I've never taken a B complex vitamin but I did use to take Niacin back in the day.
I took one single pill yesterday and could not believe how much it made me pee, and I hadn't even been chuggn water or anything.

But in 4 hours time I had to make at least 10 trips to the bathroom, and not little tiny squirts it was like emptying a full bladder everytime.
People say Nolva and Letro dry you out but I never had an effect like this where when I looked in the mirror my face literally looked skinnier, and actually all around my entire body just looked a bit leaner.

Whats really cool is the following day for some reason I had an excellent workout, my energy was through the roof more the usual and I was thinking "wow maybe vitamins really aren't worthless".

But I'm a little confused. I'd like to keep taking the B-vitamins but is there anyway to avoid the thousand trips to the bathroom? I like that my body is moving water (flushing out toxins and w/e) but for people who take B vitamins does the peeing every 20mins ever go away? What I'm saying is I like the diuretic effect and energy, but I'd prefer the peeing to be a bit less intense.
And does anyone know which one of the B vitamins in the complex is responsible for this? I was googling but couldn't find it.