is something you both want in the future, you'll work toward it. I'd cut it off for now though...

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Just my thought
    Man the dude was a looser, super cocky. He was 8 years older then her and 6 years older then me. Believe it or not I this k he has done few AAS cycles because he is the only afgan that I saw that had musculs. So he was a bit bigger then me, befor I did tla cycle.
    My country also was at war with them in 80s and things they did with soldiers like stuff them with orange pills made me hate them. It was similar situation as US is in right now in afgany land.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by scerpico22 View Post
    after 2 years with someone is when you REALLY get to know them and being that you are not living together you might as well make that 4 years.

    seems to me like YOU are putting the effort here and she is willing to let things cant make people do what they dont want to do and even if she did come around...sorry bro, IMO she is just gonna dump your ass later on down the line.

    cut ties and concentrate on your upcoming cycle. go get you some fresh tail and forget about this one.

    good luck
    X2, what's amazing is how a woman that is supposedly in love can be out w/ another dude right before they break-up

  24. #24
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    I'd move on, she's not worth it if she's already dating other people.

  25. #25
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    Shit, nothing amazes, surprises, catches me off guard concerning a woman unless it's them using reason and rationality to work through a difficult situation...

    But I love to play with 'em, gosh their fun...

  26. #26
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    Last edited by *RAGE*; 06-11-2009 at 11:44 AM.

  27. #27
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    how do you say "these dead hookers were in the trunk before we rented the car officer..." in spanish?

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    Last edited by Chopperbox; 07-02-2010 at 09:32 AM.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chopperbox View Post
    I think I kept met happy. I bought her clothing, snow board and all the gear, board bindings, jacket, pants, helmet, goggles. It adds up. Bought her iPhone, added her to my plan. Got her a promise ring that was not cheap around a grand. Bought her a lap top(Sony) and because of her got a $2600 French bull dog! I mean come on all over a period of 14 months. I am not including smaller things.
    There is a point when you have to realize that its over. The past is the past... Just being real I know its easier said than done.

    Look you gotta get out, do not sit on your ass ans expect the world to change.

    Be real to yourself.

    I am not trying to be an ass but: Women take kindness and weakness

    you see with what you are talking about she is assumin you will come running if and when she calls...

    Brotha you gonna get played!

  30. #30
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    Sorry man, girls just can't resist my glute dimples

  31. #31
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    I spent more than my girlfriend made last year on her, or activities/stuff related to being with her.

    I'd be in my waterfront condo and working on the boat to put in the slip in front of it right now had i not dated her...

    But you know what, I learned two things:

    How perfect a chick is for you doesn't mean crap if you aren't ready to give it your all.

    Don't change your life plan because a person you care about is injected into the situation. Doesn't mean you don't treat them right, just means until you are ready to commit, don't start acting you have committed. It sends them the wrong signals, and puts you in a crappy position when you break up and realize all the money and time you blew on someone you're no longer with.

    Cut your losses, and look at the knowledge/experience you've gained from the situation.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Sounds like roid rage
    classic case of roid rage

  33. #33
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    Thank you guys!

    She is coming tomorrow to get last few things that she has from my house, how do you think i should react and what should i do or not do?

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by _CrossroadS_ View Post
    I spent more than my girlfriend made last year on her, or activities/stuff related to being with her.

    I'd be in my waterfront condo and working on the boat to put in the slip in front of it right now had i not dated her...

    But you know what, I learned two things:

    How perfect a chick is for you doesn't mean crap if you aren't ready to give it your all.

    Don't change your life plan because a person you care about is injected into the situation. Doesn't mean you don't treat them right, just means until you are ready to commit, don't start acting you have committed. It sends them the wrong signals, and puts you in a crappy position when you break up and realize all the money and time you blew on someone you're no longer with.

    Cut your losses, and look at the knowledge/experience you've gained from the situation.
    See thats your fault right there, that doesnt mean if you didnt date her you would have all this money well techinically it would but you could also have all that money and STILL have dated her.

    I know guys who dont lavish their girls with gifts and all these activities and such, I mean they aren't cheap asses, but they know the difference in when to spend money and when not to because it would make her happy or some lame **** like that.

  35. #35
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    Bone her one last time, then see if she will let you sh^t in her mouth...

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Bone her one last time, then see if she will let you sh^t in her mouth...
    ^x2 and then tell her it wasn't very good, you've had better.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chopperbox View Post
    Last weekend was the last time i saw her. We have been fighting prior to that for a while things were not perfect. On my part i would get upset about certain things she would do, frankly because they were stupid things. After a year and two months same mistakes and things that we agreed not to do what ever they are still come up and i would get more and more upset. On top of that i would only see her friday through saturday mostly becaue of out schedules and because we did not live together. Yet when we managed to see one another she would always be moody, crabby yet admitting it. But it became such bush back for me. As fare as sex life for the past 5 or so months i would be happy if we would get it on twice every three weeks or so.

    After our last fight she said thats it she is done, i treat her so poorly because i tend to raise my voice and through few cuss words, which i never used to do with my girlfriends. I used to be calm its just all the sh!t that i was dealing with her.

    I feel a bid sad, after all we have been together for a long time and i got used to her and love her..... no i find out that she was in the bar and one of my friends saw her with some dude, and it looked like a date. That was like days before she said she is done..... Before this even she would tell me that she will wait for me, and for us to grow as people, she will not move on because she loves me so much..... yet she is already dating. And whats crazy the same day one of my friends saw her, she texted me in the middle of the night asking how i was and if i liked the rain that was going at the time. Asked me to call her next day! i mean WTF!

    Sorry guys for spilling my frustrated emotions out just feel like crap!
    Hopefully starting a new cycle on Saturday will cheer me up a bit.
    I think she dumped you (notice how I spelt "dumped" with a "p," and not two "m"s) because of your inability to spell. "Mostly becaue of out schedules," "as fare as sex," "through few cuss words," "feel a bid sad," "no i find out," and not to mention the punctuation errors. Yep, that is grounds for dumping to me.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaptainkeezy04 View Post
    I think she dumped you (notice how I spelt "dumped" with a "p," and not two "m"s) because of your inability to spell. "Mostly becaue of out schedules," "as fare as sex," "through few cuss words," "feel a bid sad," "no i find out," and not to mention the punctuation errors. Yep, that is grounds for dumping to me.
    Thats F'en mean no need kicking him while he is down!

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dancer View Post
    Thats F'en mean no need kicking him while he is down!
    Oh, my bad, it for sure wasn't meant to be taken seriously.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    See thats your fault right there, that doesnt mean if you didnt date her you would have all this money well techinically it would but you could also have all that money and STILL have dated her.

    I know guys who dont lavish their girls with gifts and all these activities and such, I mean they aren't cheap asses, but they know the difference in when to spend money and when not to because it would make her happy or some lame **** like that.

    I didn't lavish her, we traveled alot, and eating out and partying, bars, gassing/beering up the boat for her and our friends.

    When I'm single, I don't eat out, I'm more focused on gym so no money spent on alchohol going out, and not traveling as much. Much different lifestyle with her. I don't need money to get laid when I'm single, and I didn't buy shit for her to get laid, I did it because I enjoyed her company in these activities.

    I knew what I was doing, it was a choice. I'm saying it was the wrong one. I know it was my fault - did you even read my post?

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