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  1. #41
    Merc. is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Well written article...Unfortunately, at the present time there is too much political capitol to be had demonizing steroids . There are 435 members of the House and 100 members of the Senate, and all need an issue to campaign on where they were able to make a difference. Steroids are a very easy target in this regard. I believe they're at the point that a certain powdery substance was at several decades ago. Steroids right now, have been used by professional athletes and celebrities, and therefore they make for great ratings. Consequently, these high profile figures also attract the attention of our legislators. With nearly 75,000 new laws being put on the books per year around the country, it should be no surprise that we are constantly under the lime light.

    What I find most interesting, is that for employment in many Federal law enforcement jobs, under their drug use policies, many agencies allow experimentation with marijuana and some hard drugs as long as the use has been infrequent. However, on every agencies policy it clearly states that if you have ever used anabolic steroids after 1991 IN YOUR LIFETIME, you are automatically disqualified. It's quite ironic that a hormone garners this much persecution, something which isn't even a mind altering substance. Yet, Federal agents can have drug use in their past which consists of highly addictive and potentially life threatening narcotics. Even more disturbing, is that some would say that anabolic steroids might be beneficial to the job of a law enforcement agent who may come up against an attacker who is stronger or faster than the agent. The irony of it all.

    I wrote a speech a few years back citing evidence and reasons for the repeal of the Anabolic Steroid Act of 1991, and an amendment to be put in it's place for the lawful use of anabolic steroids for cosmetic purposes. It fell on deaf ears of course.

    What up GF.. Long time no talk .... You make some really great points man .. Thanks for your input .... I would have loved to read your speech ( that sucks that they wouldnt listen/agree with you )...

    Hey didn't Joe Biden ( when he was a senator ) also have a lot to do with passing laws against AAS??


  2. #42
    Merc. is offline Banned
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    I was looking try to see if he had anything else recently published ( to see if he was still Bs'ing ) .. But I didnt find anything ... I found a thread on where someone posted a copy of my article .. In that thread the OP had posted a email response that he received from Craig ( so who knows maybe he will reply )..

    It is a older article but I think it is funny he got called out after writing that ...


  3. #43
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merc. View Post
    I wanted to re post this for all the new members that are here ( and some of the ones that have been here a long time but never read it)..

    I wrote this article for the steroid .com newsletter ( back when they did a newsletter ).. It was in response to a article that Craig Davidson wrote and was published in Esquire mag ..

    We sent a copy to Esquire mag and they wanted to print my article .. They wanted to edit it so we decided not to let them publish it ( because I knew they would butcher the hell out of it .. and also probably edit all the references I made in the article )...

    Steroid article in Esquire
    By Merc.

    This month in Esquire magazine there is an article by Craig Davidson doing his first cycle of steroids … As most members at already know the media tends to fabricate horror stories about steroid side effects…

    This article soundly falls into that category.

    In this article, the user did a cycle that consisted of Dianabol , Testosterone cyponiate and Equipoise (not too bad of a cycle, actually…but a bit much for a first timer). At, a typical recommendation for a first cycle is about half as much gear (mgs/wk), and only one compound typically. But hey…what do we know?

    Unfortunately, the author claims he had just about every side effect possible (hairloss, enlarged prostate , gyno etc…). If he would have taken the time to research the proper information on the sides he experienced could have probably (easily) been avoided. Naturally, while on his cycle he didn’t get any blood work done, or do any of the things we recommend for a cycle on And as I already told you, he did more than double the amount we’d typically suggest.

    From the start of his steroid use , nothing was properly planned out.

    His dietary goal was to eat 25 cans of tuna daily…everybody eats like this to get enough protein, don’t they? He was only able to consume 20 cans in a day (20 cans, is he serious)? There’s this new invention called protein shakes…he should look into that. I don’t think they come in “tuna flavor” unfortunately.

    And that’s not all…there were numerous other mistakes he made throughout the article.

    For example, on his first injections, he claims the needle went in very easily, and the injection went smoothly but when he removed the needle blood shot across the room. He also claimed to aspirate - but obviously didn’t. If he had properly aspirated, blood would have filled the syringe, and he would not have gone through with the injection. It would not have “shot halfway across the room” when he pulled the needle out if blood hadn’t already filled the syringe upon aspiration.

    Duh. His story…to say the least…is nearly impossible. How can you aspirate properly and yet after the injection have a blood fountain shooting across the room? It doesn’t make any medical sense. Not that I’m calling him a liar – just saying…that this is almost medically impossible to have been true.

    The author later claims that a cycle of 11mls would require 11 injections per week. Hello…a syringe holds 3mls typically. This is a basic question that is answered all the time on You can shoot 11mls in a week with far less than 11 injections. Again, he needed to do more research.

    And what about his claim that he developed an abscess (was the injection done improperly? Was the gear dirty?) he later decided to drain himself …aka pulling a Greg Valentino. This is not the move of someone who had done their research.

    I believe that had he simply used an aromatase inhibitor & a DHT blocker almost all the sides he complained about could have been negated. He could have done a bunch of things to avoid side effects…the first being to do some real research.

    Excuse me, but don’t we always tell people to keep those on hand? Oh…right we do….but he didn’t come to us for info, did he?

    Clearly not.

    He also claimed he had all kinds of health issues but did not go to the Dr, instead self diagnosed. The author states he was peeing 15 times a day. That should have the Dr. on the phone immediately. Instead he figured he should use “manual relief” to ease the prostate pain at least 4 times a day. Is this guy for real, & this was published? I’m surprised he didn’t claim that he went blind from all of that hand-action, and then blame that on the steroids too!

    Because of his new size he couldn’t scratch his back. He had to use a fork, he couldn’t reach way down his back. I actually can believe this one is true…but…would you say this guy has serious problems?

    After all this, he did make good gains increasing his weight by 30 pounds. He reported that his strength went through the roof. He was throwing weights around like a madman. Predictably, his elation with this progress was short lived. After looking into a mirror he was devastated. Things got worse when he went back to the gym. Within a month, he no longer could bench press heavy weights & could barely get the weights off his chest.

    He then threw out all the tuna cans & ordered pepperoni pizza with double cheese & chased it down with a two liter of Pepsi. –

    Dumb Ass - all that work for nothing because he didn’t plan a post cycle. PCT wasn’t ever mentioned in the article. I guess he figured just eat, train & stick needles into himself & he would look like a bodybuilder.

    If he had come to us for advice instead, he’d have kept his gains and not run into medical problems. Then again…his story would probably not have been published either.
    I think it is a little toooooo much.
    What's the grams per can in USA? I don't remember actually.

    Anyway, weird story but if true I would not get surprised.

  4. #44
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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    huh, thanks for sharing this.

  5. #45
    Merc. is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    I think it is a little toooooo much.
    What's the grams per can in USA? I don't remember actually.

    Anyway, weird story but if true I would not get surprised.

    Yea it is a insane amount that he said he ate ( 25 cans of tuna a day)... Albcore tuna has 26 grams of protein per can ..


  6. #46
    Merc. is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    huh, thanks for sharing this.



  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merc. View Post
    What up GF.. Long time no talk .... You make some really great points man .. Thanks for your input .... I would have loved to read your speech ( that sucks that they wouldnt listen/agree with you )...

    Hey didn't Joe Biden ( when he was a senator ) also have a lot to do with passing laws against AAS??

    Merc...good to see you around again. Yes Senator Biden (now VP) played a big role in a lot of that legislation. He really had no vested interest in steroids , but it's an easy issue and it became front and center for a little while. Unfortunately, there isn't a really strong steroid lobby anywhere, like there is for marijuana for instance. One, because there are far fewer users of steroids than other drugs, and two because the typical steroid user is often older and/or holds a job with a higher level of responsibility and income, and therefore has much more to lose, than say a subscriber of High Times who flips burgers for $8.00 an hour and wants pot to be legal.

    I think an effective lobby to push for looser prescription regulations for anti-aging purposes would be the step in the right direction towards having Testosterone and other analogues be approved for 'cosmetic' uses. Unfortunately, most people lack the logical reasoning skills to equate stuffing two giant silicone filled bags behind a woman's breasts, to injecting ones self with an anabolic steroid to achieve a desired look. Like most policy issues, the line is highly hypocritical. If I can dig up the speech I will send it to you. I also did a powerpoint presentation on anabolic steroids (specifically Testosterone Enanthate & Propionate ) and their uses for athletes and bodybuilders. My presentation focused on the presently available peer reviewed literature regarding the efficacy and safety of supra physiologic doses of Testosterone used for short periods of time. That was actually more well received than my speech which argued logical and moral issues. One of the dilemmas when confronting the anti-steroid group is that there isn't a whole lot of peer reviewed research to grab from, and that's simply because in the United States and most other industrialized countries with modern medicine, giving someone a supra physiologic dose of Testosterone would be considered unethical. I'm ranting now....

  8. #48
    Merc. is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Merc...good to see you around again. Yes Senator Biden (now VP) played a big role in a lot of that legislation. He really had no vested interest in steroids , but it's an easy issue and it became front and center for a little while. Unfortunately, there isn't a really strong steroid lobby anywhere, like there is for marijuana for instance. One, because there are far fewer users of steroids than other drugs, and two because the typical steroid user is often older and/or holds a job with a higher level of responsibility and income, and therefore has much more to lose, than say a subscriber of High Times who flips burgers for $8.00 an hour and wants pot to be legal.

    I think an effective lobby to push for looser prescription regulations for anti-aging purposes would be the step in the right direction towards having Testosterone and other analogues be approved for 'cosmetic' uses. Unfortunately, most people lack the logical reasoning skills to equate stuffing two giant silicone filled bags behind a woman's breasts, to injecting ones self with an anabolic steroid to achieve a desired look. Like most policy issues, the line is highly hypocritical. If I can dig up the speech I will send it to you. I also did a powerpoint presentation on anabolic steroids (specifically Testosterone Enanthate & Propionate ) and their uses for athletes and bodybuilders. My presentation focused on the presently available peer reviewed literature regarding the efficacy and safety of supra physiologic doses of Testosterone used for short periods of time. That was actually more well received than my speech which argued logical and moral issues. One of the dilemmas when confronting the anti-steroid group is that there isn't a whole lot of peer reviewed research to grab from, and that's simply because in the United States and most other industrialized countries with modern medicine, giving someone a supra physiologic dose of Testosterone would be considered unethical. I'm ranting now....
    Dam GF I must have missed your reply.. very -very -interesting .. Thanks for the info ..


  9. #49
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  10. #50
    Alphatier's Avatar
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    Very interesting article. I couldn't agree more with Monster87.

    Good job Merc.

  11. #51
    Merc. is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alphatier View Post
    Very interesting article. I couldn't agree more with Monster87.

    Good job Merc.
    Thank you for your feedback ( much appreciated)..


  12. #52
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merc. View Post
    I wanted to re post this for all the new members that are here ( and some of the ones that have been here a long time but never read it)..

    I wrote this article for the steroid .com newsletter ( back when they did a newsletter ).. It was in response to a article that Craig Davidson wrote and was published in Esquire mag ..

    We sent a copy to Esquire mag and they wanted to print my article .. They wanted to edit it so we decided not to let them publish it ( because I knew they would butcher the hell out of it .. and also probably edit all the references I made in the article )...

    Steroid article in Esquire
    By Merc.

    This month in Esquire magazine there is an article by Craig Davidson doing his first cycle of steroids … As most members at already know the media tends to fabricate horror stories about steroid side effects…

    This article soundly falls into that category.

    In this article, the user did a cycle that consisted of Dianabol , Testosterone cyponiate and Equipoise (not too bad of a cycle, actually…but a bit much for a first timer). At, a typical recommendation for a first cycle is about half as much gear (mgs/wk), and only one compound typically. But hey…what do we know?

    Unfortunately, the author claims he had just about every side effect possible (hairloss, enlarged prostate , gyno etc…). If he would have taken the time to research the proper information on the sides he experienced could have probably (easily) been avoided. Naturally, while on his cycle he didn’t get any blood work done, or do any of the things we recommend for a cycle on And as I already told you, he did more than double the amount we’d typically suggest.

    From the start of his steroid use , nothing was properly planned out.

    His dietary goal was to eat 25 cans of tuna daily…everybody eats like this to get enough protein, don’t they? He was only able to consume 20 cans in a day (20 cans, is he serious)? There’s this new invention called protein shakes…he should look into that. I don’t think they come in “tuna flavor” unfortunately.

    And that’s not all…there were numerous other mistakes he made throughout the article.

    For example, on his first injections, he claims the needle went in very easily, and the injection went smoothly but when he removed the needle blood shot across the room. He also claimed to aspirate - but obviously didn’t. If he had properly aspirated, blood would have filled the syringe, and he would not have gone through with the injection. It would not have “shot halfway across the room” when he pulled the needle out if blood hadn’t already filled the syringe upon aspiration.

    Duh. His story…to say the least…is nearly impossible. How can you aspirate properly and yet after the injection have a blood fountain shooting across the room? It doesn’t make any medical sense. Not that I’m calling him a liar – just saying…that this is almost medically impossible to have been true.

    The author later claims that a cycle of 11mls would require 11 injections per week. Hello…a syringe holds 3mls typically. This is a basic question that is answered all the time on You can shoot 11mls in a week with far less than 11 injections. Again, he needed to do more research.

    And what about his claim that he developed an abscess (was the injection done improperly? Was the gear dirty?) he later decided to drain himself …aka pulling a Greg Valentino. This is not the move of someone who had done their research.

    I believe that had he simply used an aromatase inhibitor & a DHT blocker almost all the sides he complained about could have been negated. He could have done a bunch of things to avoid side effects…the first being to do some real research.

    Excuse me, but don’t we always tell people to keep those on hand? Oh…right we do….but he didn’t come to us for info, did he?

    Clearly not.

    He also claimed he had all kinds of health issues but did not go to the Dr, instead self diagnosed. The author states he was peeing 15 times a day. That should have the Dr. on the phone immediately. Instead he figured he should use “manual relief” to ease the prostate pain at least 4 times a day. Is this guy for real, & this was published? I’m surprised he didn’t claim that he went blind from all of that hand-action, and then blame that on the steroids too!

    Because of his new size he couldn’t scratch his back. He had to use a fork, he couldn’t reach way down his back. I actually can believe this one is true…but…would you say this guy has serious problems?

    After all this, he did make good gains increasing his weight by 30 pounds. He reported that his strength went through the roof. He was throwing weights around like a madman. Predictably, his elation with this progress was short lived. After looking into a mirror he was devastated. Things got worse when he went back to the gym. Within a month, he no longer could bench press heavy weights & could barely get the weights off his chest.

    He then threw out all the tuna cans & ordered pepperoni pizza with double cheese & chased it down with a two liter of Pepsi. –

    Dumb Ass - all that work for nothing because he didn’t plan a post cycle. PCT wasn’t ever mentioned in the article. I guess he figured just eat, train & stick needles into himself & he would look like a bodybuilder.

    If he had come to us for advice instead, he’d have kept his gains and not run into medical problems. Then again…his story would probably not have been published either.
    Good read Merc.

    Remember when your parents said that if you masturbated, you would go blind?

    Maybe this guy should have done a article on that....

    This guy,Craig Davidson is one of those idiotic ass clowns that talk about stuff that they really know nothing about.

    Or worse, in this case.

    Your the man Merc, And NASA is still a viable option!

    PS-I can see just fine, by the way!!!LMAO


    Last edited by TITANIUM; 11-29-2009 at 11:04 AM.

  13. #53
    Merc. is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post
    Good read Merc.

    Remember when your parents said that if you masturbated, you would go blind?

    Maybe this guy should have done a article on that....

    This guy,Craig Davidson is one of those idiotic ass clowns that talk about stuff that they really know nothing about.

    Or worse, in this case.

    Your the man Merc, And NASA is still a viable option!

    PS-I can see just fine, by the way!!!LMAO



    LMAO You crack me up buddy


  14. #54
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    What I find most interesting, is that for employment in many Federal law enforcement jobs, under their drug use policies, many agencies allow experimentation with marijuana and some hard drugs as long as the use has been infrequent. However, on every agencies policy it clearly states that if you have ever used anabolic steroids after 1991 IN YOUR LIFETIME, you are automatically disqualified. It's quite ironic that a hormone garners this much persecution, something which isn't even a mind altering substance. Yet, Federal agents can have drug use in their past which consists of highly addictive and potentially life threatening narcotics. Even more disturbing, is that some would say that anabolic steroids might be beneficial to the job of a law enforcement agent who may come up against an attacker who is stronger or faster than the agent. The irony of it all.
    This makes no damn sense. I have met feds and some of them do steroids .. one I met it was so obvious.. he was easily 250 probably closer to 300, very imposing figure.

    Bumping this thread because its a good read i stumbled across

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    This makes no damn sense. I have met feds and some of them do steroids .. one I met it was so obvious.. he was easily 250 probably closer to 300, very imposing figure.

    Bumping this thread because its a good read i stumbled across
    I think he was referring to the initial hiring of an agent. One of my friends wanted to get into the FBI..... He refused to use any aas because he said they would give him a lie detector test. H eplanned on cycling after he had gotten secure in the job.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


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