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Thread: dukkits international house o whores

  1. #44961
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    Quote Originally Posted by qal92 View Post
    i start class tomorrow yayyyy.....oh well get to meet more vagina and notice i say vagina not women
    haha the vagina is the best part , i had some last night im a happyer man today

  2. #44962
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    Quote Originally Posted by big_ron View Post
    haha the vagina is the best part , i had some last night im a happyer man today
    i had a killer max effort workout today so im excited about that lmao but i deload next week how was lunch yesterday?

  3. #44963
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    Quote Originally Posted by qal92 View Post
    i had a killer max effort workout today so im excited about that lmao but i deload next week how was lunch yesterday?
    lunch? not to bad, ended up getting subway cos i needed to eat fast !
    6inch multi grain bread with chicken parm but with double chicken meat

  4. #44964
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    Quote Originally Posted by big_ron View Post
    lunch? not to bad, ended up getting subway cos i needed to eat fast !
    6inch multi grain bread with chicken parm but with double chicken meat
    hahaha you make me feel fat...i get the footlong and chips...

  5. #44965
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    you read my novel of a pm

  6. #44966
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    Quote Originally Posted by qal92 View Post
    hahaha you make me feel fat...i get the footlong and chips...
    they have chips at the subway in USA? we dont lol

  7. #44967
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    Quote Originally Posted by qal92 View Post
    you read my novel of a pm
    haha yes i just replied... not in novel form tho :P

  8. #44968
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    no chips!!!!!!! hahaha damn yeah we got chips maybe thats why the us is so fat lmao

  9. #44969
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    Quote Originally Posted by big_ron View Post
    haha yes i just replied... not in novel form tho :P
    haha yeah i got it mine was a wee bit longer

  10. #44970
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    Quote Originally Posted by qal92 View Post
    no chips!!!!!!! hahaha damn yeah we got chips maybe thats why the us is so fat lmao
    im surprised you's do as it is promoted as being healthy lol
    we are only a lil bit skinnyer

  11. #44971
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    Quote Originally Posted by big_ron View Post
    im surprised you's do as it is promoted as being healthy lol
    we are only a lil bit skinnyer
    haha where i live in the us theres not TOO many fat people lmao

  12. #44972
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    i think we can blame hostess for the fatties

  13. #44973
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    Quote Originally Posted by qal92 View Post
    haha where i live in the us theres not TOO many fat people lmao
    haha 50% or sumthing yeah, obese pplz

  14. #44974
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    blame poor education of nutrition for the fattys... oh and lazy pplz.. and shit parents

  15. #44975
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    Quote Originally Posted by big_ron View Post
    haha 50% or sumthing yeah, obese pplz

    haha yeah somethin like that...theres quite a few good looking girls around too though so it balances out and i have variety haha

  16. #44976
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    Quote Originally Posted by big_ron View Post
    blame poor education of nutrition for the fattys... oh and lazy pplz.. and shit parents
    being lazys a huge factor

  17. #44977
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    Quote Originally Posted by qal92 View Post
    haha yeah somethin like that...theres quite a few good looking girls around too though so it balances out and i have variety haha
    yeah man there are always the ones that actually care about how they look! and they get rewards for it :P

  18. #44978
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    Quote Originally Posted by big_ron View Post
    yeah man there are always the ones that actually care about how they look! and they get rewards for it :P
    yeah my load in their face!

    mmmm pb&j....i mean protein shake....

  19. #44979
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    Quote Originally Posted by qal92 View Post
    yeah my load in their face!

    mmmm pb&j....i mean protein shake....
    haha they get the attention they crave!

  20. #44980
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    Quote Originally Posted by big_ron View Post
    haha they get the attention they crave!
    i just love a pair of breasts in my face...something about it

  21. #44981
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    going to lunch man! be back in halfa or so!

  22. #44982
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    Quote Originally Posted by qal92 View Post
    i just love a pair of breasts in my face...something about it
    we have so much in common!
    **** i love tits, there was a girl out at the club i was working at on sat, and all i did was follow her around and stare!, she wanted me, kept waving and saying hi, but i didnt keep talking or i might get in shit with my gf! to tempting

  23. #44983
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    ight man eat big!

  24. #44984
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    Quote Originally Posted by big_ron View Post
    we have so much in common!
    **** i love tits, there was a girl out at the club i was working at on sat, and all i did was follow her around and stare!, she wanted me, kept waving and saying hi, but i didnt keep talking or i might get in shit with my gf! to tempting
    lmao we do! hahahaha if you follow them around at the club your working at without talking toem just say you were suspecting she had a weapon in between her breasts

  25. #44985
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    ron bring me back some food, i be haungreh

  26. #44986
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    Quote Originally Posted by qal92 View Post
    lmao we do! hahahaha if you follow them around at the club your working at without talking toem just say you were suspecting she had a weapon in between her breasts
    haha this is true.. my gf did say i can look at girls with good boobs so i guess i wasnt in the wrong, now i gotta get her saying i can touch them :P

  27. #44987
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    Quote Originally Posted by big_ron View Post
    haha this is true.. my gf did say i can look at girls with good boobs so i guess i wasnt in the wrong, now i gotta get her saying i can touch them :P
    say you were getting a stray hair off her bra

  28. #44988
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    Quote Originally Posted by qal92 View Post
    ron bring me back some food, i be haungreh
    sorry man ate out the whole place!

  29. #44989
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    Quote Originally Posted by big_ron View Post
    sorry man ate out the whole place!
    hahaha im proud! i always wanted to take one of my training partners hes a bigger guy bout 250(doesnt cycle hes kinda beefier haha to a buffet and wed clean the place out

  30. #44990
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    Quote Originally Posted by qal92 View Post
    say you were getting a stray hair off her bra
    haha nah that wont go down, shes hates me even talking to girls, but i guess its not to bad cos i know if any guy talks to her she tells em where to go! no shit, good quality she has haha

  31. #44991
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    Quote Originally Posted by big_ron View Post
    haha nah that wont go down, shes hates me even talking to girls, but i guess its not to bad cos i know if any guy talks to her she tells em where to go! no shit, good quality she has haha
    hahaha i like that its hard to come by man most girls talk to every guy they see who looks decent...lmao tell your girl shes got my respect and to give you a treat

  32. #44992
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    Quote Originally Posted by qal92 View Post
    hahaha i like that its hard to come by man most girls talk to every guy they see who looks decent...lmao tell your girl shes got my respect and to give you a treat
    yeah man i love that about her, other things could be changed tho :P
    prettiest fuking face, id love to show a pic but yeah dont want pics of my gf on the net :P

    she has crohns disease tho so it makes her/my life very hard at times

    shes a keeper, but im young and sorta wanna experience more girls if u know what i mean

  33. #44993
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    Quote Originally Posted by big_ron View Post
    yeah man i love that about her, other things could be changed tho :P
    prettiest fuking face, id love to show a pic but yeah dont want pics of my gf on the net :P

    she has crohns disease tho so it makes her/my life very hard at times

    shes a keeper, but im young and sorta wanna experience more girls if u know what i mean
    ron resend your last pm i had to fvck with my inbox haha

    yeah i know what you mean i wouldnt post a pic of m bestfriend and shes beeeeaaaauuuutttiffffuullll....i just whore around because im still a young punk haha but when i decide to settle down im gona make her marry me ill hiter on the head with a club and drag her to my cave if i have too....but think wisely before you make decisions is the best i can tell ...except when it comes to juice just think fast! haha

  34. #44994
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    kk ill send it in a new msg
    yeah man gotta hold on to the special ones my advice for when u do get her
    is to have no expectations cos ive had mine and there totally wrong to what a real rship should be right, then again i am a man

  35. #44995
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    Drive by.. I'm hammered... everything will be okay on Tuesday..

    Stanky whores...

  36. #44996
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    Quote Originally Posted by big_ron View Post
    kk ill send it in a new msg
    yeah man gotta hold on to the special ones my advice for when u do get her
    is to have no expectations cos ive had mine and there totally wrong to what a real rship should be right, then again i am a man
    yeah i know what you mean man because you could expect one way and go the complete other...itsa rollercoaster sometimes haha

  37. #44997
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Drive by.. I'm hammered... everything will be okay on Tuesday..

    Stanky whores...
    hahah much love igi

  38. #44998
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    Quote Originally Posted by qal92 View Post
    yeah i know what you mean man because you could expect one way and go the complete other...itsa rollercoaster sometimes haha
    of yes its stressful as sometimes!

  39. #44999
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    Quote Originally Posted by big_ron View Post
    of yes its stressful as sometimes!
    for real! i used to be a smoker but i quit a long ass time ago like 7 months or somethin i stopped counting

  40. #45000
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    pack or marlboro reds everyday

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