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  1. #1
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    Job Apps-Equal Opportuntiy Questionaire, Answer or Dont Answer?

    I have been filling out a lot of applications, and I am more than qualified for many positions but have not been getting much love. I have been filling out the "OPTIONAL" EEO survey on Race&gender. Does anyone know if OPTING not to fill out this survey will count against your application. I don't know what is worse, being a Caucasian male, or just opting not to fill it out.

  2. #2
    Juturna is offline Banned
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    I really don't think that is what is holding you back from getting a call. JMO.

  3. #3
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    the caucasion def. hurts nowadays...

  4. #4
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    Honestly I would put one or two things down to get more hits

    1. Black, Hispanic, Asian

    2. Don't speak English and are illegal

    You'd be a shoe in son. Gotta keep those ratios even.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  5. #5
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juturna View Post
    I really don't think that is what is holding you back from getting a call. JMO.
    I suspect otherwise since I am more than qualified for the positions I am applying for. I have gotten several interviews from the private sector, however I have gotten NADA from the government/government funded sectors. This is what leads me to believe it is a gender/racial issue regarding why I am not getting called back.

  6. #6
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    Honestly I would put one or two things down to get more hits

    1. Black, Hispanic, Asian

    2. Don't speak English and are illegal

    You'd be a shoe in son. Gotta keep those ratios even.

    hahaha bingo!

  7. #7
    D7M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    I suspect otherwise since I am more than qualified for the positions I am applying for.
    could be that you're over qualified for the positions your applying for.

    no one wants to hire someone where their direct subordinate will be more qualified than they are.

    Or, it's just the race thing. leave it blank.

  8. #8
    Cloe85's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    I have been filling out a lot of applications, and I am more than qualified for many positions but have not been getting much love. I have been filling out the "OPTIONAL" EEO survey on Race&gender. Does anyone know if OPTING not to fill out this survey will count against your application. I don't know what is worse, being a Caucasian male, or just opting not to fill it out.

    im having the same problem with finding a new job...

    i debate on filling out the 'survey' too. i do it, because i think if you dont its a definate out... but being a white female, i dont think thats helps the situation.

    if i were a minority of either sex id be getting the jobs... yes, gotta keep those numbers in check... total BS!

    it doesnt help that there are so many people out of work right now.

    they are looking for the most over qualified person for the job that will accept very low pay & crapy benefits.

    good luck

  9. #9
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Put serial killer.

  10. #10
    Juturna is offline Banned
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    I suspect otherwise since I am more than qualified for the positions I am applying for. I have gotten several interviews from the private sector, however I have gotten NADA from the government/government funded sectors. This is what leads me to believe it is a gender/racial issue regarding why I am not getting called back.
    With this economy did you not think of how many people applied for government jobs because of their benefits and because they're less-likely to be laid off from them? You might not be the most 'over-qualified' person applying.

  11. #11
    Tock's Avatar
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    They might not want you if you're too overqualified.

    For instance, if the job calls for a HS diploma and you've got a BA, don't tell them about the BA. If they want a BA and you've got a PhD, tell them about your masters.

    They won't want to hire you if they think you'll quit and go elsewhere for more $$$ once the job market firms up.

    Just a thought . . .

    Then again, I know a major employer in Dallas got huge tax breaks from the city government in return for a pledge to hire more disadvantaged people within the city. You might be running into something similar.

  12. #12
    eatrainrest's Avatar
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    its hit or miss my friend.. let me explain this.. if the employer does not like minorities and you put minority... you probably wont get the job.. remember-there is NO MANDATORY QUOTAS by law... affirmative action is "encouraged" check out some case law on BAKKE. i believe it was with admissions to med school

  13. #13
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    I have not been getting much love either; I dont get it.
    The only part that I almost lied on I didnt because I think my reasoning was good.

    When they ask if you have even been convicted of a Felony I put NO.
    Below that they ask why.
    I put because I had a good Attorney.

    I also make sure to list my sex offends registration number when I file at the local schools. I would think that would help since they see I have experience with kids.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 08-23-2009 at 06:15 AM.

  14. #14
    Western Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    I have been filling out a lot of applications, and I am more than qualified for many positions but have not been getting much love. I have been filling out the "OPTIONAL" EEO survey on Race&gender. Does anyone know if OPTING not to fill out this survey will count against your application. I don't know what is worse, being a Caucasian male, or just opting not to fill it out.
    Companies do use those surveys to determine who gets hired, even when they say it is only for statistical purposes.

    Me and a friend of mine were applying for a federal job in which there was an entrance exam. Our scores were identical. He decided to lie and say he was hispanic even though he's white. Sure enough within a month he got called in for a job.

    I didn't hear anything for almost 2 years. Affirmative action is a racist policy and I oppose racism.

  15. #15
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    Honestly I would put one or two things down to get more hits

    1. Black, Hispanic, Asian

    2. Don't speak English and are illegal

    You'd be a shoe in son. Gotta keep those ratios even.

    Ditto bro!

    Sad state of affairs we live in now.

    It's getting harder to be a white, working male in this country.

    My dad worked for the same company for 48 years.

    Those days are gone.

    I have some Blackfoot Indian in me.

    So I legally can put down "native American".

    It's back in the 1600's, but still applies.

    I know it sucks.

  16. #16
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    I just translated my resume into Spanish and re applying

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