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  1. #1
    Flagg's Avatar
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    Old gym has been charging me membership the last 10 months

    Okay so i've discovered quite by accident today that my old gym, whom I was under the impression were not charging me direct debit payments from last September onwards, have been doing exactly that.

    I've been at University for the last 10 months in a completely different area, and my bank-statements have been going to my old address as i've been living in halls. I only noticed this discrepancy on my Online account today as I was looking at my account online. I havent noticed this sooner because you can only go back the last 4 weeks online with the particular bank im with. So I go into the Bank today and low and behold, my old gym have been charging me monthly right up till now, despite me telling them I wouldn't be using their gym from Sept onwards last Ausgust.

    Am I stupid for not noticing this sooner? Probably, but i've always been good with money (an oxymoron in this case) and the difference of this particular direct debit has never made a noticeble dent in my account but it still pisses me off that back in August I tell them I wont be using their gym from September onwards (you have to give these people 30 days notice), some stupid girl on the desk makes an alteration on the computer on the desk and tells me that's fine, and thats me thinking that was all there was to it.

    I mean are you supposed to sign some bullshit to say you are not using a gym anymore these days? Im going in first thing tomorrow to get this sorted but I just know they are gonna pull some BS of "we don't have any proof that you cancelled back in August last year", even though I can prove I havent been in the area the last 10 months, been living at a totally different address and even joined the University gym on campus. I just dont know if they are gonna be good about this or awkward arseholes and I don't if there is going to be much I can do about it if they do plead ignorance!

  2. #2
    scerpico22's Avatar
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    i had a similar situation with a LA Fit i used to go to. turns out out never filled out and faxed a termination of membership form...i bitched up a storm and it wasn't worth anymore of my hassle to try and get 90 bucks from them as it was going to cost me time and patience of which i was at my limits with them.

    ill never step foot in one of their dumps again...

    good luck

  3. #3
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    How much were you paying...when i cancel anything i always cancel the direct debit with the bank aswell.. so no money can come out...

  4. #4
    Flagg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by energizer bunny View Post
    How much were you paying...when i cancel anything i always cancel the direct debit with the bank aswell.. so no money can come out...
    It was for a Gold Membership but at student rates, so it was only 29 pounds a month...nothing that would make too big a dent in anyones account to notice. That's still 300 pounds of my money that's gone nowhere, 300 quid I could do with right now to be honest!

    i had a similar situation with a LA Fit i used to go to. turns out out never filled out and faxed a termination of membership form...i bitched up a storm and it wasn't worth anymore of my hassle to try and get 90 bucks from them as it was going to cost me time and patience of which i was at my limits with them.

    ill never step foot in one of their dumps again...

    good luck
    Yeah im pissed off. I've a horrible feeling they are gonna be really arsey about it. I wont be using this chain (Olympus) again after this.

  5. #5
    Iron_Pig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg;47***01
    It was for a Gold Membership but at student rates, so it was only 29 pounds a month...nothing that would make too big a dent in anyones account to notice. That's still 300 pounds of my money that's gone nowhere, 300 quid I could do with right now to be honest!

    Yeah im pissed off. I've a horrible feeling they are gonna be really arsey about it. I wont be using this chain (Olympus) again after this.
    Get your bank in this and tell them you did not authorize the withdraws.

  6. #6
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    I pay 30pounds would put a massive dint in my account LOL.....i take it your paying for another gym membership now aswell..?

  7. #7
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    your fukked

    if you didnt sign anything to state you cancelled

    then they have every right to charge you still

    sorry bro

  8. #8
    Flagg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron_Pig;47***14
    Get your bank in this and tell them you did not authorize the withdraws.

    I already did. They stopped the Direct Debit and refunded me the cost from the latest one. Said I would have to take it up with the company if I wanted a refund for the other direct debits.

  9. #9
    Flagg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw;47***69
    your fukked

    if you didnt sign anything to state you cancelled

    then they have every right to charge you still

    sorry bro

    This is what I think they will say. Hafta wait and see tmo I guess.

  10. #10
    Flagg's Avatar
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    Well guys, guess what.

    They sent me a cheque for a full refund of the last 9 months. 265 pounds. I really thought they were gonna contest it, even though in my Bank Statement I noticed a two month gap in direct debits last year where they had clearly stopped my membership and restarted it two months later. Prehaps they realised this and realised they didn't have a leg to stand on.

    Well, in all of this i've tried joining a deal they got going where you pay 30 pounds to join there gym for 1 month, no signing on fee, which was perfect for me just before I go back to Uni. I'd been in 4 times and everytime i've gone to sign up they've told me "oh, you have to come in for an induction the following week"...a ****ing con basically, you pay 30 quid for 3 weeks basically. So i tried diplomacy, told her id been using gyms for the last 5 years of my life, and then she looked on her system and said "Oh, you're still a member here". So i tell this girl that no im not, that I got this all sorted out with her boss and that ive been refunded for the last year, but she showed me that according to their system, a direct debit came out on July 23rd (which I didnt tell her the bank refunded back to me a day later) and that its paid for. So I could use the gym if I wanted to up till Aug 24th. For free, as they dont realise thats been refunded back to me.

    Hmm, im thinking I could get away with using their gym for free over the next 3 weeks, though im happy to pay the 30 quid for a full month. It means I can bypass this induction BS but then I dont want some clown claiming later on that I owe them for a months membership. Whoever takes care of their admin and finance work is a fvckwit..

  11. #11
    CBGB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    Well guys, guess what.

    Hmm, im thinking I could get away with using their gym for free over the next 3 weeks, though im happy to pay the 30 quid for a full month. It means I can bypass this induction BS but then I dont want some clown claiming later on that I owe them for a months membership. Whoever takes care of their admin and finance work is a fvckwit..

    They did the right thing and refunded your money. You should also do the right thing and pay for your time.

  12. #12
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  13. #13
    Flagg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CBGB View Post
    Yeah I got in thinking I could go down straight away now. The girl behind the desk took my form and said she'll speak to her boss on Monday. I think im just gonna wait till then and say "look, just let me join your one month deal now, no 1 week wait and let this whole thing be the end of it".

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