Well - it may sound like a repeat or repost at first, but get all the way through it before you think so.
Well finally got my organization approved as a Non-Profit like I've been trying to do for the past few months - meaning hiring new workers. I need phones for them.
Okay now both my partners and myself have used Blackberry's for a LONG time, and I never planned to switch due to it's phenomenal email and corporate-server integration.
BUT - I've heard that the new iPhone 3GS is amazing with email now - which will be the biggest issue in my eyes - along with corporate-server integration which AT&T assures me it can solve.
So, iPhone or Blackberry from a BUSINESS perspective (not personal use).
To diagram ALL my needs, here;
- Multiple email acct's
- Instant email delivery.
- Corporate-server email
- How is AT&T's service now-a-days? Better than Verizon?
Anyone who has personal or business experience with either, please let me know. Remember, I'm concerned about this being used as a business phone, emails are VITAL. I don't care at all about the non-business-oriented 'apps' that the iPhone has.