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  1. #41
    zimmy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    It is only getting worse as the sport goes more mainstream, trust me back in the day it was only a tight nit group that wore BJJ/MMA related gear and when you saw someone wearing it, you knew they trained. Now like you said, every douchebag "trains UFC", everyone is a ****ing fighter.

    I don't talk about it at all with people.
    I saw a tap out shirt at macy' is that?

    I don't even discuss it any more when people ask because now they talk about it like joe rogan makes them an expert.

  2. #42
    zimmy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    I bash the sport....i could care less about each their own of course but personally i think it's crap. And i know for a fact that it's against the teachings of almost ALL of the disciplines those fighters employ to beat the bejesus **** out of someone else
    Sure is against the teachings...then again ufc is not about fun as much as trying to be the best at something and competing.

  3. #43
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
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    So I take it my avatar is outta line huh?

  4. #44
    F4iGuy's Avatar
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    Is it possible to purchase a T shirt with dragon wings/fire/tribal tattoo's (this stuff was cool when I was 6) that cost's over $50 (Its a T shirt!) and not act like a tool?

  5. #45
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by F4iGuy View Post
    Is it possible to purchase a T shirt with dragon wings/fire/tribal tattoo's (this stuff was cool when I was 6) that cost's over $50 (Its a T shirt!) and not act like a tool?
    yes, i got one from walmart with a beanie for 12 bucks. I do own one affliction shirt that was 65 bucks tho.

  6. #46
    Someguy123 is offline Member
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    the funny thing about Tapout. is no real fighter wears it, cause its absolute sh!t quality clothing. Affliction actually has a lot of nice shirts, but the brand has been ruined by the fake wannabes. a lot of bars now, physically wont even let you in for wearing affliction, silverstar, etc. i love affliction shirts for their fitment, and style, but ill still admit that generally douchebags wear them.

    but this whole ragging on MMA, is just plain silly. especially when you compare it to BB. like think about the people you see, when you go to the gym. for every real BB you see in the gym, taking it seriously. you see 10 kids wearing wife beaters, that are 100lbs soaking wet, talking about how strong they are now that theyre up to 40lb dumbell presses.

    but heres the kicker, is its a neccessary evil. if the gym didnt have all these douche wannabes, then the gym wouldnt make enough money in memberships to even stay open. so we would have nowhere to train. and same goes for MMA. without all these dummies showing up at our club every week, the club would make no money, and we wouldnt be able to have top notch coaches getting flown in to do seminars for us and stuff. it would be reduced to a niche thing, where people have to train in their basement with a couple buddies and piss poor equipment.

  7. #47
    6ft5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post
    I don't think BBing has ever been in main stream.

    I was bouncing 13to17 years ago..pre MMA popularity and guys would say that same shit you hear now.

    Insecure boys will aways try to act hard.

    ALso, don't knock martial arts.
    No doubt some real mma fighter have put just as much time and effort into there sport trying to be the best. Just like any bber. A lot of the same aspects diet, conditioning, training scheduals. Sum (a lot) of theise guys are in better shape than bbers anyway. I studdy ju jitsu roll and stuff every chance I get. And it is sum of the hardest training I have ever dun! Work the bags ect.. But I will always hit the iron. On anuther note all those peeps wearing tap out, ect. Those treads just look cool. And to those who think it makes them a bad ass for wearing them has no idea what it takes to tap or get tapped posers piss me off!

  8. #48
    Bossman's Avatar
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    Before MMA became popular kids were imitating their favorites from wrestling. There were stories on TV about kids hurting themselves and others practicing their favorite wrestlers stupid moves/stunts. There was a kid (big for his age, 12 I think) in florida who killed a little girl while throwing her around wrestling style.

    It's always going to be something. I like MMA. Not enough to participate but I think it's got to be one of the toughest sports out there. I wear Affliction shirts. Not because I fight or think Im tough, but because I look sooo damn good wearing them. No Tap Out shirts though, dont want to have a real fighter call me out.....

  9. #49
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    Lads what ye are describing are sheeps of the human race. Complete and utter clowns that latch onto the most recent fad just like when Ipod's came out every tom, dick and dickhead. Just happens to be the UFC is peeking and all these clowns are watching it. Bit like a few years back everybody was into that shite nu metal muck. It will just fade out. I see it the whole time here too.

  10. #50
    zimmy's Avatar
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    Lol i can actually imagine hearing you say what you posted in an irish accent? What is that about?

  11. #51
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    Lmao, you can hear my voice on youtube lmao But ya I post as if I was saying it lol.

  12. #52
    chemicalromance is offline Junior Member
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    Is it possible to purchase a T shirt with dragon wings/fire/tribal tattoo's (this stuff was cool when I was 6) that cost's over $50 (Its a T shirt!) and not act like a tool?
    Funny, this chick i'm seein made me show her my 1999 h.s. yearbook. The stated fashion trends that year were wearing WCW and NWO shirts and hankerchiefs on yur head, they looked so stupid. There was pictures of some popular kids wearing that sh!t. I forgot how big wrestling was back then lol; these kids/ppl today will be thinking the same thing in ten years about the mma attire.

  13. #53
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Ed Hardy for the's a safe bet.

  14. #54
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    I'm dating myself a bit, but growing up, most wannabe toughguys claimed to be golden glove boxers. Even after Karate Kid and Kung Fu theater on Sunday's came on, no one really was into martial arts (cost too much money). Now that I live in can only imagine all the TapOut wearing wannabes. With that said, these wannebes make the sport. Its how UFC and other orgs make their money, without these idiots we probably wouldn't hear anything about this sport.

    Responding to the original posting, I don't think BB'ing has never been very popular and MMA is not diminishing it's limited popularity. I like MMA. I watch it all the time. But I'm a bigger boxing fan. Football is my first love and always will be (it's made me who I am).

  15. #55
    Ernst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ****** View Post
    Ed Hardy for the's a safe bet.
    And several sizes too small

  16. #56
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    I do believe this piss take sums all peoples views

  17. #57
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErnstHatAngst View Post
    And several sizes too small
    You know it. 6'3" 250lbs in a medium....It may be time for a large...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails I could careless about MMA/UFC junk-tight.jpg  

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