A guy I know says he went to the Doc's and says that his Dr told him that creatine and protien, and pre workout drinks are causing a low sperm count. I never heard of this. Is he full of shit.
A guy I know says he went to the Doc's and says that his Dr told him that creatine and protien, and pre workout drinks are causing a low sperm count. I never heard of this. Is he full of shit.
Yes, your friend is full of shit...shouldn't this be in the supplement section?
That's because everyone that goes in for blood work after a dbol only cycle tells there doc all they took was creatine and protien.
thats just what i figured.
doctors are not educated enuff on steroids
Last edited by OH REALLY; 09-10-2009 at 11:12 AM.
I wish i was so stupid to make their kind of money.
I've never heard of those causing low sperm count.
Well the thing is that I think he is lying. I don't think the Doctor told him that. I think he did a cycle of something and that the real reason he has a low sperm count, and he needed a story to cover his ass for his wife cause there trying to have a baby. I noticed he was looking skinny a few months back and i know for a fact he don't know what he is doing in the gym. So not so long ago we were out one weekened a bunch of us at the beach and I noticed just for a split second that he sure looks alot bigger. Weight wise, didn't think twice about it till now. If I am right which is just a hunch, I doubt he did any pct. Im even sure of who he got it off which are not guys that would look out for his best interest.
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