08-30-2009, 05:17 PM #1
Philosophy of steroids - The reasons why we do them
Just wondering if anyone had any philosophies that would explain their desires to do steroids , or to pursue fitness of any kind?
For my self I beleive that existance is only acheived to any degree by the way in which we can interact with the world. Physically, an obese person could not run stairs for 20 mins thus they are inhibited by their physical abilities and can not fully experience the world in a way that an athlete could. So, it is important for me to acheive, physically as well as mentally, a high degree of ability in order to interact with the world in which I live at the highest level possible...
08-30-2009, 05:21 PM #2
I've got one life, I want to live it; bigger - stronger - faster.
08-30-2009, 05:23 PM #3
I believe its to achieve an ideal image that i feel like i couldnt achieve naturally. I started early because i never felt big enough( i guess the whole bigorexia thing) but i worked my ass off for a while naturally. I decided to take it to the next level because i seeing working out as a lifestyle for me. I base everyday activities around diet and working out.
small potatoes make the steak look bigger
I also thought they made my penis grow.
He it is for me... I am 34.. I am not working right now and have nothing to do but eat right and train. So I figure If I ever was going to do a good cycle now was the time. I did want to stack a couple compounds but had an issue and could not do it. getting good gains from just the test though so oh well
08-30-2009, 09:41 PM #7
I was addicted to bodybuilding and really really really wanted that edge...why would you not if you're determined enough?
Sure you could maybe achieve it naturally if you were determined enough - but comeee ooonnnnn, get that edge.
and hrt is fantastic as well!
08-30-2009, 09:56 PM #8
I have always pushed myself, and will continue to push myself. I will do whatever it takes to achieve the physique i am aiming for. I enjoy training. It's not a chore, or a habit, it's something i love doing, and steroids make something i already love doing even more enjoyable for me.
08-31-2009, 05:28 AM #9
god complex
08-31-2009, 06:28 AM #10
I do it coz i fvking love it.
08-31-2009, 07:23 AM #11
I played sports year round since I was old enough to walk LOL..... played on the school team.... played on afterschool teams.... Always had something going. After I graduated highschool -I started working out with my father. Bodybuilding quickly became a passion for me..... you're not on a team..... there's no-one to blame for failure but yourself. Steroids were made available to me and I tried them - they're a part of my passion now. They aren't used as a "cheat" but as another tool to achieve my overal goals.
08-31-2009, 07:42 AM #12
im not using steroids at the min......i have done 1 cycle in the past....and will certainly do again in the future.......
I love training i always have in one form or another....im now 27 and training and bettering my mind and body are the most important things in my life.........i love it..
08-31-2009, 10:09 AM #13
I got tired of being a toothpick.
08-31-2009, 10:44 AM #14
When I was 18, I was a fat tub of lard. I was 300 lbs of pure fat, I would lose my breath while tying my shoes. I'd break out sweating while eating. One day I got sick of it and decided to hit the gym, I knew a couple of body-builder guys that made no secret about their use of AS. I asked them to show me how to work out, and they did. That was 8 years ago. I hit the gym hard and never stopped. I got into Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for a few years, got bored and started playing D1 rugby instead.
I now powerlift and train hard as fk every summer in preparation for the rugby season. I turned to AS last year for the first time. A friend of mine kept telling me how much my lifts would improve on AS, it was his opinion that I had pushed my body to it's natural limits in terms of strength and power. So he gave me my first cycle as an x-mas present, and I've never looked back.
I feel like a hardcore loser if I'm not pushing myself as hard as possible. The thought of being like everyone else makes me sad, mediocrity is no longer an option in my life. To me, if the bar isn't bent...I'm not working hard enough.
08-31-2009, 11:37 AM #15
Why do we do steroids ?
Same reason when your little you think banging a girl will make you happy. Then you bang a girl and say if I bang a hotter girl next time I'll be happy. Then you bang a hotter girl and think if I bang multiple hot girls I'll be happy. Then you bang multiple hot girls and think if I get in a relationship I'll be happy. Then you get in a relationship and you're STILL not happy.
Same rules apply to anything in life. I believe most of what we do is a search for something better, or at least something we think will bring happiness into our lives. And we spend our entire lives getting things and realizing those things aren't what really makes us happy at all.
One day we wake up with a huge house, a hot wife, children, nice cars, the dog we wanted.. but oddly we're still not happy.
And the reason is because at some point throughout our life we got the idea the happiness is hidden some place secretive. So we journey through life looking at the things all around us, thinking happiness is somewhere out there, we just need to find it.
Then one day a select few fortunate men (I say this cause a lot of men will die still looking) start realizing "I've spent my whole life looking for happiness and have never found it, I've gone everywhere and done everything and still don't know where it is.. but there is one place I have left to check, myself" And thats usually when you find it.
So we use steroids simply cause we think it will make us happy.Last edited by Bojangles69; 08-31-2009 at 11:43 AM.
09-01-2009, 04:05 PM #16
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