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  1. #41
    Hazard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kalspic View Post
    the one thing that is really standing out to me is communication. not just with women but everyone. i've always been the shy guy that speaks when spoken to, so this is helping me open up with everyone, not just women. also one of things i love is learning new things. talking to more people is going to allow me to do so even if thats not what i entered the conversation to do.
    I was the same kinda guy actually..... I never went outa my way to meet or talk to people..... After rresearching and reading about PUA and the game - I started forcing myself to talk to anyone..... a lady standing on line at subway..... a guy im stuck on the elevator with..... This really helps you get over that fear of communication.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoostFreak View Post
    Magic Bullets By Savoy is a good read
    i've heard good things about it, what method is it based off of? mystery?

  3. #43
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    I just ordered 'the game' on amazon....... haha hope it's good and helps me out! =P

  4. #44
    makod's Avatar
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    I never read the game but i got the audiobook. Listened to it 3 times now its fvucking GREAT!

    I guy i worked with told me about it - after listening to the book it just opened up my social communications i had with people and made it much more interested.

  5. #45
    BoostFreak is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    i've heard good things about it, what method is it based off of? mystery?
    Yeah its really good...Its different from any other method or routine manual...It explains something called the Emotional Progression Model which shows different phases u go through when trying to hook up with women...very interesting and works well too

    Other good reads :

    The Routines Manual Vol.1 by Love Systems
    The Routines Manual Vol.2 by Love Systems

    The Badboy Lifestyle Seduction Guide

    Sex God Method by Daniel Rose (nothing to do with PUA but still very interesting )

  6. #46
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    daaang i think i found it for free online..... looks like it... enjoy

  7. #47
    kalspic's Avatar
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    that magic bullets books is expensive but looks really good. maybe next paycheck ill be ordering it. o yea and bojangles wheres the rest of your write up?

  8. #48
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    haha its coming! Im trying to finish this stupid IRB form to submit my relationship thesis so I can start testing participants next week. Its turned into a lot of bs work.
    I might do it right now though I think good call. brb

  9. #49
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Because it’s important to understand where my motivation comes from, this may turn more into a biography then anything.
    But this is how it all started in the land of bojangles.

    Back when I was 19 I was your prototype pervert with absolutely no game. Up until I had turned 19 I was running a moderately scaled drug operation and 19 was when I had my run in with the DEA. This was when the proverbial fork made its first appearance in my life.
    I realized I could travel down 2 roads, a life of crime where I drowned all my natural fears in drugs.. OR I could take the “high road” and try to make some sense out of my life.

    The way my life was at the time was simple:
    1) I was facing 7 years in prison and wanted just ONE MORE sexual experience before going away, it really became the world to me and when I look back I see now what I really just wanted was a gf to confide in.
    2) I was finishing up my associates at this point, I had a lot of good going for me, I just had not been socialized properly because rather then socialize, anytime I was out with friends I was usually high (prior to being 19)
    3) I wanted desperately to have a good life, I wanted to finish school but everything was so uncertain because of the time I faced, the unpredictability in my life was eating me alive, I knew something major needed to change. I didn’t know what at this point in my life.

    The day my spirits “broke” and the dream fairy committed suicide –

    I had 2 weeks left before going to court, I had cleaned up my life, got in excellent shape, my GPA was higher then ever, but I STILL had no female to turn to, my life felt so empty and meaningless, if ONLY I could find “her” I’d be ok to know just one other person out there was waiting for my release besides my parents. I knew it would help a lot to ease my mind when I WAS in fact doing time.

    I had tried countless times to approach women but ALWAYS indirectly, ALWAYS through someone else, NEVER by myself. And even indirect approaches always failed.

    That one day (2 weeks before) I went out shopping alone with the intention of approaching **JUST ONE** girl. I had to have circled that mall about 15 times before I worked up the courage to do it. I was nervous, shaking, scared, but I somehow managed to approach a girl for the FIRST time my whole life. This was completely new ground for me. But life doesn’t always resolve itself like some fairytale, even if you have 2 weeks left of freedom, there’s no guarantee you’re getting laid before its time to go.

    I approached a lone wolf, and used my “natural game” to entice her. Soon found out she had a bf, but being as socially retarded and desperate as I was, I went on this ploy of mass self validation while talking to her “so if you didn’t have a bf you think you’d date a guy like me?” It really was a complete massacre. If I could leave 2010 and go back just to spit in my own face I would. I left that mall with my head lower then ever, and I cried myself to sleep that night thinking about how much I hated my life and who I still felt like I was, an ultimate failure.

    Court came, the judge swung the gavel, my parents cried and shouted, I smiled and walked out the court room in cuffs trying to be strong, giving my parents the face “it will all be alright”.

    A year and a half long living nightmare ensued. My identity was tested everyday and that’s how often it shattered into a million pieces. Everyday for the first few weeks behind bars I cried alone in my cell, not only was I socially retarded, I was learning how to readjust to sobriety in prison, I got to test my nonexistent skills on “killer guinea pigs” (the inmates lol), and it usually never went well. One of the first conversations I started was on the weight pile (an outside rec area) and I almost got my ass beat for touching a Koran in the process. Things at this point couldn’t have possibly been any worse, but I need to fast-forward this story or I’ll never get to the point.

    My character was tested daily and broken down daily in prison, when I was released, believe it or not, I was LESS ABLE to talk to strangers and had been diagnosed with panic disorder, anxiety, depression, and post traumatic stress disorder (which was linked to earlier child hood experiences I’ve mentioned before).

    But when I walked out of those gates, it was the most surreal feeling in the world. I realized for the first time in my life, it’s possible to be released from prison, and actually walk straight into another one, that prison being your life on the streets, “free” as we call it. I realized that day for the first time in my life what “freedom” REALLY meant. I realized before I ever came to prison, I was ALREADY imprisoned in my own head living everyday with the fears I had. Prison was NOT a fence and a cell, prison WAS a mind state.
    How fvcked up do you think that was for me?

    Get this, I’m waiting, DYING, everyday for 6 months (when I saw parole 6 months prior) just to get the HELL OUT of that shithole, then the day the gates open and I walk out I’m **not even happy**. I actually MISSED a lot of people I had met behind the walls, criminal or not, prison was the first time in my life that I actually got to know strangers on a completely personal level. With all the crap I went through, I MISSED that feeling of intimacy with strangers, prisoners in some sick twisted way WERE my simulated girlfriend..

    But “back to my fake ass life” as I walked out those gates.

    You need that back story to understand basically where I come from and some of the gifts I’ve received throughout my life. But leaving prison to feel in my heart like I was just being “transferred” to another prison was a huge eye opener. I would NOT trade that experience for anything to go back and not have done the time. I’d be crazy to want to sacrifice a revelation like that.

    And so my “second life” began.
    While the dr.s and therapists handled my meds, I handled my life. I wasn’t into the idea of a dr saving my life at all at this point. In fact, if I was going to fail at life in any way shape or form at this point, it was going to be on my OWN DOING. Not a dr fvckn up my dose and killing me, for now on **I** dictate my own life. When I need help with something..anything, I go help myself, I don’t try to find someone else who can help me find help, I mean think about that its fvckn asinine really. “Maybe if I meet the right friend he can do this for me or help me out with women..” blah blah blah I had at least come to learn a very valuable thing which helped me years down the road as well, the fact that when you rely on yourself to get things done in your life.. vs other people, YOU always usually get things done quicker by yourself.

    So a few months had passed and believe it or not, now because I’m ripped and shredded (had done nothing in prison but workout really) I’m oddly beginning to attract females. I noticed I had developed a sort of harder exterior as well just by the way I behaved and held myself. I wound up hooking up with this 9, and catching a lethal case of one-itis, saw the girl for 4 weeks and wanted to end my life when she called it off.

    **4 weeks and I felt like I wanted to die because she left me** I’m completely serious about this I thought my life was ending because some girl I knew for 4 weeks didn’t want to see me anymore, what a fvckn disgrace it was.
    Then I realized my problem wasn’t girls, my problem was me. One day searching through my email and recently depressed by this chick I had gotten one of those David D emails that he still does, and I followed that email to his site.
    “Wtf is this lame ass shit? Guys memorizing routines to get girls? This is preposterous what a bunch of losers”.. as much as I dismissed it all, I kept reading, kept watching dvds, I was interested so much in the psychology aspect of it, communication and manipulations, all these little concepts that made me think “wow, that’s why that girl rejected me, it really wasn’t me after all, it was just what I SAID, it was only WORDS, if I said something different that accidentally worked, then I’d be telling myself I was a good person just because I struck fools mate”. People can then in effect, form an identity of themselves based on mere accidents in their life. If I accidentally said the right thing, I’d accidentally think I was good with women and THAT was scary, and I did NOT want to leave my life up to chance.

    Things started to just “felt right” at first really, I blindly followed the concepts and rules more or less for entertainment and this altered ego began to grow inside me… then OMG did things start happening.

    Things that DO NOT happen to guys who are “bad with women”.

    And I’ll admit the first thing that really changed in my thought process was the idea that I was somehow imposing in these girls lives. OMG did women like sex, OMG were they even worse the men. OMG was I starting to lose respect for that fake future wife who had been living in my head since I first popped a boner. Oh my god was she a whore!

    I was at work one day just flirting with a coworker but I was doing things normal guys don’t, I was doing things I never considered doing myself, I was doing things to piss her off. I was teasing the shit out of her, and I had NO CLUE how turned on this chick was getting. I was doing it like “practice”, wasn’t even really invested in her specifically, I was more invested in the process. I just really began liking game, I started noticing game as “natures game”, it’s the one game in life you have to play if you want your genes to have a chance against time. And it wasn’t till this day at work I realized how fun this game could really be. =]

    It was a slow day and I was sitting down. She asked me if I liked what she did to her hair and I said something along the lines of “oh wow, looks like you brushed it with an egg beater!”. I refused to validate her, so my “punishment” was her sitting on my lap.
    She jumped on my lap and I said “omg, if I ever planned on having kids one day you just ruined it” (insinuating she broke my dick). But just as I said it, my cock became engorged with blood, and OMG did her ass feel good on it. OMG was I HARD as fvck and I was starting to get extremely embarrassed, but I just kept “faking it” till I made it. That’s what it was all about, “fake it till you make it” and one day you won’t have to fake it anymore, or so I had learned.

    So obviously she notices it and slyly comments, “hmm, you feel like your ready to have kids right now”. My eyes lit up, we were in a public place which just turned us both on that much more. Something incredible was about to happen, something I could have never imagined experiencing in my life.
    So I said “if you don’t get off me I’m gonna bite you”, she starts bouncing her ass on my lap and in the back of my head I’m thinking “wow, this girl is practically beggn for it, I’m sitting here making fun of a girl, and shes rubbing her ass all over my piece.. wtf have I really been doing this wrong my entire life?” And so I bit her and growled, she laughed, and I wasn’t about to fvck this up having have got this far. So I start moving MY hips side to side slowly, back and forth poking her with my privates, and I said the first thing that came to my mind, “get up” grabbed her by the arm and walked sideways to the backroom so noone would my boner as I was walking. Shes laughing extremely nervously now, “omg what are you doing? You’re kidding right? We can’t do this right now.. what are you doing (getting anxious at this point)… blah blah” All a while I’m taking her into the “sick room”, not addressing her anxiety and just ignoring it, (was a tiny little hospital room for animals) and before I knew it I was locking the door.

    I didn’t even hesitate, and when I look back, she was so into the moment if I had verbalized ANYTHING to her – her logic could have snapped back within seconds and then up goes the bitch shield/shit tests and what not. I shoved my tongue in her mouth so fast and ripped her pants off, as I was grabbing her tits I noticed her heart was racing like a bunny, (which was really cool actually) I had genuinely turned on my first target, I felt like I had finally accomplished something so important with my life. I properly seduced a WOMAN, finally, and OMG did we fvck like rabbits on speed. By the time we finished we were both dripping with sweat, and the temp in that tiny little room had to have passed 100 degrees (its always warm for the animals but it was on fire that day). Then we went back to work, and a few times later she came over my place and we fvcked like there was no tomorrow. But I eventually let her down because I was still new to this whole sex thing. I essentially sold her on a benz at work that day then a few **** sessions later I guess she realized I was only really a Nissan.

    It was all good though. At this point the lifestyle had hooked me 100%. There was no turning back and I loved it. It was only a few months later I got involved in my first 3some, happened in a jeep coming home with some girl I met at a bar and a random friend of hers. Even though I had picked up the friend, on the ride home I just ran routines and wound up f closing the both of them outside the friends place in the jeep. I had initially engaged the driver as a potential cockblock, but when I realized she wasn’t playing the cockblock role I started to disqualify her along with her friend. And it was at that point my respect for women really started to dwindle. I couldn’t believe girls acted like this, not to mention that was the first time I blatantly fvcked a married woman. It was a lot to absorb still being somewhat new to the game, but situations like this proved to be a dime a dozen years later.

    It’s the inevitable trademark of any good venusian soldier, you start doubting all the girls you’re with. You show pictures of “10s” to your buddies for confirmation that they are fvckable. You get insecure towards a lot of the women you fvck, you lose respect for a lot of women you fvck, and other things start to manifest in life that you weren’t really expecting to happen.
    “Ok, I might be a ‘master pua’, and that tool who buys his gf flowers might be an AFC, (Average frustrated chump) but at least the AFC doesn’t leave in the morning with his head held down in shame”. A PUA often does. When you learn what works on women, you naturally start to degrade the value of every chick your with. Its something that’s impossible to avoid imo no matter if your fvckn Christine Brinkly or Christina Applegate, theres no real way to stop it either.

    So eventually what happened was I got sick of gaming alone, started a lair (built a private website first) then started posting in various seduction sites. Soon enough I had about 20 members and started going out every night. We’d watch sarging vids, neil, mystery, ANYTHING to get motivated before hitting the clubs. And we’d do it 4 nights a week every week, for about 2 years it lasted. It’s only a matter of time before all the guys find some intolerable bitch to date and leave the community, very few are in it for the long haul.
    Aside from women I look at my life now and its not so much my life being different, its me being different. I got out of the lifestyle (going on almost another 2 years now since it all died down) really just for a “break”, but I never was able to find that overwhelming insecurity that initially drove me into it all to begin. I talk to people naturally now, I’m outgoing, but most of all I’m happy with myself and I think that’s what it was all really about. Just the problem is when you’re content, you really don’t feel the need to want to work on yourself anymore. I DO plan on getting back into it all though, originally I thought I’d stop when I found a gf, but even when you find someone who is “special” you’re still bothered with the thought of “well she’s special really not because she’s special but more for the level of character I was able to show her, if I ever decide to improve myself again, my character gets better and she ceases to be special anymore”. So in essence, if I ever want a true long term relationship, I feel like I have to stop improving as a person at some point, which has left me in the contemplative phase I’m in now. Yeh I’m busy as fvck with finishing up school, but I’m not exactly sure yet what my next step will be. I think it would be a HUGE copout to start my career and settle down the second I graduate, that’s what I was trying to avoid in the first place. I want options. You got to practice hitting a golf ball before you find a course worthy of playing on, and I understand I may have to have “practice” or smaller short term relationships with 10-15 women before I get married, otherwise how am I really going to know the one I’m with is “special”? So I’m sure I’ll get back into it soon, just right now I have priorities that have been fast tracked ahead of PU. I do very much plan on getting back into it though, one day, maybe this summer who knows. But for now, my fears, my public speaking phobias, my approach anxiety, my panic disorder, my PTSD, (its always there I’m talking about the approach anxiety that cripples people) my thoughts about myself, my mood, my EVERYTHING has largely improved since joining the community. Most parts have actually completely disappeared like the public speaking/panic disorder/PTSD. That’s why I know doctors are useless, all they are good for is diagnosing you with something you don’t have so you can waste your time convincing yourself you really have it, when in the back of your mind you know its just fvckin words that really mean nothing.

    I’m far from perfect, and I still have a lot of issues to sort out in life, but for the most part seduction teaches SO MUCH MORE then just how to seduce. There are some seminars from David D I still watch like the one on “Becoming a Man”, that have almost nothing to do with seduction but are very affective for improving your life. Sure that one DVD in particular is boring as shit to watch, but its jam packed with information you will NEVER find in the normal course of your life. I spent 4 years in college for psychology, watched that one seminar from David D and felt like the entire science of psychology made complete sense to me. In school, I still am confused about why I’m learning 75% of the bs I’m learning. I NEVER got that feeling about the community, EVER. So as long as I live, I will absolutely be a proponent of the Venusian Arts. That is something you can count on. And for the time being, I really need to get back to work on my thesis. I will def be back to check in though.


  10. #50
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    so my friend who lives by this book goes to the mall now stops girls even if they are with thier parents and he does the gay little point and he speaks really slow to get thier attention. and he says really gay things saying i have to know your name cause ur so adorable and weird shit but it works he got 4 out of 5 numbers.

  11. #51
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    man bo, i really have nothing to say. that whole post made me speechless. very deep and very insightfull.

    reading all your posts has really gotten me into psychology. im thinking about having that be my major.

    and your right about the game, its teaching me more about myself and making me a better person than just picking up women. it stops those awkward silences and makes people feel good.

    one of the main things im concerned with, and i think if i read your post correctly is that when i portray myself and my personality, it's not really me. im bs'ing who i am and i don't like being fake. idk im sure many people and add to that previous statement.

    but again thanks for this post, makes a lot of sense and just adds to becoming a more confident and happier person.

  12. #52
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    One more real important thing about game -

    You need to think of game as a technology that is calibrated to a select group of people. How many people do you know are working on windows 95 right now? Hopefully not a lot, the reasons is simple, as our demands change with time, the technology created to address those demands MUST change in order to remain affective.

    A few quick words -
    There is NO universal "highschool game" that works affectively. There is also no real "milf game" that works.
    Game that works on 8s and 9s is VERY different from game that works on 10s. You NEED to disqualify 10s much more then you need to disqualify an 8 as an 8 can get insecure very quickly.
    Also, because 8s and 9s get approached more then 10s, the initial "neg" or disqualification may need to be stronger then usual with a 10s, just with 10s I noticed they require MORE disqualification before they start to qualify.
    8s it can happen quicker.

    Most importantly about age, game is obviously calibrated to younger college aged girls in their prime. If you don't understand the bitch shield concept you MUST watch David Ds seminar on attraction, he talks about for almost a whole hour but it clears up exactly why bitch shields are so effective to address in game.
    If you are dealing with a 16 or 17 year old they are NOT fully socially calibrated, and therefore they are not going to respond the same way a college aged woman will. Try and disqualify a teenypopper and she'll start crying, do it do a sorority chick and she'll be riding the D train in no time.
    Milfs are also not in demand like the younger girls in their early to late 20s. Even though biologically they will respond, there is all sorts of shit that can go wrong if you don't calibrate your method PAST the m3 model or similar. All these sorts of things need to be addressed BEFORE the field.
    For the most part if you start with the m3 model, your targets need to be between 20-28 years old. Those are the girls who are being approached the most in everyday life so thats what the method is calibrate too. Also, noone wants to deal with jailbate issues anyway so stay the eff away from the youngins, its not worth it.

    If you need specific age related models, there are none. But people have attempted less effective revisions of them. All and all if your gaming largely outside that age range, a lot of dynamics are going to change, so use wisely is all I'm saying.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by hero717 View Post
    so my friend who lives by this book goes to the mall now stops girls even if they are with thier parents and he does the gay little point and he speaks really slow to get thier attention. and he says really gay things saying i have to know your name cause ur so adorable and weird shit but it works he got 4 out of 5 numbers.
    Getting numbers really isn't an accomplishment in most cases. Tyler Durden goes over this in his Real Social Dynamics seminar - i listened to the audiobook from it.

    He's a bit of a dikhead but i like the stuff he goes into.

  14. #54
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    Bo...ygpm x2

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by kalspic View Post
    man bo, i really have nothing to say. that whole post made me speechless. very deep and very insightfull.

    reading all your posts has really gotten me into psychology. im thinking about having that be my major.

    and your right about the game, its teaching me more about myself and making me a better person than just picking up women. it stops those awkward silences and makes people feel good.

    one of the main things im concerned with, and i think if i read your post correctly is that when i portray myself and my personality, it's not really me. im bs'ing who i am and i don't like being fake. idk im sure many people and add to that previous statement.

    but again thanks for this post, makes a lot of sense and just adds to becoming a more confident and happier person.
    Yeh this concept confuses the shit out of everyone I don't know what is that does that, I think it really is a concept thats just hard for ME to explain more then anything. Its one of those things that really would be best to copy and paste but this is how I will break it down.

    OK there is YOU, the noninteractive you, the person who just sits there and doesn't say anything. No communication or nothing.

    In that scenario, who is the "real you"?
    Who is the "fake you"?

    Objectively speaking, there is neither. There is the PERCEPTION of you held by you. And there is the PERCEPTION of you held by other people.

    The "real you" in your mind right now, is the you that you were yesterday right? If someone cut you off yesterday and you ignored them, then today someone cut you off again, in congruence to the "real you" you are likely to be passive again.

    I'm trying to refine this into one sentence but you need to think about it like this, the "real you" who didn't engage the guy who passed you yesterday, is actually the "fake you". BECAUSE the YOU we are talking about here, is YOUR PERCEPTION OF YOU.

    And you shouldn't consider it real either.
    Think of it like this, when I was younger I didn't know how to cook, now I'm a bit older and can cook, was I being a "fake me" when I didn't cook, or am I being a "fake me" now that I do cook?

    You see how it works? It really doesn't make sense either way. There is NO real you. There is the "real you" that only you abide by because you are yet to experience a different you.

    It has nothing to do with fake. And fake is a whole nother element on its own. Is a nice guy "being real" to himself? Being nice is the method a nice guy has learned to attain a goal.
    If he wants a woman, "be nice", but guess what? Even in THAT case where a nice guy continues to be the "real him" hes STILL manipulating a woman and being fake.

    How often do you think people REALLY say exactly whats on their mind? A nice guy will see a woman hes attracted to and by her flowers, an asshole might tell that woman upfront to blow him, either way, the nice guy in this situation is technically being more fake then the asshole.

    The "real you" is the you that is always reacting and responding, changing and adapting, not the you that never changes.

    To REALLY make this clear it would be easier to use a diagram but I'll explain it.
    Lets take you with NO SKILLS, NO KNOWLEDGE.

    God (or whoever) puts you on this planet, and you are surrounded by temptation, say for instance women.
    The YOU with no skills looks at the naked woman and says "I want that". What you do next is the important part.

    "How do I get her?" you say to yourself, then you look at the first person who has success with women, not even success you look at the first person who HAS a woman or merely APPEARS to be good with them.

    They outline a behavoir that works for them, you adopt that behavoir, THATS the behavoir you are using now.
    So if you go approach a girl, or if you date a girl, and she leaves you, shes NOT leaving you, this is really just so deep I think is the problem.

    SHE IS LEAVING THE METHOD YOU LEARNED FROM SOME OTHER GUY. You might have watched 3 people and derived your "real you" method collectively.
    Maybe you have a married brother, your father, and a friend who appears to be good with girls.
    You will absorb and model pieces of their individual behavoir, then basically regurgitate that behavoir as the "new real you", so again, when a girl leaves you, shes NEVER leaving you. Shes leaving the BEHAVOIR you learned from someone else.

    That is why when you get into PU, and a girl leaves you, it becomes VERY nonpersonal. So detached in fact that women will wonder if your gay at times. How can you sit in this world and hold yourself accountable as "fake" when you are essentially a representation of EVERY MAN you ever met in your life. To a degree everyone is going to influence how you adopt and change your behavoir as the "real you", and the real you should always be changing, if its not, its not evolving, thats the best way I think I can explain this.

    There is NO you, there is only your behavoir, your body is simply a vessel for that behavoir to occur. A girl can leave you based on your image, but if you evolved enough in the first place, the "real you" would have avoided that. Women ARE superficial don't deny it, but women are much more suceptible to a dominant powerful frame. 2 dominant men may kill each other if they both have strong frames, a women will fvck the both of them. I just want you to understand that biologically women are NOT developed to screen males based on appearance. If you need more reinforcement on this fact "Sperm Wars" will clear that up 100%. (which I think you're reading now right?)
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 02-23-2010 at 11:13 PM.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by makod View Post
    Getting numbers really isn't an accomplishment in most cases. Tyler Durden goes over this in his Real Social Dynamics seminar - i listened to the audiobook from it.

    He's a bit of a dikhead but i like the stuff he goes into.
    HAHA women will give a guy a fake number just to get rid of him. And if you're leaving an interaction the second you get a phone number I hate to say it but your a tool.

    The goal of an interaction isn't digits, sure you need them as a "social bridge" but I've seen guys leave interactions the second they got numbers and the girls weren't even properly attracted.
    If you're not attracting properly 99% of the numbers you get will flake, guaranteed.
    And Tylers great I like him too. He is just a little too gay sounding sometimes with the way he speaks in general

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard;5076***
    Quick story..... well..... kinda long but oh well......

    I was out at a smaller club near me and saw this HHHHOOOOTTTT little barbie. Blonde hair..... flat stomach..... just a perfect body. I swore she had implants but as I later found out.... they were natural

    Anyways..... I was standing near the entrance/exit and saw her walking towards me to go out and smoke. Eyes locked and I leaned to my friend and told him I gotta try and go for her. I made sure I was in a different spot when she walked back in but I was still in her path. I saw her comming and started the "I know important people here" walk. I knew one of the bouncers and the DJ so I made sure to say hello and shake hands..... she was watching.

    About 20 minutes later I was talking with my friend and our eyes locked again. I gave her a quick smile.... almost like a smirk..... and turned my back to her. I wanted to give her the impression that shes not the only woman in the club..... I don't need her. Not even 2 minutes later a guy taps my shoulder and says "My friend wants to meet you....." so I told him if she wants to talk..... tell her to come over and we can dance and talk. She did..... we talked and danced for maybe an hour and then i handed her my phone and said "I'm sorry hun.... I hafta go meet one of my friends - give me your number and i'll give you a call" - she did.....

    Next day I call her around early afternoon and tell her i'm going back to the same place to meet someone and she says she's going back too. So we agree to meet by one of the bars.....

    We got talking for a while and as I sensed she was comfortable I escalated "Kino" - I would start just by putting my hand on her shoulder as we laughed. I'd touch her lower back..... she was definately into it. She then said her drink was empty and that she was going to the bar to get another..... I DID NOT OFFER TO BUY IT FOR HER! This is a nono imho..... So instead..... when she gets back I smile and.....

    I said "You know..... I've only known you for a day and i've learned something about you"
    She says "Oh yeah..... whats that?"
    I said "You're quite rude......" BOY did she shoot me a look.......
    I said "Well.... really. You goto the bar to get a drink..... and you don't even ask if I want one?" (I said it playfuly with a smile)
    She says "Ohhhhh Okay..... you want another beer? I'll get it....."
    I said "Nono.... it's okay. I'm not even halfway done with this one but thank-you. (I put my arm around her waist and pulled her close)

    She laughed and gave me a hug. I then took her to the dance floor..... we were dancing for maybe 2-3 minutes..... I looked into her eyes..... and we kissed. At the end of the night I found myself back at her place..... I wont go much further into detail

    She was one of those girls thats so hot it causes fights...... 2 guys started with me as they tried dancing with her and as we walked out to my car - a car full of guys said they could kick my ass and steal my girl if they wanted LOLOLOLOL as they drove off real quick HAHAHA

    Good stuff there Haz.. That's always funny the dudes talking smack on their way out with the pedal to the metal.

  18. #58
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    ok bo, i think i know what your saying. the"fake you" or me in this case, is only relative to me and after reading some books, you let the "fake and "real" youe be you by letting your subconcious be the determinig factor.

    o yea and about the sperm wars, i downloaded it on my computer and then it crashed. im out of cash for a little while but once i get some dissposible income ill surely buy it.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by kalspic View Post
    ok bo, i think i know what your saying. the"fake you" or me in this case, is only relative to me and after reading some books, you let the "fake and "real" youe be you by letting your subconcious be the determinig factor.

    o yea and about the sperm wars, i downloaded it on my computer and then it crashed. im out of cash for a little while but once i get some dissposible income ill surely buy it.
    Yeh I had to read it twice but I think you got it.

    People who live by that belief will respond to a failed situation by saying "I didn't fail because of who I am, I failed because of what I did". I really just is that simple.

    And you can use subconscious as the determining factor but the subconsious really just moves you to evolves, if ANYTHING, death would be a much better "determining factor".
    If you died today, I could make a statement about the person you were tommorow and be fairly accurate.
    If I knew you were gonna die 30 years from now, that statment would hold little if any truth. The "real you" exists more as something that happened in the past in its ENTIRETY, not just little parts of it. And in active life its always subject to be countered by a NEW real you which is why any "real you" you come up with now has no meaning.
    You may have been bad with women for the first 20 years of your life, but for the last 20 you may have fvcked 500 supermodels. At a eulogy I would def say "kalspic" was a ladies man, but if you ever sat here like your are now trying to tell me the "real you" wasn't good with women, I would NOT be putting up with it.

    Making inferences about the "real you" before you die, often results in you becoming the one thing you feared the most. Thats because people are generally more likely to percieve themselves for their weakness then their strengths, and is also why I don't allow people to make judgements about how the "real them" is.
    You are merely behavoir you have learned till the day you die, when you die you do represent a much better wholeness of who you really were, but at this point in your life there really just is NO real you.

    Focus on behavoir and you will add years to your life not taking everything so damn personal, whether its 100% truth or not, it sure makes more sense to me then any other way I've tried to look at it.
    g/luck now I REALLY am getting back to my paper lol...

  20. #60
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    Great explanations Bo..... damn LOL!

    I think another problem guys have is they catagorize women too high. After my "barbie story weekend" which wasposted above, my friend decided to give some of these techniques a shot. He was targeting HB6's, 7's, 8's but he thought he was targeting HB9's and 10's.

    You have to really understand how to classify a woman. As Bo explained..... you may need to disqualify an HB10 more so than a 9. If you way overshoot it and disqualify a 7 or 8 as you would a 10..... you've really set yourself back and may have hurt her.

    The "Barbie" in my story was about a 9..... an HB10 IMO is 2 times as rare as an 8 or 9. They are definately out there..... but you certainlyaren't going to run into one EVERYTIME you go out.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


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    ok bo one last thing. your posts kept me up till 3:30 thinking about them. so there is no solid "real" you because you are constitanly changing and liking new things. so with your cooking analogy, you got into cooking which in turn became the new "real" you.

    good luck on your thesis. when you finish it if you could pm it that would be awesome!

  22. #62
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    Haz, Bo and Phate I think its really cool of you to donate your time on this thread and be so candid. My hats off to all of you.

  23. #63
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    good read on the beach while stairing at some hot booty and some high beamers, it's what makes the world go round brother.

  24. #64
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    orite going to the movies with this chick. i know shes freaky and keen - she asked me to go and she wanted to go to a cinema thats not crowded. So at some point im going to do the neck grab and hookup with her and possibly get her horny enough and romp her in the cinemas.

    This is only a friend/sex relationship. I havent ****ed her before. Were watching shutter island. Do i hold her hand. If she squesez my hand what do i do? Any good times to make my move?

    I havent been to a movie with a girl since i was in highschool. Iv got great game in bars and clubs but next to no experience in a cinema.

    So i was just wondering on any tips you guys might have. Worst case il just neck grab when i get bored of the movie.

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    Purchased a large tub of popcorn. Cut a hole into the bottom. He he

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by makod View Post
    orite going to the movies with this chick. i know shes freaky and keen - she asked me to go and she wanted to go to a cinema thats not crowded. So at some point im going to do the neck grab and hookup with her and possibly get her horny enough and romp her in the cinemas.

    This is only a friend/sex relationship. I havent ****ed her before. Were watching shutter island. Do i hold her hand. If she squesez my hand what do i do? Any good times to make my move?

    I havent been to a movie with a girl since i was in highschool. Iv got great game in bars and clubs but next to no experience in a cinema.

    So i was just wondering on any tips you guys might have. Worst case il just neck grab when i get bored of the movie.
    kino is really easy to escalate in a cinema, you are both close together for a long period of time, so use kino escalation to increase sexual tension until she can't stand it anymore(if you want a challenge try to escalate the tension to the point where she starts making out with you)

  27. #67
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    On the ball Phate. What about the hand rest - up or down?

  28. #68
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    This book was good.
    I always approached women like the book says, It just helped me tweek my game. I have a girlfriend now so I haven;t been going out and lighting it up. I am considering going out and playing the game again though.

  29. #69
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    when you walk in and sit down start looking around at everything and "notice" the arm rest moves up. move it up and look over at her and say in a playful joking way..."blow job accessible" as the movie goes on and she seems to warm up to you, you can lift it up and put your arm around her. but only as long as you two are connecting. dont make it akward.

  30. #70
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    Don't you think incinuating her to blow me before we even sit down is a bit much? I don't want any feelings in this relationship so I'm worried about creating that by putting my arm around her.

    I think she asked me to go out because she knows me and there's no strings attached. If we **** we have fun and that's it. That's how I want to keep it.


  31. #71
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    thats why you say it jokingly and dont dwell on the subject. you dont need to go on for 10minutes talking about blow jobs. start talking about somthing else. just have it be something to get her to laugh. showcase your personality.

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