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  1. #1
    ninesecz's Avatar
    ninesecz is offline AR's Mass Monster
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    What a Bummer... What do i do about the job i was suppose to get?

    I interviewed for a full time position at the Turning Stone Casino which is a huge Indian Casino in upsate New York.. I work in the A/V Dept right now but as an "On Call" Employee. The job was for a Lighting Technician which I have several years experience doing and was kind of a shoe in for.. I was told by my supervisor and the guy who interviewed me (the same person) that I would hear from him by The Friday that just passed.. I did not hear and I got called in on Friday so I was about to go knock on his door and find out anything I could. About 10 minutes before my break I start talking to another guy I work with and he says "did you hear the news?" I said no he then tells me the The Guy who interviewed me, (my boss) and the guy directly under him were both fired on Wednesday (2 days earlier) after 12 years with the company!

    What the hell do I do know... I do not think he left notes with anyone about how the interview went so i am thinking i am screwe and will have to go through this whole 3 month process again!

  2. #2
    DOM6's Avatar
    DOM6 is offline Member
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    speak up quick and firm about it

  3. #3
    ni4ni's Avatar
    ni4ni is offline Pharmaceutically Enhanced
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    Dec 2008
    hope like hell he turned in the approp paper work to HR prior to his departure.
    good bro

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