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  1. #1
    dangerous dan's Avatar
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    your typical day

    what does you typical day consist of?? excluding the gym, in your spare time what do you usually find yourself doing??

    Im out of work so my day usually consists of siting around doing absolute f*ck all, usually on here, basically it feels like im just waiting to go back to bed.

    who else lives this exciting lifestyle??

  2. #2
    dangerous dan's Avatar
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    Damn i need to get busy....seems you lot are rushed off your feet

  3. #3
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dangerous dan View Post
    Damn i need to get busy....seems you lot are rushed off your feet
    Okay ill answer..

    I wake up at 07:15am, then make coffee and eat biscuits and watch daily cartoons, then go shower, then get dressed halfway, drink my daily vitamins etc, then take my shot, then eat (usually 2 cans of tuna with mayo) then finish getting dressed, then feed my dogs, then, depends on how late i am ill or take the bike or the car to go to work (5 km's)..
    Get to work log into AR, check e-mails and what not, talk abit of sh*t with people, check my calender etc, approx 10:00 ill go to the canteen with my training partner and well buy 350g of Cajun chicken pieces, well eat watching TV in the canteen, then well go back to our desks, check mails again and have a shake at around 11:00, do some work (10 minutes) then 11:30 well get together again and drink our animal packs, and go to gym (12:15 - 13:50) go back to our desks, check mails etc,14:45 ish well go to the canteen and have 4 eggs again, and 2 portions of cajun chicken again... well sit there until around 15:30 and go check our mails again, (work for another 20 minutes) and well grab a shake.... then 16:30 ill start logging off to go home.... Get home log into work to check if alls well, then log into AR, etc, f*ck around on the net, watch the daily news, shower, eat, check my calender for the next day , then eat again before bed and then sleep (11:30pm).....

  4. #4
    dangerous dan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    Okay ill answer..

    I wake up at 07:15am, then make coffee and eat biscuits and watch daily cartoons, then go shower, then get dressed halfway, drink my daily vitamins etc, then take my shot, then eat (usually 2 cans of tuna with mayo) then finish getting dressed, then feed my dogs, then, depends on how late i am ill or take the bike or the car to go to work (5 km's)..
    Get to work log into AR, check e-mails and what not, talk abit of sh*t with people, check my calender etc, approx 10:00 ill go to the canteen with my training partner and well buy 350g of Cajun chicken pieces, well eat watching TV in the canteen, then well go back to our desks, check mails again and have a shake at around 11:00, do some work (10 minutes) then 11:30 well get together again and drink our animal packs, and go to gym (12:15 - 13:50) go back to our desks, check mails etc,14:45 ish well go to the canteen and have 4 eggs again, and 2 portions of cajun chicken again... well sit there until around 15:30 and go check our mails again, (work for another 20 minutes) and well grab a shake.... then 16:30 ill start logging off to go home.... Get home log into work to check if alls well, then log into AR, etc, f*ck around on the net, watch the daily news, shower, eat, check my calender for the next day , then eat again before bed and then sleep (11:30pm).....
    geez, you seem organised ....but daily cartoons?? lol

  5. #5
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dangerous dan View Post
    geez, you seem organised ....but daily cartoons?? lol
    HaHa!... Laughing helps me to wake up in the mornings man! lol
    Its more of a habit, and it works for me.

  6. #6
    playboii's Avatar
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    can you please get me a job where you get all this free time lol

  7. #7
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    i also enjoy my daily cartoons..spongebob does the job on getting me in a good mood lol..

  8. #8
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by playboii View Post
    can you please get me a job where you get all this free time lol
    HaHaHa!... Fking IT man, no one cares a fvk to what i do,as long as there arent any issue's with the servers im cool.I have a service level agreement that i need to meet, that is that the production servers has to run 98.0% over 1 year. And thats not a problem , but once this servers are down, then there is shvit! Trust me....

  9. #9
    energizer bunny's Avatar
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    i get up eveyday at 0700 apart from sat and sun when i get up at 0900.....somedays i hit the gym at 0700 others i have breaky and go back to bed and hit the gym at college a few times a week.....i do homework other days.....and im on here all the time........i also fit in a few nights watching dvds and reading.

  10. #10
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
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    ^^ That is the life!... Being a student...

  11. #11
    energizer bunny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    ^^ That is the life!... Being a student...
    to be fare......its not that allways skint so cant do the things im used going for meals, having a drink with mates, going partying,taking females out, driving nice cars, buying new clothes, going on holidays, going camping to name a

  12. #12
    dangerous dan's Avatar
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    hmmm, student lifes okay but when i was one, i felt like i was acheiving nothing, people seem to learn thing after thing and do nothing with it. how old are you diablo? i mean abit of jeremy kyles okay in a morn but i kind of grew out of the cartoons a good few year back lol

  13. #13
    dangerous dan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by energizer bunny View Post
    to be fare......its not that allways skint so cant do the things im used going for meals, having a drink with mates, going partying,taking females out, driving nice cars, buying new clothes, going on holidays, going camping to name a
    one day in life i hope to be able to do those things without checking my wallet....apart from the camping

  14. #14
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by energizer bunny View Post
    to be fare......its not that allways skint so cant do the things im used going for meals, having a drink with mates, going partying,taking females out, driving nice cars, buying new clothes, going on holidays, going camping to name a
    Yeah there is ups and downs to being a student, and being independant is great, and buying your own sh*t is cool, and i enjoy working hard and what i do actually, And working etc keeps me sane, and out of sh*t, soon mate, just bust ur balls in colleage and ull be fine...

    Quote Originally Posted by dangerous dan View Post
    hmmm, student lifes okay but when i was one, i felt like i was acheiving nothing, people seem to learn thing after thing and do nothing with it. how old are you diablo? i mean abit of jeremy kyles okay in a morn but i kind of grew out of the cartoons a good few year back lol
    Ill be turning 28 in December i think ..i dont keep track of age really, i enjoy watching cartoons when i wake up coz i feel like a kid lol... and its great while eating my digestives and coffee. Its just something i do...

  15. #15
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dangerous dan View Post
    one day in life i hope to be able to do those things without checking my wallet....apart from the camping
    Buying sh*t gets old, i now have to pay bills, Car, House, bike, mortage, food, dogs, petrol, LIFE! and SAVE!!!! I need to save money for retirement and have life insurance, medical aid etc..Sh*t gets expensive..... I fvking hate shopping for clothes etc, alot of peoplle around me irritates me...
    Last edited by *El Diablo*; 11-16-2009 at 11:47 AM.

  16. #16
    dangerous dan's Avatar
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    [/QUOTE] Ill be turning 28 in December i think ..i dont keep track of age really, i enjoy watching cartoons when i wake up coz i feel like a kid lol... and its great while eating my digestives and coffee. Its just something i do... [/QUOTE]

    okay cool, i can thing though drop the digestives, its hobnobs all the way for me

  17. #17
    energizer bunny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dangerous dan View Post
    hmmm, student lifes okay but when i was one, i felt like i was acheiving nothing, people seem to learn thing after thing and do nothing with it. how old are you diablo? i mean abit of jeremy kyles okay in a morn but i kind of grew out of the cartoons a good few year back lol
    man i love

    Quote Originally Posted by dangerous dan View Post
    one day in life i hope to be able to do those things without checking my wallet....apart from the camping
    mate campings dont know what your missing.......going off into the midlle of no were, fishing and having a great time with your mates....funny as fuk..

  18. #18
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
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    Ill be turning 28 in December i think ..i dont keep track of age really, i enjoy watching cartoons when i wake up coz i feel like a kid lol... and its great while eating my digestives and coffee. Its just something i do... [/QUOTE]okay cool, i can thing though drop the digestives, its hobnobs all the way for me [/QUOTE]HaHaHa!... we dont have em here yet...we only got McVities digestives around a year or so ago!... lol

  19. #19
    energizer bunny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dangerous dan View Post
    one day in life i hope to be able to do those things without checking my wallet....apart from the camping
    its great when you can afford it.....its a kick in the balls when everythings gone and your back to the begining LOL.......but thats life...

  20. #20
    dangerous dan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    Buying sh*t gets old, i now have to pay bills, Car, House, bike, mortage, food, dogs, petrol, LIFE! and SAVE!!!! I need to save money for retirement and have life insurance, medical aid etc..Sh*t gets expensive..... I fvking hate shopping for clothes etc, alot of peoplle around me irritates me...
    ahh i get you. basically i would be happy to live without money worries......but who wouldnt

  21. #21
    elpropiotorvic's Avatar
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    I get up at 4;40 make a shake and take a liter of water to the toilet with my shake ... Poop a lot for half an hour and drink water and shake at the same time go to the gym at 540 then come back home at 7:00 then shower make meals for work and have pwo meal go to work at 8... Some ar in between the wholeday thanks to the phone... Get to work and work and I'm on ar and eat every two hours leave work at 6 gt home at 7 If there's no groceries to be done then eat agaaaain then study my night school up untill 10 or 10:30 then call the girlfriend and go to bed

  22. #22
    dangerous dan's Avatar
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    [/QUOTE]HaHaHa!... we dont have em here yet...we only got McVities digestives around a year or so ago!... lol[/QUOTE]

    mate get out of there a.s.a.p!!! your missing out man!!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by elpropiotorvic View Post
    I get up at 4;40 make a shake and take a liter of water to the toilet with my shake ... Poop a lot for half an hour and drink water and shake at the same time go to the gym at 540 then come back home at 7:00 then shower make meals for work and have pwo meal go to work at 8... Some ar in between the wholeday thanks to the phone... Get to work and work and I'm on ar and eat every two hours leave work at 6 gt home at 7 If there's no groceries to be done then eat agaaaain then study my night school up untill 10 or 10:30 then call the girlfriend and go to bed
    can AR be accesed by phone?

  24. #24
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    iPhone baby

  25. #25
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    Like 95 % of my posts are from my phone

  26. #26
    energizer bunny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elpropiotorvic View Post
    I get up at 4;40 make a shake and take a liter of water to the toilet with my shake ... Poop a lot for half an hour and drink water and shake at the same time go to the gym at 540 then come back home at 7:00 then shower make meals for work and have pwo meal go to work at 8... Some ar in between the wholeday thanks to the phone... Get to work and work and I'm on ar and eat every two hours leave work at 6 gt home at 7 If there's no groceries to be done then eat agaaaain then study my night school up untill 10 or 10:30 then call the girlfriend and go to bed
    thats a long assed day......what you studying at night class?

  27. #27
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    im wanting a new phone lol

  28. #28
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    wake up about 8, poo, take a shower, eat, goto the gym, come home get on AR or watch porn, facebook, have a shake, eat, jerk-off or have a girl come over, ride my chopper maybe, watch movies, eat, more porn, take a nap, eat dinner, watch tv while on AR, have a shake, and goto bed...this is if im off work

  29. #29
    drdeath613's Avatar
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    i like many others are out of work
    so here the start of my day

    wake up watch married with children on tbs 4am till 6am then watch saved by the bell
    then i head to the gym about 8 am till 10 am
    get home and check my myspace facebook tagged and plentyoffish and the forums here till noon
    watch a lil porn now its 12:05 and im ready to start a new project
    play around on my guitar as im still learning now its 1:30pm
    i jump back on my computer download some movies and come to the forums
    and the rest of the day i head out and look for work 6pm rolls around
    im listening to tv and playing gears of war 2

  30. #30
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    2100-Bed Time
    Eat every 2-2 1/2 hours.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    2100-Bed Time
    Eat every 2-2 1/2 hours.
    you must be on the admin side of work....

  32. #32
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    I wake up whenever and get up shower, eat, brush teeth and get dressed. Then I go to work and stand around on my iPhone posting on ar. Eat a few times then I leave work somewhere between 17:30 and 19:00. I go home watch a little tv and head to the gym around 20:30 till 22:00. Then I come home eat, shower, and if it's Wednesday I watch the ultimate fighter that I tivo'd before I go to bed.

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    I don't normally use miltary time but everyone here seems to understand that so I figured I would stay with the crowd on that one.

  34. #34
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    jerk off

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by energizer bunny View Post
    thats a long assed day......what you studying at night class?
    Human kinetics, it is a long ass day i cant wait to finish

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    Okay ill answer..

    I wake up at 07:15am, then make coffee and eat biscuits and watch daily cartoons, then go shower, then get dressed halfway, drink my daily vitamins etc, then take my shot, then eat (usually 2 cans of tuna with mayo) then finish getting dressed, then feed my dogs, then, depends on how late i am ill or take the bike or the car to go to work (5 km's)..
    Get to work log into AR, check e-mails and what not, talk abit of sh*t with people, check my calender etc, approx 10:00 ill go to the canteen with my training partner and well buy 350g of Cajun chicken pieces, well eat watching TV in the canteen, then well go back to our desks, check mails again and have a shake at around 11:00, do some work (10 minutes) then 11:30 well get together again and drink our animal packs, and go to gym (12:15 - 13:50) go back to our desks, check mails etc,14:45 ish well go to the canteen and have 4 eggs again, and 2 portions of cajun chicken again... well sit there until around 15:30 and go check our mails again, (work for another 20 minutes) and well grab a shake.... then 16:30 ill start logging off to go home.... Get home log into work to check if alls well, then log into AR, etc, f*ck around on the net, watch the daily news, shower, eat, check my calender for the next day , then eat again before bed and then sleep (11:30pm).....
    that is the ultimate job lmao..
    all you did was eat and check emails..
    oh and train

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild View Post
    wake up about 8, poo, take a shower, eat, goto the gym, come home get on AR or watch porn, facebook, have a shake, eat, jerk-off or have a girl come over, ride my chopper maybe, watch movies, eat, more porn, take a nap, eat dinner, watch tv while on AR, have a shake, and goto bed...this is if im off work
    they made me laugh lol..................

  38. #38
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    eat sleep and repeat

  39. #39
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by collar View Post
    that is the ultimate job lmao..
    all you did was eat and check emails..
    oh and train
    HaHaHa!... NOT, i worked as well, (approx 15 minutes) :-P

  40. #40
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    jerk off
    that about sums it up for me except eating all day and if I wake up during the night I snack.

    Also being on AR 12 hrs a day while Im at work

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