Anyone else have this problem? I am using IE right now cause I keep getting a page load error! Worked perfect until the Sept 9, 3.53 update loaded... I tried reloading but same thing...
Anyone else have this problem? I am using IE right now cause I keep getting a page load error! Worked perfect until the Sept 9, 3.53 update loaded... I tried reloading but same thing...
I updated it on my desktop, Firefox kept freezing up. Used IE. I'm sure they'll fix it soon though.
I'm using it right now, no problems with mine.
Just re-install it.
I have updated with no problems
Oh sorry. I thought this was a thread about the end of the world.
my fiance had to pay fvcking dell 60.00 ...our BRAND FVKING NEW PC was going slow and she restarted and we couldnt get computer back on....we got to password page but when typing it in a message would say "failure to log in" not wrong password or anything but dell trouble shot and said it was software corruption and we werent covered pay 60.00...then they fixed the problem
guess it could or could not be firefox related..just sucks
Got it working... reloaded an earlier version... One of my add ons was for some reson not functioning properly with the new version
just updated, no issues.
Mine did the update yesterday. For the fist time EVER my HP laptop would not boot.
Luckily I went into Safemode and did a system restore and it's working again. No update for me.....
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