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  1. #41
    scerpico22's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by higherdesire View Post
    cheating is never about the spouse or the juice, it is about who your are as a person. People who have larceny in thier hearts find excuses to let it out. People who are truly living their lives in accordance with who they are have nothing to let out, because it is already out. It is called integrity.

    My very best example of integrity is when you go to the store to buy fruit you look at the outside and take it home and when you feel like having that friut you eat it and enjoy that fruit. Not something that you weren't expecting. See you get on the inside what you see on the outside. Not like some of us who present to someone you supposedly care about that you are the fruit they want, when all the while you are something else. No wonder it ****s people up so bad to be cheated on. they thought they had a melon, and when they bit into it they found out it was a rotten fish.

    Sounds goofy, but the moral is if you aren't where you want to be then man up and get there but don't be a fvcking two faced liar about your life, and drag someone with you until they are destroyed over your inability to be true to even yourself.

    ok I am done with my rant.
    very, very well put HD...nice post.

    Honesty with your partner is the ONLY way to truly live. If are just living a lie. IMO

  2. #42
    playboii's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    i dont want to know what post cycle is like when youve just been dumped
    im about to go through that myself..happened to me last time too and it was HELL loss mostly all my gains from not eating right and lifting to my potential..

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by higherdesire View Post
    cheating is never about the spouse or the juice, it is about who your are as a person. People who have larceny in thier hearts find excuses to let it out. People who are truly living their lives in accordance with who they are have nothing to let out, because it is already out. It is called integrity.

    My very best example of integrity is when you go to the store to buy fruit you look at the outside and take it home and when you feel like having that friut you eat it and enjoy that fruit. Not something that you weren't expecting. See you get on the inside what you see on the outside. Not like some of us who present to someone you supposedly care about that you are the fruit they want, when all the while you are something else. No wonder it ****s people up so bad to be cheated on. they thought they had a melon, and when they bit into it they found out it was a rotten fish.

    Sounds goofy, but the moral is if you aren't where you want to be then man up and get there but don't be a fvcking two faced liar about your life, and drag someone with you until they are destroyed over your inability to be true to even yourself.

    ok I am done with my rant.
    yikes i think you described me by detail and my problem now =\

  4. #44
    Cassano's Avatar
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    i would pump a hairy donut!

  5. #45
    lee.jones73's Avatar
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    of course but cant blame it on the juice its just the attention you get girls love a fit body and we love the attention

  6. #46
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    bro it is an easy trap to fall into. wanting more than one thing at a time. Example, wanting a comimitted relationship, but also wnating the freedom to mess aroung when you feel the circumstances allow you to get away with it. With relationships particularly it is important to keep your word true to your intentions. You will be surprised that if your goal is to get laid more, being honest about it will get you laid more. If your goal is to have a committed partner, the depth of that committment will be deeper and purer, and infinately more rewarding.

    Ultimately it is about being tru to who you really are. It isn't like women won't wnat you becasue you are honest with them. I used to tell girls that I had no intentions of being tied down and that I was activley seeing other women. As long as they know what they are gettin into then it is all good.

    The hardest part is to get honest in a relationship that you are in that has been a lie. It may well fall apart and you are to blame. But it needs to be done so you can become the man you really are.

    Wow, where is all this coming from right now? Jeeez I need to STFU huh?

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by higherdesire View Post
    bro it is an easy trap to fall into. wanting more than one thing at a time. Example, wanting a comimitted relationship, but also wnating the freedom to mess aroung when you feel the circumstances allow you to get away with it. With relationships particularly it is important to keep your word true to your intentions. You will be surprised that if your goal is to get laid more, being honest about it will get you laid more. If your goal is to have a committed partner, the depth of that committment will be deeper and purer, and infinately more rewarding.

    Ultimately it is about being tru to who you really are. It isn't like women won't wnat you becasue you are honest with them. I used to tell girls that I had no intentions of being tied down and that I was activley seeing other women. As long as they know what they are gettin into then it is all good.

    The hardest part is to get honest in a relationship that you are in that has been a lie. It may well fall apart and you are to blame. But it needs to be done so you can become the man you really are.

    Wow, where is all this coming from right now? Jeeez I need to STFU huh?
    lol i dont know but its pretty good advice dude especially in my situation now you are describing it word by i guess i should just take this break up as a lesson and try to learn from it? everytime we tried to fix things it never worked cus shes overly paranoid and makes fights out of nothing even when i did nothing basically since i ****ed up before i get the shitty end of the stick when im good and when i was bad so either way i lose i feel like trying to fix things now is going to do nothing more then just continue never ending arguments because of all the shit i've done in the past..

  8. #48
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    If you love her you can just sacrifice your lusts and be committed and she will eventually come around, but now is the call of duty, if your cannot control your self tell her that and give her the option. Lying isn't woriking. Be ready to let her walk with dignity. Choose ye this day whom ye will serve so to speak. either being who you really are all the way, or comprimising for small rewards. Best of luck brother.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by playboii View Post
    lol i dont know but its pretty good advice dude especially in my situation now you are describing it word by i guess i should just take this break up as a lesson and try to learn from it? everytime we tried to fix things it never worked cus shes overly paranoid and makes fights out of nothing even when i did nothing basically since i ****ed up before i get the shitty end of the stick when im good and when i was bad so either way i lose i feel like trying to fix things now is going to do nothing more then just continue never ending arguments because of all the shit i've done in the past..
    Oh man i know exactly what your going threw!. im going threw the same thing right now with my ex girlfriend. We broke up a year ago and its been like 10 months of us trying to get back together but i ****ed up before and she cant get over the past, and its like never ending fighting and its all because of what i have done in the past. Im willing to wait longer if i have to, to see if she will finally get over it but its soo hard bc i just wanna be like **** this i can find someone else, which i know i can but we have been together for 5 years so its hard to let it go just like that.

  10. #50
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    I cheat on myself while on.

  11. #51
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    I cheat on myself while on.

    cheater cheater pumpkin eater

  12. #52
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  13. #53
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    WTF dude! You really havea pic for EVERYTHING! HA!

  14. #54
    CptAmericaX is offline Member
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    when I was on cycle it just seemed like every chick in the world was eye F*king me and it made it tough to stay faithful to my wife

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by higherdesire View Post
    WTF dude! You really havea pic for EVERYTHING! HA!

  16. #56
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    A man should never look for a reason to do something wrong. If you cheat well on juice your just looking for a reason to justify it. A man should never do that. I know I am young by forum standards and in life but really in my opinion your not a man if you cheat and blame it on the using gear.

    Like higherdesire said integrity will you get along way in this world.

  17. #57
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    i just think guys get more attention and looks while juicing and you just have more conffidence and feel good about ur self which i think the combo there would lead into cheating for some guys

  18. #58
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CptAmericaX View Post
    when I was on cycle it just seemed like every chick in the world was eye F*king me and it made it tough to stay faithful to my wife
    I've been there. It's all about confidence. I feel A LOT more confident and good about myself while on cycle. Which in return, makes me feel like shit off cycle. I think the most important thing here is that you're still the same person that you are before you were using gear. A 10 week cycle isn't going to make you any better of a person, it's all in the brain

  19. #59
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    youre only cheating yourself if you dont cheat. if youre young, enjoy life. u only have one chance at life. spread the seed and keep the species alive. that's my opinion.

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by operation****** View Post
    youre only cheating yourself if you dont cheat. if youre young, enjoy life. u only have one chance at life. spread the seed and keep the species alive. that's my opinion.
    fvck that. i stand in front of the microwave for 30mins before i go to it so i dont spread the seed.

    I do agree. you only live once so enjoy it. But if thats your plan no sence with being with someone and cheating

  21. #61
    audis4's Avatar
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    would never cheat on my gf....shes my everything

  22. #62
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Your wife understands though you're a lucky guy!

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by operation****** View Post
    youre only cheating yourself if you dont cheat. if youre young, enjoy life. u only have one chance at life. spread the seed and keep the species alive. that's my opinion.
    Great advice. I hope when your married and your wife is banging the pool boy while your at work you feel the same way.

  24. #64
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beatango2008 View Post
    but I have a girlfriend not a bf lol
    i concur

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Great advice. I hope when your married and your wife is banging the pool boy while your at work you feel the same way.

  26. #66
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    i havnt cheat on any of my girfriends BUT the second we get in a fight and they say,,we r done (which usually the first time this happenes means they wont talk to you for few days) i hit the town and dial my old hook ups numbers!..Its not cheating then right??
    Well maybe i dont do it the second they break up but a day or 2 after

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by phat_matt85 View Post
    i havnt cheat on any of my girfriends BUT the second we get in a fight and they say,,we r done (which usually the first time this happenes means they wont talk to you for few days) i hit the town and dial my old hook ups numbers!..Its not cheating then right??
    Well maybe i dont do it the second they break up but a day or 2 after
    i used to do that all the time. got caught once the night we broke up. That went over well.

  28. #68
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    On the cycle, I am a sex addict.

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i used to do that all the time. got caught once the night we broke up. That went over well.
    ahh..haha i bet. Last time my ex broke up with me the same night i got cough BY HER MOM like AN HOUR away from where we live in a restaurant with a girl!!! I though i was safe there but me and the girl were walking out and i walked my some lady and i heard the voice and im likeee huh sounds like my ex's moms voice and before i know shes staring at me and says whos that lady with you tonight!!! lol ohhh what a night. A lot of explaining that night! lol but seriously the girl i was with is just like my ex so i was trying to get some help from her and understand my ex little more. But it didnt help that the girl was one of the sexiest girls ever!!! with perffect body and nice round boobies! lol

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