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  1. #41
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    but in all seriousness man you neeeed to be proactive in this situation. put all the snitches get stitches shit behind you, you need to do what is best for you, i think you have gotten some great advice. time to do something let us know how it all goes.

  2. #42
    LiftedDuramax2007 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    but in all seriousness man you neeeed to be proactive in this situation. put all the snitches get stitches shit behind you, you need to do what is best for you, i think you have gotten some great advice. time to do something let us know how it all goes.
    I think he just needs to sabatoge the plants, the guy will never know and thatll be the end of it. And if he tries to bring in new plants thats when him and his roommates can stand up and say "no or else"

  3. #43
    number twelve's Avatar
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    im trying my hardest to be mature and think things through...the old me would have done this a lot differently lol

  4. #44
    NC600cbr's Avatar
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    Bad Karma ratting him out.

    With your own illegal substances floating about there are much better ways to handle it. You and the other roommates kick him out, or you move out.

  5. #45
    kalspic's Avatar
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    send dam to sleep on the couch with him in their underware. that'll either scare him out or bring him out of the closet. i think the second one of the two will work. i heard dsm is a Damn Sexy Motherlover

  6. #46
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    It depends where you live but if it was my roommate I'd handle it differently (if I got along with him that is).
    If I didn't like the guy for reasons outside of pot, then thats different and he should leave just for being a bum/scumbag whatever. However, I've been known to like certain people criminals or not, and I would put it like this.
    If you don't like him, kick him out.

    If you like him but the plants are making it hard, then do this.
    Make him understand he has turned YOUR house into a business, and if hes not going to compensate you for the business, (money lol) then you have no LOGICAL REASON to tolerate it.
    "Look bro, I'm not anti-drug but I'm also not some tree huggin hippy, if you're gonna risk me getting thrown in prison while you reap the benefits you must have lost your fvckn mind at some point.
    I've told you before and I'll tell you again, but this is the LAST time I'm telling you. If you wanna be a good daddy to your plants and future seedlings, take them outside and replant them as spring is ending in 4 weeks. Keep all aspects of that shit away from me, or I'm gonna sell every plant you have, keep the money, fvck your mom, and still kick your dumb ass out"

    I have no issue with people growing plants its when they try to profit off it and incrimate you that it becomes a problem. If hes so adamant about doing it, go outside to a nearby field. Otherwise hes essentially turning your crib into a grow house which is SUPREMELY fvcked up.

    It sucks that you get pinned with this role but you gotta do it.
    And to mooses response I already ratted on a pot grower but I was desperate naturally as I was facing a lot of years. The funniest part of all this is the kid who ratted ME out had plants in his house growing the day I was arrested.
    When I told the cops he had plants in his house guess what they said?

    "Oh really, so if we go knock on his door right now we're gonna find a bunch of pot plants?"

    me - "Yes, go look, you'r arresting the wrong person I am not some fvcking kingpin you got it all wrong".
    They laughed and never did shit.

    Thats why when moose says "don't rat" hes not just saying it to be a tough guy. You need to pick a team and stick with it. When you think you are HELPING COPS and HELPING YOURSELF cops will be sneaky little fvcks and wind up filing charges against you.
    Thats why you don't rat.
    You have to understand cops don't play on your team, even if you have no issues with them, they don't give a fvck about you. I did wind up getting "justice" my own way however. Thats what you need to do.
    And when he answers you or says "yeh sure I'll do it next week", when next week comes and those plants are still there, be prepared to do what you have to. If there is ANYTHING you can be sure of in this situation, its that he will def NOT be calling the cops on you. So you can technically use that to your advantage here, you could actually blackmale the fvck out of him if you were smart =].
    But dont sit there and tolerate it, you def need to do something before its too late.
    My business only lasted 9 months before the DEA caught onto it, it does NOT take long trust me. All it takes is for one of those people he sold to to get pinched. Then you can say bye bye to his life and yours, shit happens everyday.

  7. #47
    JJ78 is offline Senior Member
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    Penalties are usually 5-10 times worse if you live within 1500 feet of a school.
    And it sounds like you live on campus.
    Go to and it will tell you state by state laws.

  8. #48
    JJ78 is offline Senior Member
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    1,524 sorry

  9. #49
    number twelve's Avatar
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    he left a note he said it will be out by tomorrow and he is really sorry for making me uncomfortable in my own well see if its gone by tomorrow.

    i am glad it worked out like this. there was no way i could have brought myself to rat him out

  10. #50
    NVR2BIG1 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve View Post
    he left a note he said it will be out by tomorrow and he is really sorry for making me uncomfortable in my own well see if its gone by tomorrow.

    i am glad it worked out like this. there was no way i could have brought myself to rat him out
    glad to hear that, no sense in ratting the guy out and ****ing up his future if you dont have to. He may wise up after reading your note

  11. #51
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Is it tomorrow yet? LOL

  12. #52
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    And whats the deal with this kid you live with him? How old is he I'm curious? I don't understand how you wind up tolerating an issue like this to begin.

    The first day I found out I very well could of punched him in the face, you had every right in the world as he handed it to you on silver platter. That would have solved it in 1 second the first day. If he tried to fight his response could be slow depending on how much he tokes (moosesafe language lol) but either youd just blackmale him and use psychology. "I'll tell your mom" (he sounds young and a threat rat doesnt count as ratting imo) its juvenile but just use whatever would matter to him.
    Tell him to start doing oxies then take him to the gym. NO I'm JOKING that would be unethical. Crack is much cheaper.

  13. #53
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    moosesafe language......thats just funny....

  14. #54
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve View Post
    long story roommate who was a random assignment is growing some illegal plants in his room...he has the whole set up - lights and everything. it has been going on for a few months now, he always has sketchy ppl coming in and out of our apt... we have talked to him about it and he assured us it would get removed asap...that was about 2 months ago.

    in addition to us all getting arrested for aiding charges...i dont wanna get robbed... and he is running up our utility bill and he sleeps on our brand new couch every night in his ****ing underwear and leaves the TV blasting, and even worse lately he is leaving bud everywhere all over our coffee table and shit. its very disrespectful and im at my whits end to not strangle him...

    I really want to alert my landlord about this...but at the same time, i have used gear in the past, and my friend comes by for me to jab him every week.. but i just feel like it would be bad karma to rat him out...

    what would u guys do?


    DO NOT rat him out..... you can settle this in many other ways.. Just imagine the kind of BS he will have to go through if you ratted him out if he didn't have a license to grow... (if he's in ca and has a license it's pretty much legal by the state not feds though) if you guys aren't cool with it just tell him it's time for him to find a new place to live.... give him a 1-2 month notice and try to just be as civil and cool as you can. It's so much better on both parties to just resolve things between you two and move on from there. Just let him know you can't have him sleeping on the couch each night... he can't leave bud around all the time and shut the ****ing t.v. off.... gotta speak up but i know it's hard sometimes.. I need to take my own advice. GL!

  15. #55
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    cmon man, give him 1-2 month notice while he is risking all roomates becoming felons..
    makes no sense.

    deal with this shit now or stop crying about it. ur in college so u have some sense, let this continue and u will go to the real college....

  16. #56
    energizer bunny's Avatar
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    on a side note my mate got busted the other day, day b4 geting rid of all the gear! now hes up shit creek...........not worth the hasel mate, if your not getting any benifit out of it i.e cash or high then tell him to fuk off!

    tho my mates have an agreement if he gets busted as he did, he takes all the blame...easy if you can trust him...

  17. #57
    Diary of a Mad-man's Avatar
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    I can see it your point of view, and I understand the pothead perspective fully. Different strokes for different folks. Put your differences aside though. Its a matter of Karma.

    Would YOU like to go to jail for what you feel you have the god given right to do? He doesnt either......


    he is disrespecting you should tell him matter of fact-ly to get the **** out because you dont want to go to jail. Tell him he is disrespecting you, so its time for HIM to get dissed.

    Smoking pot is as big a deal as you pinning a friend. Growing pot is dumb as **** however.

  18. #58
    number twelve's Avatar
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    in case you were wondering he got rid of i guess leaving the note was a good idea

  19. #59
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve View Post
    in case you were wondering he got rid of i guess leaving the note was a good idea
    Good to hear. Make sure he knows and respects your boundaries now.

  20. #60
    EXSEAL1 is offline Banned
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    Snitch's get stitch's brother.... NEVER RAT...Wait till the weed is ready and rob his ass...JKJKJKJKJk just kick him out men you dont need that jail time

  21. #61
    paulzane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve View Post
    in case you were wondering he got rid of i guess leaving the note was a good idea
    Good .... all you need to do is strangle him now for the aggro he caused you!

  22. #62
    brad1986's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NVR2BIG1 View Post
    who's name is on the lease bro? If your name is not on the lease just leave. When it comes to your well being, your record, your future, **** friends in that situation, make new ones
    thsi guy is a genuine ignorant P.O.S who prob doesnt have very solid freinds himself. plus you last quote was audatious. Ive smoke pot all my life and have gotten farther than alot of poeple i know that dont smoke so miss me with your bullsh!t

  23. #63
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    u must o been high when u bumped the old broski

  24. #64
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    hahahha, what you at brad?!

  25. #65
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    haha didnt realize how old that was. sorry for my lame ass rant on a year old thread.
    dec 11- what do you mean by "what you at?" lol

  26. #66
    PK-V's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    and send me the evidence.

    Also what sort of momo growing weed doesn't by pass the mains

    And why would you agree to pin him?

    Edit: fuck you brad!

  27. #67
    JiveTurkey01 is offline New Member
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    What does bypass the mains mean?

    And now that a thread has been bumped from the iceage might as well figure out how it ended. Assuming the cops threw his ass in jail then smoked it all.. like always.

  28. #68
    number twelve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brad1986 View Post
    thsi guy is a genuine ignorant P.O.S who prob doesnt have very solid freinds himself. plus you last quote was audatious. Ive smoke pot all my life and have gotten farther than alot of poeple i know that dont smoke so miss me with your bullsh!t
    are you saying I am the ignorant one?

  29. #69
    number twelve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiveTurkey01 View Post
    What does bypass the mains mean?

    And now that a thread has been bumped from the iceage might as well figure out how it ended. Assuming the cops threw his ass in jail then smoked it all.. like always.
    long story short he got rid of everything. I didnt have any grounds to have him evicted without diming him out to the cops, so I made an agreement with one of his friends to take over my lease. It worked out perfectly since I took an internship in another city for 6 months and my bedroom would have been empty anyway.

  30. #70
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    props for not snitching.

  31. #71
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    X2 what he said ^^^^^^ Pigs love it when we all turn on each other . It just makes their jobs that much easier when they get the call while eating at Duncun donuts for free. Pigs are gonna Pig Out...

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve View Post
    are you saying I am the ignorant one?
    nvr2big1 is who i was refering to... thats who i quoted

  33. #73
    brad1986's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PK-V View Post

    Also what sort of momo growing weed doesn't by pass the mains

    And why would you agree to pin him?

    Edit: fuck you brad!
    lol whoa pk.....dont be hatin

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiveTurkey01 View Post
    What does bypass the mains mean?

    And now that a thread has been bumped from the iceage might as well figure out how it ended. Assuming the cops threw his ass in jail then smoked it all.. like always.

    If your using a dirt load of lamps to grow your green it makes sense to bypass the mains aka connecting to the main electricity cable outside the electricity box that counts the units which calculates your bill

    Quote Originally Posted by brad1986 View Post
    lol whoa pk.....dont be hatin

  35. #75
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    looks like pk is veteren grower!! lol. I like doing the green house personally. cheaper on electricity and get the quality with Sorry if i just broke the rules there

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by PK-V View Post
    If your using a dirt load of lamps to grow your green it makes sense to bypass the mains aka connecting to the main electricity cable outside the electricity box that counts the units which calculates your bill

    lmfao! hahaha i lol'd so hard when i saw that

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by brad1986 View Post
    haha didnt realize how old that was. sorry for my lame ass rant on a year old thread.
    dec 11- what do you mean by "what you at?" lol
    irish for what the hell are you doing? lol

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by D-BOI View Post
    kick him out after he has pulled..therefore he will have coin and no excuses..never rat,mite get yourself beat at the very least.
    Whoa, I almost missed you there...Hi Bo..

  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Whoa, I almost missed you there...Hi Bo..
    isnt he still alive as the jiveturkey username?

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    isnt he still alive as the jiveturkey username?
    He's the jiveturkey using many user

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