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Thread: So I just Watched PUNISHER: WAR ZONE...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Question So I just Watched PUNISHER: WAR ZONE...


    Nonetheless, I am curious about ONE thing and I figured SOMEONE can answer this for me.. TITANIUM will probably be the one who comes up with the answer


    His Pistols... The Stainless Steel Ones, The ones that he uses that are SEMI-AUTOMATIC ...

    Not the Full Auto Pistols with the EXTENDED 50rnd Clips coming out the bottom...

    But the REGULAR PISTOLS...

    Me being a GUN NUT/ENTHUSIAST ... I can't believe I do not KNOW what they are... I am thinking BERETTA but if it is... WHAT MODEL ?!?!

    Someone please let me know.. I am likw FREAKING OUT because I do not know what these beautiful weapons are.. I need to know because I AM GOING TO GO BUY 2 of em.. Just because I CAN...


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I actually liked the first punisher movie better,but both were great movies.

    The whole time I kept looking at Frank Castle in War Zone thinking "It's Titus Pulo!" and want to yell "13th!"

    Anyone who was a fan of the series Rome on HBO would probably do the same. It's a great series if you have the chance to watch it also.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Yea i iv seen the first one about six times now.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ok guys.. hahaha, apparently no one knows the answer to this question...

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    I don't know about the guns, bc I don't remember them,

    but, man, I was not impressed with that movie at all.

    the story line did not match up with the first one, it lacked substance and compensated by excessive violence.

    I mean, I'm all for some gratuitous violence, but not when you sacrifice some of the plot.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Plano, TX
    If you're talking about the pistols he uses in the beginning at that dinner party, they're just Beretta 92FS with Inox finish.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    It was pretty good, but I liked the first two better.

    (The one with Dulph and the one with Tom Jane)

    This was closed to the actual comic story and the movie with Dulph, but I liked the bigger budget + bigger special effects from the newer one with Tom Jane.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by mho View Post
    If you're talking about the pistols he uses in the beginning at that dinner party, they're just Beretta 92FS with Inox finish.
    YES !!That's EXACTLY what they are !! Just ORDERED two of them MYSELF...

    As Titanium and I are.. we are both GUN NUTS/ENTHUSIATS whichever you prefer to call us and I will be dumping my DUAL Wield S&W M&P 9mm's for these Puppies !!

    NO, Not because they were in this movie but because I did my research on them and they are PRETTY much the BEST 9mm you can Buy..

    BUT, Thank you for the CONFIRMATION on this MHO much appreciated !!

    OH , And for all of you who say that the TOM JANE movie is better than this ONE... seriously WTF!?! That one wasn't EVEN close to the COMICS.. at least this ONE was actually based on the STORYLINE of the comic...

    In the comic.. THERE IS NO STORYLINE, NO PLOT... The Punisher (Frank Castle)
    JUST straight up kills everyone that is bad.. kinda like a BOONDOCK SAINTS kinda thing to him, but he has MOTIVE because BAD PEOPLE KILLED HIS FAMILY...

    I'd do the SAME !!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Wasn't a fan of the movie really.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Front toward enemy
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    YES !!That's EXACTLY what they are !! Just ORDERED two of them MYSELF...

    As Titanium and I are.. we are both GUN NUTS/ENTHUSIATS whichever you prefer to call us and I will be dumping my DUAL Wield S&W M&P 9mm's for these Puppies !!

    NO, Not because they were in this movie but because I did my research on them and they are PRETTY much the BEST 9mm you can Buy..

    BUT, Thank you for the CONFIRMATION on this MHO much appreciated !!

    OH , And for all of you who say that the TOM JANE movie is better than this ONE... seriously WTF!?! That one wasn't EVEN close to the COMICS.. at least this ONE was actually based on the STORYLINE of the comic...

    In the comic.. THERE IS NO STORYLINE, NO PLOT... The Punisher (Frank Castle)
    JUST straight up kills everyone that is bad.. kinda like a BOONDOCK SAINTS kinda thing to him, but he has MOTIVE because BAD PEOPLE KILLED HIS FAMILY...

    I'd do the SAME !!

    You should get into the Punisher MAX series. Garth Ennis was born to write about that guy. Favourite story arcs are probably The Slavers and Long, Cold , Dark. I love the ending to his final confrontation with Barracuda, when he's driving through the night and muses:

    "That was the real problem. Far beyond being found by scum like Barracuda. Wherever I took Sarah, whatever kind of life I tried to build, a day would come when i'd read the paper--or watch the news--and see something needing to be done. The sun slipped away behind me, the last sliver seeming to pause on the horizon, then succumbing to the black. And I drove through the shadows of America. Through the long, cold, dark night that i've made of my life."

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