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  1. #1
    RyanRoss's Avatar
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    Court ordered Narcotics Classes for AAS WOW!!

    I went to my first interview with these Narcotics Help classes for my court ordered agreement. What a time that was! I'm interviewed by this woman who I wanted to choke the life out of after 10 minutes. I go in and meet this lady and she asks me a series of questions: name information etc, and what I was charged with.

    She says, "Steroids ? That is a major problem...oh wow. I'm going to recommend that your stay here is extended 6 months." I'm like ma'am, I am not an addict. I'm an athlete. This is an interview and you already assume I'm a junkie?

    "I don't assume things I just can tell that you're going to need alot of help so I think its for the best. Now this is court ordered but its also voluntary...There is methadone in the nurses office. You can take some and leave, but if you do you have violated your court order and we will report you and you'll never be able to come here again."

    I was about to choke this woman to death. I said "Lady, methadone is an OPIATE BLOCKER. I AM NOT A ****ING JUNKIE."

    "Sir calm down....the first step in fixing this problem you have is admitting you have a problem."

    Oh my God.

    Edit: I have a question for you guys. I've got a year of these classes to do and frankly I think its ridiculous. I know that I'm lucky not to be getting charges and just do these court ordered classes, but I'm sitting around people that have stolen and hurt people for their fix. I'm not a druggie. I'm considering writing a small book about this whole thing. I've almost got a bachelors and also a minor in English. I'm a full time working goal oriented college student who was almost a USMC officer.

    I want to show people that the steroid users in the bodybuilding / athlete / power lifting community are GOAL ORIENTED HARD WORKING PEOPLE, NOT JUNKIES. I'm going to go in depth on proving that as well as how there is more LENIENCY towards addicts of cocaine, heroin, oxycontin etc, and leniency toward marijuana laws but HARSH PENALTIES for users of steroids just trying to be their best. If I wrote this and had it marketed, if you guys liked what you read would you recommend it to your friends and others who see this as a 'junkie habit' ?

    I've talked to a few people locally who do publishing work and also some people who do work on this site. If they like what they see, that's a big step. I'm just trying to see if this would be something that people would be interested in.
    Last edited by RyanRoss; 10-08-2009 at 11:05 AM.

  2. #2
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    have fun bro.
    i had to go to classes a while back. the interview is a setup.
    switch places where u take the classes and get re-interviewd.
    ur lawer will handle it all.

    do not stay at this place bro, they just want that weekly check.

    hell, grab the methodone, shit is worth a fortune on the streets...

  3. #3
    RyanRoss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    have fun bro.
    i had to go to classes a while back. the interview is a setup.
    switch places where u take the classes and get re-interviewd.
    ur lawer will handle it all.

    do not stay at this place bro, they just want that weekly check.

    hell, grab the methodone, shit is worth a fortune on the streets...
    If I go that route I'd give it to my grandfather, hes terminally ill and for some reason that is the only thing that helps his pain. His doctor terminated his prescription because of the bs with Anna Nicole Smith? Makes no sense to me.

  4. #4
    Jfew44's Avatar
    Jfew44 is offline Senior Member
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    I think the book is a great idea if you put it together right.

  5. #5
    warchild's Avatar
    warchild is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    methadone?? is she fn crazy?????????

  6. #6
    RyanRoss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild View Post
    methadone?? is she fn crazy?????????
    It's an opiate blocker they give to heroin addicts. Shes basically lumping me into the same category as a heroin junkie!

  7. #7
    CBGB's Avatar
    CBGB is offline Senior Member
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    I might read your book, or I might not. I'm not really sure to be honest. I don't need pursuading. We all know why we do what we do.

  8. #8
    warchild's Avatar
    warchild is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    methadone fvcks alot of people up

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Wow that lady makes it sound like you're out on the streets suckin dick for steroids

  10. #10
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    You really cant expect much more from a Social Worker making $40,000 a year....I imagine that most PTI/PTD programs have no idea what to do with steroid users since they see them so rarely, and most likely just decided to push you through the normal rehab programs they have for drug offenders. Lol, methadone for steroid abuse , that's the funniest shit I have heard all week. No wonder drug addicts aren't getting any better in these programs, the people running them obviously have no clue what they are talking about.

  11. #11
    RyanRoss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CBGB View Post
    I might read your book, or I might not. I'm not really sure to be honest. I don't need pursuading. We all know why we do what we do.
    I know, but I figured it would be a good place to start marketing to gain some credibility and then reach out to everyone else by another means. Hopefully I can change something, even just a few peoples views on bodybuilding would be a great accomplishment to me.

  12. #12
    RyanRoss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottythebody View Post
    Wow that lady makes it sound like you're out on the streets suckin dick for steroids
    I wanted to choke her, seriously. Had I been on tren , it would have happened!

    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    You really cant expect much more from a Social Worker making $40,000 a year....I imagine that most PTI/PTD programs have no idea what to do with steroid users since they see them so rarely, and most likely just decided to push you through the normal rehab programs they have for drug offenders. Lol, methadone for steroid abuse, that's the funniest shit I have heard all week. No wonder drug addicts aren't getting any better in these programs, the people running them obviously have no clue what they are talking about.
    I guess its because the cases they get are so far and few. The only 'addiction' I ever faced was the addiction to sex . On a more serious note though I would get depressed when I stayed off more than 6 months, I'd feel inferior and sad and small for losing size but I got over that. Mind over matter.

  13. #13
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyanRoss View Post
    I wanted to choke her, seriously. Had I been on tren , it would have happened!

    I guess its because the cases they get are so far and few. The only 'addiction' I ever faced was the addiction to sex . On a more serious note though I would get depressed when I stayed off more than 6 months, I'd feel inferior and sad and small for losing size but I got over that. Mind over matter. time you go she'll probably be offering your Buprenorphine/Naloxone combo. Tell her you need HCG and Nolvadex to deal with your "addiction."

    Why don't you consider going to law school instead and focus on steroid cases like Rick Collins.

  14. #14
    RyanRoss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post time you go she'll probably be offering your Buprenorphine/Naloxone combo. Tell her you need HCG and Nolvadex to deal with your "addiction."

    Why don't you consider going to law school instead and focus on steroid cases like Rick Collins.
    I would love to do that man, but I don't have the high school grades to go into a law school. I dicked around alot in high school

  15. #15
    WARMachine's Avatar
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    Wow...Just wow...

    I might have taken the jail time. Well actually if it were me, i would have gone back to Brasil.

  16. #16
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    i had to do drug/alcohol classes along with anger management classes just for fighting and i wasnt drinkin or on drugs at the time. Just gotta deal with it man. And i hope in the interview you didnt say or write down you drank or did any drugs ever because then they take that as you need more classes your gonna have to pay for.
    PS they dont give a ratasss ass what drugs you did or why you did them,, they only care about the money you have to pay for the classes. Actually if you get the right attitude there not really all that bad except from the fact it takes time out of your scheduale.

  17. #17
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    Since when do they give out methadone like candy?

    Methadone is the highest of all painkillers and the difference between methadone and heroin is such a fine line.

    Most doctors won't even prescribe it because they are afraid of Federal investigations and their patients selling that stuff or overdosing.

  18. #18
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    not in south florida, it is considered a break thru pain med..
    docs give it out like govenment cheese...

    south florida, yeah, home of doctor shopping..

  19. #19
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Since when do they give out methadone like candy?

    Methadone is the highest of all painkillers and the difference between methadone and heroin is such a fine line.

    Most doctors won't even prescribe it because they are afraid of Federal investigations and their patients selling that stuff or overdosing.
    agree they dont give out or even have drugs at drug classes. unless he went to hospital to do the interview

  20. #20
    paulzane's Avatar
    paulzane is offline Productive Member
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    That is sh1t news man!

  21. #21
    dd0316's Avatar
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    id read ur book in a heartbeat

  22. #22
    kojak_x's Avatar
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    wow that really sucks bro. That women and the entire story is fuc.ked up. That women should immediately be removed from her job and never allowed to work in the field ever agian. feel for you.

  23. #23
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyanRoss View Post
    I would love to do that man, but I don't have the high school grades to go into a law school. I dicked around alot in high school
    Are you serious? You need to go talk to one of your academic advisors. High school grades are not part of the admissions process. I was all set to go until I decided on medical school instead. The only thing that matters in law school apps is GPA+LSAT=X... and then the minor shit like your personal letter and EC's. In any case you can get into a law school with a cGPA of 2.0 or higher, it just may not be a Tier I law school. Certainly with a 3.0 and 155+ LSAT score you can easily get into a bottom Tier II school. Just saying....

  24. #24
    RyanRoss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Are you serious? You need to go talk to one of your academic advisors. High school grades are not part of the admissions process. I was all set to go until I decided on medical school instead. The only thing that matters in law school apps is GPA+LSAT=X... and then the minor shit like your personal letter and EC's. In any case you can get into a law school with a cGPA of 2.0 or higher, it just may not be a Tier I law school. Certainly with a 3.0 and 155+ LSAT score you can easily get into a bottom Tier II school. Just saying....
    Wow, I have an A college average right now. I'm going to talk to my adviser about this asap. This would be great if I could get into a law school and do criminal law cases for AAS

  25. #25
    RyanRoss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dd0316 View Post
    id read ur book in a heartbeat
    I'll send you the first few pages as a preview bro, and you can give me your honest opinion.

  26. #26
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    not in south florida, it is considered a break thru pain med..
    docs give it out like govenment cheese...

    south florida, yeah, home of doctor shopping..

    Florida is the only state that doesn't track out prescription pain medication it gives out, but the downside is Florida has some of the toughest prescription med laws in the country.

    And sorry but times are changing FEDS/DEA are cracking down on south florida pill dispensors.

  27. #27
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Instead of trying to use logic and educating her or anyone else about steroids at this point you need to change your tactics.

    Embarrass or belittle her with logic. When she starts saying stupid stuff about steroids ask to see her degree in this field. Ask her how steroids are related/associated with other drugs. Just keep asking her how, why and to verify it for you with proof. It will frustrate her to no end and hopefully she will give up.

    Ask to be switched to someone who has some real background in the field of steroids and not just a social worker who is uneducated.

  28. #28
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
    CHUCKYthentic is offline Anabolic Member
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    its like that guy in fight club that has to go to support groups due to his past steroid abuse haha

    on a serious not though, that is complete garbage! ok 6 months whatever, prob better than serving jail time. but an additional 6! WTF! i guaran-damn-tee there are some peop in there that have to give less time than that with like heroin or meth addiction!

    you should see if you can do anything to argue against that additional 6 months bro

    regardless of what happens good luck to u man

  29. #29
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  30. #30
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    in the freaking cold
    i would go on drugs to show her, PEOPLE LIKE HER ARE THE REASON steroids are looked at as they are...

    i would pin her down and stick her with a gram of test/tren

  31. #31
    Friend's Avatar
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    So she wants you to start on a methadone only cycle? Do you have your diet in check?

  32. #32
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friend View Post
    So she wants you to start on a methadone only cycle? Do you have your diet in check?
    I hope this is sarcasm

  33. #33
    rockinred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyanRoss View Post
    I went to my first interview with these Narcotics Help classes for my court ordered agreement. What a time that was! I'm interviewed by this woman who I wanted to choke the life out of after 10 minutes. I go in and meet this lady and she asks me a series of questions: name information etc, and what I was charged with.

    She says, "Steroids ? That is a major problem...oh wow. I'm going to recommend that your stay here is extended 6 months." I'm like ma'am, I am not an addict. I'm an athlete. This is an interview and you already assume I'm a junkie?

    "I don't assume things I just can tell that you're going to need alot of help so I think its for the best. Now this is court ordered but its also voluntary...There is methadone in the nurses office. You can take some and leave, but if you do you have violated your court order and we will report you and you'll never be able to come here again."

    I was about to choke this woman to death. I said "Lady, methadone is an OPIATE BLOCKER. I AM NOT A ****ING JUNKIE."

    "Sir calm down....the first step in fixing this problem you have is admitting you have a problem."

    Oh my God.

    Edit: I have a question for you guys. I've got a year of these classes to do and frankly I think its ridiculous. I know that I'm lucky not to be getting charges and just do these court ordered classes, but I'm sitting around people that have stolen and hurt people for their fix. I'm not a druggie. I'm considering writing a small book about this whole thing. I've almost got a bachelors and also a minor in English. I'm a full time working goal oriented college student who was almost a USMC officer.

    I want to show people that the steroid users in the bodybuilding / athlete / power lifting community are GOAL ORIENTED HARD WORKING PEOPLE, NOT JUNKIES. I'm going to go in depth on proving that as well as how there is more LENIENCY towards addicts of cocaine, heroin, oxycontin etc, and leniency toward marijuana laws but HARSH PENALTIES for users of steroids just trying to be their best. If I wrote this and had it marketed, if you guys liked what you read would you recommend it to your friends and others who see this as a 'junkie habit' ?

    I've talked to a few people locally who do publishing work and also some people who do work on this site. If they like what they see, that's a big step. I'm just trying to see if this would be something that people would be interested in.
    Dude, I could barely finish reading your post because I got so upset. Don't forget to add in your book about how un-knowledgeable the alleged helpers really are. Some methadone? That is flat out crazy.

    I would just do your time there and be quiet. Makes you want to lobby for legalization which is pointless because of how people perceive it and buy into the bill of lies that they are sold from the government. I have learned to roll with the punches in life and not try too hard to fight it or convince people to be logical and smart. Good luck buddy.

  34. #34
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Florida is the only state that doesn't track out prescription pain medication it gives out, but the downside is Florida has some of the toughest prescription med laws in the country.

    And sorry but times are changing FEDS/DEA are cracking down on south florida pill dispensors.

    will take them years to clean this mess up down here.
    for every one they nail, 5 more open up.

    they operate under a very fine loophole, if done right, they are breaking no laws.

    and yes, the laws down here for pain meds is crazy, if someone gets nailed, the mandatory sentence is crazy long..

  35. #35
    RyanRoss's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the support guys. I'm doing the introduction to this book right now. I'm not sure how short, or long it's going to be. I want to make strong points, get the point across, and not bore the readers. I'm going to post the first couple of pages here before long about myself and my background and education so immediately a reader will see that I'm an educated man with morals and goals and not some 'steroid junkie' on a rant.

  36. #36
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    if ur posting it on this site, u may want to make it a picture book..

    Haz is a little slow.....

  37. #37
    Hazard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    if ur posting it on this site, u may want to make it a picture book..

    Haz is a little slow.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


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