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  1. #1
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Medicating America

    You know we as a country in America are a pill addicted society. We have pills for everything. They are handed out for everything literally. We spend 30x more on Medicaid than we do on the war annually. The single largest debt we have in this country in Medicaid. 30 trillion dollars is what has been spent on it. We need to revamp the system, reform the health care industry is what they would have us to believe.

    In fact they are going to penalize you if you don't do it their way. It is, according to the government, a problem that exists because the providers charge too much because they have to offset the rising costs of the uninsured, so lets get everybody insured and the costs will come down.

    I did go to the doctor not that long ago and noticed that the person in front of me didn't have insurance and their payment up front for services was substantially, about 1/3, the cost of what my insurance carrier was billed. Not cool.

    But I am writing this because I wen to pick up a prescription the other day and found an even bigger problem. My prescription was $430 for 30 tabs, a one month supply. I was like fvck that man. I left in anger. Decided to get on the internet and do some research. I found that I can buy a two month supply, 60 pills, form an online pharmacy in Canada for $176. 75% less costs if you order outside our borders. SAME EXACT medicine.

    So here is what I say, get the governement to come down on the providers and make them bill the insurance companies the same as anyone else, get that standardized, then at the same time lift the tariffs on the pharmaceutical companies to where it is affordable to buy prescription medication in this country and the insurance costs will self correct and we could afford to pay for it on our own without them having to force us too. If the insurance companies are having to pay the $860 it would have cost me to buy 60 days worth of this medicine when I can buy it out of the country for $176 no damn wonder my insurance costs so much!


  2. #2
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
    CHUCKYthentic is offline Anabolic Member
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    i feel you here HD. when i was younger i took healthcare and cost and all the gov. hoopla for granted. well now that im older and better educated on the issue, it has started to hit home. im lucky enough to still be in college and covered on parents insurance, eventhough im 25, im lucky, they work for the Gov.

    it has really hit home for me the past year. i have a 72 year old grandma that was diagnosed w parkinsons about 3 years ago. it is now starting to impact her pretty bad. its sad cuz this woman has been active her whole life! she made her own damn fitness video when she was in her 50s! peop use to think she was my mom cuz she was in such great health and looked young

    anyway, its impossible for her to work, never really did her whole life. raised 5 kids, and my grandpa spoiled her during their entire marriage. he mad enough money to support them easily. well he passed away in 1998 and left her money, a pretty good amount

    well anyway, her parknisons meds cost her 6000/year! now she has insurance, Medicaid i beleive, BUT that is the amount she pays out of pocket! ridiculous! her insurance program covers the rest which would be a crazy amount if not.

    im like WTF! how can a person that cannot work afford this? she barely to nearly cant! soon she def wont be able to afford this, how can anyone that isnt "rich"?

    she even begged the Parkinsons Clinic in Az i think to pay for her meds, BEGGED, cuz they can for some people. they told her, "sorry, we know who you are and we know your deceased husband left you money. shouldnt have spent it all."

    trust me guys, it wasnt enough money to support her life as well as sickness! not like we expected this! and she hasnt spent it all

    The United States obviously needs to fix this damn healthcare issue, its crazy and scary, hopefully something is done in the near future
    Last edited by CHUCKYthentic; 10-15-2009 at 01:32 PM.

  3. #3
    xnotoriousx's Avatar
    xnotoriousx is offline Anabolic Member
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    Healthcare has been a joke for awhile in this country... That's why I just eat my vitamins and say to hell with them...

  4. #4
    calgarian's Avatar
    calgarian is offline ANALbolically inclined "Protein user"
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    then u guys bash canada....if it wasnt for health care i wont be here.

  5. #5
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Yeah man if the meds were lower it would help a ton! My dad has been preliminarily diagnosed this month with Parkinsons. They are doing more test. He is retired military and they are not taken care of the way they used to be.

    Did you see the insurance congress has? 5 plans to choose from, in house dispencery that is free for all out patient services including day surgery and PT! And they get it for life! On our dime.

  6. #6
    calgarian's Avatar
    calgarian is offline ANALbolically inclined "Protein user"
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    Quote Originally Posted by higherdesire View Post
    Yeah man if the meds were lower it would help a ton! My dad has been preliminarily diagnosed this month with Parkinsons. They are doing more test. He is retired military and they are not taken care of the way they used to be.

    Did you see the insurance congress has? 5 plans to choose from, in house dispencery that is free for all out patient services including day surgery and PT! And they get it for life! On our dime.
    I can basically get insurance from work that pays 80% of my medications.
    Test I get for my trt I pay 7$ for 10 ml vial at 200mg/ml.
    Then I can also claim that amount on my budget amount for the year. Whatever you pay for your insurance if it is not from work you can claim on your tax return.

  7. #7
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
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    hopefully they have caught it early enough, that is great! takes parkinsons awhile to run its course IF they can catch it early enough. obviously everyone is diff. my grandma doesnt shake a lot, get tremors here and there. her issues are talking, and balance. its hard for her to walk. she walks and talks like a drunk. she makes the best of it though, jokes around a lot

    sorry to here bout your dad though. hopefully all works out well, im sure it willl

  8. #8
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    THanks Chucky

  9. #9
    Bojangles69's Avatar
    Bojangles69 is offline Banned
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    Couldnt agree more HD.

    But I never had much luck in Canada for "cheap" meds, yes they're cheaper then US but have you checked indian/european pharms?

    I know fraud/seizure rates are higher but its still wayyy cheaper for me. It would also depend on the med too but I will never go to a US pharm again, unless its for my inderal which is like $8. Anything else I usually import from Europe/India

  10. #10
    elpropiotorvic's Avatar
    elpropiotorvic is offline Senior Member
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    Healthcare is a big problem ... But calgarian I can tell u one thing HC in Canada needs a lot of work... I know of some thirld world countries with better health care... nd what they all have in common is that there is less insurance companies in this countries ... They are a mafia in america...

  11. #11
    Nooomoto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by higherdesire View Post

    But I am writing this because I wen to pick up a prescription the other day and found an even bigger problem. My prescription was $430 for 30 tabs, a one month supply. I was like fvck that man. I left in anger. Decided to get on the internet and do some research. I found that I can buy a two month supply, 60 pills, form an online pharmacy in Canada for $176. 75% less costs if you order outside our borders. SAME EXACT medicine.

    Yep...thats what I do, except mine come from India and China. A lot of the sites dont even require a prescription.

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