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  1. #1
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
    Dobie-BOY is offline Senior Member
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    Does anyone know about copyright laws?

    I am going to produce a swimsuit calendar, but it is a swimsuit calendar with a theme eg. swimsuit models with cars. I dont suppose I could get a copyright that would prevent others from producing a swimsuit calendar with the same theme could I?

  2. #2
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY View Post
    I am going to produce a swimsuit calendar, but it is a swimsuit calendar with a theme eg. swimsuit models with cars. I dont suppose I could get a copyright that would prevent others from producing a swimsuit calendar with the same theme could I?
    Simply put... You would have no chance whatsoever.

  3. #3
    Tock's Avatar
    Tock is offline Anabolic Member
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    You can copyright the pictures, you can copyright the particular format of your calendar, but no, you can't copyright calendars in general, and you can't copyright calendar themes.

    You might not even want to bother, because it will cost $$$ legal fees to protect your copyright. If you're going to make just a few thousand calendars, you won't make a big enough profit on your venture to pay a lawyer to press your case.
    So just take your pictures, make your calendars, sell as many as you can, and pocket whatever profit you can, and let it go at that.

    Nevertheless, don't forget to put a copyright message on your stuff. Just a little C inside a circle, followed by the year and your name in small letters on whatever you want to protect.

  4. #4
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
    Dobie-BOY is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock View Post
    You can copyright the pictures, you can copyright the particular format of your calendar, but no, you can't copyright calendars in general, and you can't copyright calendar themes.

    You might not even want to bother, because it will cost $$$ legal fees to protect your copyright. If you're going to make just a few thousand calendars, you won't make a big enough profit on your venture to pay a lawyer to press your case.
    So just take your pictures, make your calendars, sell as many as you can, and pocket whatever profit you can, and let it go at that.

    Nevertheless, don't forget to put a copyright message on your stuff. Just a little C inside a circle, followed by the year and your name in small letters on whatever you want to protect.
    Ya, thats pretty much what I thought. Except, I didnt know you could put the copyright symbol (circle C) on it unless you actually have3 a copyright.

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